January 23rd, 2019 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Define issue: Building Individual Autonomy and Control
Goals for Q1:
- Organize meetups
- Organize Fundraiser(s)
- Organize candidate trainings
- Revise platform
Boston Sex Worker Petition
Regional Meetings
Election Campaigns
Update Platform
Video Newsletter
- find discussion/voting system
- update blog theme
- update civicrm software
- set up torrents for PirateCon videos (creynolds)
- post remaining audio for PirateCon talks (srevilak)
Mesh Net
CCTV camera map
Other To Dos
These have been on our agenda for a long time. How do we make them a reality?
Computer Donations
On hold - https://piratenpad.de/p/MassPiratesComputerDonations
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
Upcoming Events
- 1/29, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Industry Lab, 288 Norfolk St, Cambridge
- ChanServ
- hvxgr
- davidd
- Mikaela_Suomalainen
- bonelesspepsi[m]