August 22nd, 2017 IRC Meeting

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8/19 Rallies



8/26 Pirate Picnic


  • 11am-noon: food and training;
  • noon-2:00pm: map cameras;
  • 2:00pm-3:00pm: come back and debrief.

Planning Pad

To Do:

  • blog post
  • email
  • Facebook event
  • Email act-ma
  • Post to other event listings
  • call members (jokeefe, Malt, Joe, Matt, Aaron)
  • write how-tos
  • post press release

Possible picnic in Boston area or Worcester on 9/30.

Freedom Rally Planning

Planning doc:


Planning for 2018 Elections

Other To Dos

S.1241 - Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017

Approved our opposition to S.1241. Need statement (Joe)

FOSS Tutorials

Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:

  • how to do basic labels in GIMP,
  • work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
  • similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group

Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.


  • Review regular IRC meeting day. Poll sent to email list - Sent (jokeefe)
  • email Loomio invite to supporters (jokeefe)
  • set up torrents for PirateCon videos (creynolds)
  • post remaining audio for PirateCon talks (srevilak)
  • finish setup of myBB (jokeefe)
  • install mattermost as slack alternative (jokeefe)

Mayfirst is looking at setting up a Discourse instance we could use.

Upcoming Events

  • 8/26, noon-3:30pm, Pirate Picnic/Surveillance Camera Mapping Outing, Boston Common, Boston
  • 8/30, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville
  • 9/15-17, Freedom Rally, Sign Up Form
  • 9/19, International Talk Like a Pirate Day
  • 9/27, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville
  • Fundraiser
  • 10/4, Wikileaks' 10th Birthday Party
  • 10/25, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville
  • 11/4, 11am-2pm, South Boston Cryptoparty, South Boston BPL Branch, 646 East Broadway
  • 11/8, City Election Day
  • 11/11-12, Boston Anarchist Bookfair, Boston University George Sherman Union
  • 11/29, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville
  • 12/17, Chelsea Manning's Birthday
  • 12/27, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville

See: 2017 calendar


  • jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Somerville
  • Joe: Joseph Onoroski, Lowell MA
  • Malt/Malt_: Sam Capradae, Worcester MA
  • admech: Matt Fealy, Boston


  • davidd
  • igel
  • hvxgr
  • Fatbag/Fatbag_
  • papegaai


8/19 Rallies

45,000+ attended. Festive environment. Handing out cookies and flyers went well. More in the minutes.

8/19 Pirate Picnic

Went through the Planning Pad and updated it. Will ask attendees to also sign up for things. Possible idea of either selling brownies or taking up a collection.

Freedom Rally

Updated the Planning Pad. Will email list asking more people to sign up for things.


Joe suggested a number of ideas:

Malt will pull together some possible future events and send it to the list.



[8:46pm] admech joined the chat room.
[8:46pm] jokeefe: ahoy
[8:46pm] admech: ahoy
[8:51pm] jokeefe: how was your time at the rally/march?
[8:53pm] admech: Arrived with the main body of the march, managed to be on the Common in the window between the two times the cops got aggressive.
[8:55pm] admech: I heard you had cookies.
[8:58pm] admech: Oh, and we met both the guy with the "Nazis suck" sheetcake and Vermin Supreme.
[8:58pm] Malt joined the chat room.
[8:59pm] admech:  I had a very entertaining and educational afternoon of copspotting and got to educate some people about the BRIC and the local surveillance apparatus in general.
[8:59pm] jokeefe: I think everyone met the Nazis suck sheetcake guy. I know we did.
[8:59pm] jokeefe: Ahoy, Malt
[8:59pm] jokeefe: Good for you admech
[8:59pm] admech: How were things on your end?
[9:00pm] Joe joined the chat room.
[9:00pm] Joe: Ahoy!
[9:01pm] Malt: sorry
[9:01pm] Malt: cooking
[9:01pm] Malt: gonna be in and out unpredictably
[9:01pm] jokeefe: It went well. We met people. Handed out cookies and flyers.
[9:01pm] jokeefe: thanks for the update, Malt
[9:02pm] Malt: i had fun!
[9:02pm] Malt: took a selfie with Vermin Supreme
[9:02pm] Malt: seen a lot of coverage of that W.I.T.C.H coven we were adjacent to
[9:03pm] Joe: Sad I missed it
[9:04pm] jokeefe: lets start
[9:04pm] jokeefe: agenda:,_2017_IRC_Meeting
[9:04pm] papegaai: Title: August 22nd, 2017 IRC Meeting - Mass Pirate Wiki (at
[9:04pm] jokeefe: ids
[9:04pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Somerville
[9:04pm] Joe: Joseph Onoroski Lowell
[9:04pm] admech: Matt Fealy, Boston
[9:04pm] Malt: Sam Capradae, Worcester
[9:05pm] jokeefe: Review: 9/19 Rally
[9:07pm] jokeefe: We were in the space between the State House and the bandstand
[9:07pm] jokeefe: It was a very festive environment
[9:08pm] jokeefe: The cookies were well received
[9:09pm] jokeefe: and we passed out a lot of flyers
[9:09pm] Malt: It seemed like a lot of groups were interested in our upcoming events
[9:10pm] Malt: especially the cryptoparty, some followup messages to event organizers and other attendant groups might go far
[9:11pm] jokeefe: Agreed.
[9:11pm] admech: Glad to hear that.
[9:11pm] jokeefe: Lets review the list over email and reach out to people
[9:12pm] Malt: sure!
[9:12pm] jokeefe: Ok, to include everyone’s notes from earlier in the conversation?
[9:13pm] admech: That's fine.
[9:14pm] jokeefe: Projects - 8/19 Pirate Picnic
[9:15pm] jokeefe: Wanted to see what people can bring:
[9:15pm] Malt_ joined the chat room.
[9:15pm] Malt_: howwww many times am i going to forget to not close the laptop lid tonight, lets count.
[9:16pm] Joe: 1
[9:16pm] jokeefe: lol
[9:16pm] Malt left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[9:17pm] jokeefe: So whatever you can bring, please update the shared document
[9:17pm] admech: ^2
[9:17pm] Joe: lol
[9:17pm] Malt_: For the freedom rally?
[9:17pm] jokeefe: for Saturday
[9:17pm] jokeefe: for the picnic
[9:17pm] Joe: The picnic bro
[9:17pm] Malt_: wwwwhooops
[9:17pm] Joe: ^
[9:18pm] Malt_: I missed, what were we looking for?
[9:19pm] Joe: updating the shared document
[9:19pm] jokeefe: just what we are bringing to the picnic
[9:19pm] admech:
[9:21pm] Joe: I'll take the paper stuff since
[9:21pm] jokeefe: thanks
[9:21pm] Joe: I'll be taking the train in.
[9:21pm] Joe: no worries
[9:24pm] jokeefe: I will email the people who have said they will be there and see what they can bring
[9:24pm] jokeefe: Freedom Rally Planning
[9:25pm] jokeefe: Pirate Pad is at
[9:28pm] Joe: O look, a bird!
[9:29pm] Joe: We are an easily distracted lot, no?
[9:29pm] jokeefe: updating pad 
[9:29pm] Joe:
[9:33pm] Malt_: Need to go physically pick up the tent
[9:33pm] jokeefe: thanks
[9:33pm] jokeefe: Would someone email the list asking who could take on different tasks listed in ?
[9:34pm] Joe: As an in-kind contribution, I'm having a crew step up the freedom event and take it down.
[9:36pm] Joe: if that is acceptable.
[9:36pm] jokeefe: Would be best to get volunteers, so lets hold off on that until we know who can help
[9:37pm] jokeefe: When would you need to know by?
[9:37pm] Joe: One of my guys said he would do it just to go, lol
[9:38pm] jokeefe: volunteers are volunteers. It is a fun event.
[9:38pm] Joe: Well, if we are bringing a generator, I would want my crew on it.
[9:38pm] Joe: I can make changes last minute, they are used to it.
[9:38pm] jokeefe: Understandable
[9:41pm] Joe: I will present them with the option but if we are stuck then it's still a good deal.
[9:41pm] jokeefe: ok
[9:41pm] Joe: Would they have free access to the event?
[9:41pm] jokeefe: The event is free
[9:41pm] Malt_: gonna go get the awning tomorrow
[9:41pm] jokeefe: Cool. Thanks
[9:42pm] Joe: I have not had a chance to go to one, so this is new to me.
[9:42pm] jokeefe: Vendors and others with a table pay, Joe
[9:43pm] Malt_: is there usually a heavy police presence?
[9:43pm] jokeefe: Not in riot gear, but yes
[9:43pm] Malt_: in Amherst the cops swaaarm the area outside the event
[9:44pm] jokeefe: Is less than it was
[9:45pm] jokeefe: Shall we move on to fundraising?
[9:46pm] admech: Sure
[9:47pm] jokeefe: Joe, you have some ideas?
[9:47pm] Joe: Yes sir
[9:48pm] Joe: I have been looking in to this matter for a bit and there are a few ways in which we can raise our funds.
[9:49pm] Joe: The most common way is through events, like the Cryptoparty or rallys
[9:49pm] Joe: Another way to raise money and my personal favorite is via an auction
[9:50pm] jokeefe: We could do it on-line
[9:50pm] jokeefe: Ask people to donate items
[9:50pm] Joe: Such as making a very secure computer.
[9:51pm] Joe: Yes, we could do in-kind contributions and then turn around and sell them so we have hard cash to do more events.
[9:51pm] jokeefe: Yes
[9:51pm] Joe: Another option is doing drives, such as can drives or door to door drives.
[9:52pm] Joe: So when I hit the streets of Boston for a campaign, asking them to donate does not hurt either.
[9:52pm] Joe: I = we
[9:52pm] Malt_: our numbers are small enough that D2D might be a bit of an effort sink
[9:52pm] Malt_: hosting events, community building might be a more advantageous tactic
[9:53pm] jokeefe: Would be good for candidates, though
[9:53pm] Malt_: true, yes
[9:53pm] Malt_: i was thinking for fundraising though
[9:53pm] Joe: Yeah, but it's still an option. A door to door may get us more people behind us as well.
[9:53pm] Malt_: i;ve not had luck going door to door for fundraising
[9:53pm] Malt_: for event turnout and voter stuff, absolutely
[9:53pm] Joe: I agree sir, it's not the best option
[9:54pm] Joe: but it's an option
[9:54pm] Malt_: true
[9:54pm] Joe: I think holding an auction for silly things may work as well
[9:54pm] jokeefe: Would you write up the options and share them to the list?
[9:54pm] Malt_: i'd like to focus more on events which are also outreach, like events
[9:54pm] Malt_: uh, like the cryptoparty
[9:54pm] Joe: I'm sure more creative people than me could think of a few
[9:55pm] jokeefe:
[9:55pm] papegaai: Title: WeBid Support (at
[9:55pm] jokeefe:
[9:55pm] papegaai: Title: BidHub - Free, Open Source Silent Auction App (at
[9:55pm] Malt_: i'll pull together some possible future events and send it to the list
[9:55pm] jokeefe: thanks
[9:56pm] Joe: Those are the main staples of fund raising and everything else is a kind of off shoot of those, such as bake sales
[9:56pm] Joe: For the picnic, we could have a bake sale there as well
[9:56pm] Joe: If someone is willing to make brownies!
[9:58pm] Joe: I have a lockbox I can loan to the party.
[9:58pm] jokeefe: We could take a collection too
[9:59pm] Fatbag_ joined the chat room.
[9:59pm] jokeefe: Thanks
[9:59pm] jokeefe: Joe
[10:00pm] jokeefe: We are at time. Shall we adjourn?
[10:01pm] admech: Seconded.
[10:01pm] jokeefe: all in favor?
[10:01pm] Joe: Aye
[10:02pm] Fatbag left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[10:03pm] jokeefe: Aye
[10:03pm] Malt_: aye
[10:03pm] jokeefe: Have a good night everyone. Talk with you later on the list
[10:03pm] Malt_: night!
[10:03pm] Malt_ left the chat room. (Quit: Web client closed)
[10:04pm] admech: Night,
[10:04pm] admech left the chat room. (Quit: Web client closed)
[10:04pm] Joe: night everyone!
[10:04pm] Joe left the chat room. (Quit: Web client closed)