December 14th, 2015 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Review & Decisions
Campaigns Status
2016 Campaign
2016 Campaign Plan & Task Status
- Setup simple page for people to volunteer to be regional organizers / candidates / supporters (jokeefe)
- Post videos on:
- why run
- planning your campaign
- how to get on the ballot
- how to gather signatures
- Identify allies
- Identify potential organizers among members and allies
- Email our supporters to ask for candidates and regional organizers
H.2487 & H.2606 Video Game Production Subsidy
- Working on another site (jokeefe)
- Meme images?
- Vote this week, we hear
Event Planning
- 12/16, 6pm, FSF's 2015 Giving Guide Giveaway, Davis Sq., Somerville
- 12/19, 1pm, Chelsea Manning Birthday, Boston Common
- January, Fundraiser
- June, PirateCon 2016
Upcoming Events
- 12/16, 6pm, FSF's 2015 Giving Guide Giveaway, Davis Sq., Somerville
- 12/19, 1pm, Chelsea Manning Birthday, Boston Common
- 12/19, 3-5pm, 2016 Campaign Planning Meeting, Pizzeria Regina, 353 Cambridge St, Allston
- 12/30, 6-9pm, Crypto Party, Parts & Crafts, 577 Somerville Ave, Somerville
- 1/16, 4pm, Arisia Cryptoparty
Every Wed., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
- aquaticonions (Eli Haber, Lexington)
- Kendra (Kendra Moyer, in highland Park, Michigan)
- igel
- davidd
- Pharyngeal
- zby
Campaign planning. 2016 Campaign Plan & Task Status is the big to-do list. In the short term, we're going to contact some other groups, and talk about coalition building. jokeefe will contact greens; aquaticonions will contact UIP.
H.2487 & H.2606 Video Game Production Subsidy. jokeefe working on a simple campaign website.
Event planning. Ben planning to attend FSF event on 12/16. Steve planning to attend Chelsea Manning birthday rally on Boston Common (12/19).
Good turnout for last Saturday's Climate rallies (1-2 thousand or so).
21:01 < jokeefe> ahoy 21:01 < srevilak> hi all 21:02 < aquaticonions> ahoy 21:02 < jokeefe> Agenda:,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:03 < Kendra> Hi 21:04 < jokeefe> hi 21:04 < jokeefe> ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:04 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA 21:05 < aquaticonions> Eli Haber, Lexington 21:05 < Kendra> Kendra Moyer, in highland Park, Michigan 21:06 < jokeefe> anything to add to the agenda? 21:07 < Kendra> I have some edits I forget to add on one article so I may have to reload the pdf of the newsletter. I alredy applied the new edits and waanted to make sure i put up a clean version, but not sure about naming the file. 21:08 < srevilak> Kendra: use the same name, upload to same wiki File: page where you put the last one 21:08 < srevilak> Given the same name, wiki will just version the documents 21:08 < jokeefe> thanks 21:08 < jokeefe> Campaigns Status 21:08 < jokeefe> 2016 Campaign 21:09 < Kendra> ok thanks 21:09 < jokeefe> I put the campaign plan tasks up on the wiki at 21:09 < jokeefe> The most immediate tasks are at:,_2015_IRC_Meeting#2016_Campaign 21:10 < jokeefe> Will talk with JoeT about the videos 21:11 < aquaticonions> I think we should make working with other 3rd parties/maybe even forming a formal coalition a higher priority 21:12 < jokeefe> Identify potential organizers among members and allies is on the list 21:13 < jokeefe> reaching out to our own people is pretty important. Do you want to contact some of them? 21:13 < aquaticonions> I know; it just seems like we're too focused on ourselves when the best way to make a big difference in the Mass "democracy" is to work together much more closely with other groups 21:15 < igel> yaar, 21:15 < igel> william fleurant, arlington ma 21:15 < jokeefe> I hear you, but aquaticonions, but we also need to organize ourselves or we have nothing to offer any alliance 21:15 < igel> hit/miss right now, got in late afk.. 21:15 < jokeefe> ahoy igel 21:15 < igel> lo 21:17 < Kendra> We have done some activities in the past, for example endorsing and promoting Seamus Heaney as a Socialist Alternative candidate for Boston City Council. I am not sure what 3rd parties are doing right now as far as next year, but it was a good collaboration at the time 21:17 < jokeefe> Kendra, do you have contacts with SA? 21:18 < Kendra> I will say that all of these groups have their differences, so you are often gambling with your time if there are not a lot of share values 21:18 < jokeefe> I can email the Greens 21:18 < aquaticonions> Absolutely. We need to stay organized within ourselves, but the Mass political climate makes it literally impossible for small movements to gain any real traction. If we want to ultimately do anything big in the long term, we have to make ourselves heard so we can "fix democracy first" a la Lessig and go from there, and it seems like we aren't prioritizing that enough 21:19 < Kendra> I do have contact with SA, on person named Jack Zhang who I talked to ata Bernie Sanders event at Wicked Pete's. They are wanting to keep in touch and work on common stuff 21:19 < jokeefe> Would you reach out to them, Kendra? 21:19 < aquaticonions> We literally don't need to agree with other small parties on anything substantive, because we know that they will agree with legislation that makes it easier for small parties to gain traction, and we have agreement there 21:19 < Kendra> i can get you guys in touch though, they got Khrswama Sawant reelected city council in Seattle 21:20 < jokeefe> yes 21:20 < jokeefe> thank you 21:20 < jokeefe> aquaticonions, do you want to contact United Independents? 21:20 < aquaticonions> Absolutely 21:21 < jokeefe> ok, will email you contact info 21:21 < aquaticonions> I'm friends with the founder's niece 21:21 < Kendra> Eli, I was saying that the outreach can be done as time permits. There are events around the debates and things that are opportunities for conversation and outreach 21:21 < jokeefe> if you want them 21:21 < aquaticonions> Yes, I would love to contact them 21:23 < jokeefe> thanks 21:23 < Kendra> What other 3rd parties are active in Mass? 21:23 < jokeefe> Libertarians 21:23 < aquaticonions> republicans lol 21:24 < Kendra> Are the greens running anyone we know of? 21:24 < jokeefe> haven’t looked 21:24 < srevilak> 21:24 < srevilak> ( has actually been getting referrals from that page) 21:25 < jokeefe> aye 21:26 < jokeefe> Any of one up for one of the tasks on the list? 21:26 < Kendra> We should be going to events where they publicly broadcast the debates and talk to people there. I think Bil Lewis is hooked into the Bernie Sanders stuff. 21:26 < Kendra> and JP 21:27 < jokeefe> good point 21:28 < Kendra> I am not sure if that constitutes highjacking though, if approached correctly. People were complaining about SA at Bernie sanders stuff. I have not seen a way to avoid that though. 21:28 < Kendra> complaining that is, or SA showing up. 21:28 < srevilak> Over the next few weeks, I'm stretched pretty thin with MAAP, MF/PL, and the town of Arlington. Can at least try to pen an article or two (why run) 21:28 < srevilak> s/MAAP/MAAPL/ 21:29 < Kendra> I can probably help out with that, I have some time 21:29 < jokeefe> thanks to you both 21:30 < jokeefe> Moving on to H.2487 & H.2606 Video Game Production Subsidy 21:31 < jokeefe> working on a simple site. need meme images. 21:33 < jokeefe> CISA - Vote this week, I hear 21:36 < Kendra> Are there any last minute call in campaigns to legislators, or is it too soon to know when they are voting? 21:37 < jokeefe> cannot hurt. at least four reps voted for it 21:37 < jokeefe> from ma 21:38 < jokeefe> Event Planning 21:38 < jokeefe> I know Ben will be at 12/16, 6pm, FSF's 2015 Giving Guide Giveaway, Davis Sq., Somerville 21:39 < jokeefe> Anyone else? 21:40 * srevilak has prior commitment that evening 21:40 < jokeefe> I hope to make it if only for a little time. 21:41 < jokeefe> Anyone available for 12/19, 1pm, Chelsea Manning Birthday, Boston Common ? 21:41 < srevilak> I can do that (before heading over to IPM in Allston) 21:41 < jokeefe> thanks, looking for others 21:41 < srevilak> If one person can join me, we can hold a banner :) 21:41 < jokeefe> I hope to as well. 21:42 < jokeefe> BTW: how did the climate rallies go? 21:42 < Kendra> I will be in town later in the month. Are we putting these eventso on act-ma or anywhere else? 21:42 < srevilak> 1-2k people. Very nice turnout. Didn't see any other MAPP folks there 21:42 < jokeefe> which ones, Kendra? 21:43 < Kendra> Chelsea manning bday 21:43 < jokeefe> srevilak, sounds like a great turnout. 21:43 < jokeefe> I think the VfP is putting it out 21:46 < igel> cool nah going to hamburg 21:46 < Kendra> Any other events? 21:46 < jokeefe> nice. 21:46 < jokeefe> Friday, 1/1/2016 is the 10th anniversary of the formation of the Pirate Party. Anyone up for a party? 21:47 < Kendra> I will be around, it sounds like a plan 21:47 < srevilak> I'm game 21:47 < Kendra> Maybe for New years if people aren't booked 21:48 < jokeefe> 1/1 misses the new years eve festivities 21:49 < jokeefe> dinner? lunch? not sure we have time to organize a fundraiser 21:50 < srevilak> I vote for lunch 21:50 < jokeefe> other suggestions? 21:51 < Kendra> lunch is ok. Could we do a digital fundraiser and email people? 21:51 < jokeefe> yes 21:51 < jokeefe> where? 21:54 < srevilak> Some place that's open on new years day :) 21:54 < Kendra> Might want to see who is interested in attending and make it central 21:54 < Kendra> But that is also a consideration. could also make lunch at someone's house 21:55 < Kendra> Might be hard to get the young folks out that early after new years, might call it brunch 21:56 < jokeefe> will check what will be open. We can setup an event in civicrm 21:59 < jokeefe> we are at time 21:59 < Kendra> motion to adjourn 21:59 < jokeefe> 2nd 21:59 < jokeefe> all in favor? 21:59 < Kendra> aye 22:00 < aquaticonions> aye 22:00 < jokeefe> aye 22:00 < Kendra> nite all 22:01 < aquaticonions> gute nacht 22:01 < srevilak> will post transcript 22:01 < jokeefe> thanks all 22:01 < jokeefe> thanks