April 19th, 2022 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Planks: https://github.com/masspirates/planks
What we are working on now:
Leader: Malt
What topics should we discuss Saturday?
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming Events
- Pirate Moot, Sat., April 23rd, noon-2pm
- XR Boston Earth Day Protest, April 22nd
- Free the Vaccine Protest, April 28th
- Democracy Meeting, Sat., May ?, 11am-1pm
- Pirate Moot, Sat., May 28th, noon-2pm, Joe's place
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- malt (sam capradae, worcester)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell MA)
- davidd
- hvxgr
- slerman
- We'll add a Promoting Art and Creativity plank. Perhaps called Art is for Everyone.
Pirate Moot
- Scheduled for Saturday at noon.
21:04 <~jokeefe> Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/April_19th,_2022_IRC_Meeting 21:04 <~jokeefe> ids 21:04 <~jokeefe> Anything to add? 21:04 < srevilak> nothing to add 21:05 <~jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:07 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:07 <~jokeefe> Decisions/Endorsements 21:07 <~jokeefe> Platform 21:09 < malt> hi everyone 21:09 < malt> sam capradae, worcester 21:09 <~jokeefe> ahoy 21:09 <~jokeefe> working on platform 21:09 < malt> sorry for the delay 21:10 <~jokeefe> no worries 21:10 < srevilak> looking at https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPCompetitionPlank 21:10 < srevilak> Though perhaps it should be called the capitalism plank rather than the competition plank 21:11 < malt> that might work 21:13 <~jokeefe> Sounds fine. 21:14 <~jokeefe> What about adding a Promoting Art and Creativity plank? 21:15 < malt> I like it! 21:16 <~jokeefe> or Art is for Everyone! 21:27 <~jokeefe> next topic we can work on, then 21:28 < malt> Art is for Everyone is a fantastic title 21:29 <~jokeefe> https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPArtisforEveryone! 21:30 < srevilak> Hi Joe 21:30 < Joe> Hi 21:30 < Joe> Sryfor late 21:31 <~jokeefe> ahoy Joe 21:31 < Joe> Art is the handmaid for all that is good - Lowell, MA 21:32 < Joe> Still adjusting to the new schedule 21:34 <~jokeefe> We are still good for Saturday’s Pirate Moot? 21:34 < srevilak> I may be late (town thing in the morning) 21:35 <~jokeefe> understandable 21:35 <~jokeefe> Still good for pirate news on Sunday? 21:36 < srevilak> Yes 21:36 < Joe> I will be unable to attend anything this weekend, including the moot or news. 21:36 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell MA 21:37 <~jokeefe> good things I hope 21:38 < Joe> I am currently in eyeballs deep legal proceedings. As much as I would like to discuss and share, my lawyer would probably be upset with me for it. 21:38 < srevilak> say no more 21:38 < Joe> All civil matters 21:39 <~jokeefe> silence is advisable 21:40 < Joe> I will be happy to share when things are done. That said, only next weekend am I taken up. 21:40 < malt> I will try to make the moot but i think i have a housewarming party 21:40 < srevilak> In some contexts, nothing beats STFU 21:40 < Joe> That said, only next weekend I am unavailable. 21:41 < Joe> Silence is golden is an old rule. 21:45 <~jokeefe> thanks for edits to https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPArtisforEveryone! 21:45 < Joe> O, said the same thing twice. 21:46 < malt> i'm trying to think of what else i can add 21:46 < Joe> Yeah, that was me doing that. Please feel free to completely change it. 21:48 <~jokeefe> That is all I have. Anything else to add? 21:49 < srevilak> Nothing here 21:51 <~jokeefe> Shall we adjourn, then? 21:52 < srevilak> motion to adjourn 21:52 <~jokeefe> 2nd 21:53 <~jokeefe> all in favor? 21:53 <~jokeefe> aye 21:54 < malt> aye 21:54 < srevilak> aye 21:54 < srevilak> will post transcript