February 13th, 2025 Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Meeting to be held via video conference: https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/mass-pirates-member-meeting/
Recording: https://youtu.be/yelVnQtXNEA
Federal Administrative Coup
What to do?
Other bills to review
- S15 - Proposed joint rules - Make conference committees open to the public unless majority wants it to be an executive meeting and thus not open to the public.
- Location Shield Act (SD 501/HD2965)
- An Act relative to unregulated face recognition and emerging biometric surveillance technologies (HD2726)
- An Act establishing a moratorium on face recognition and other remote biometric surveillance systems (SD671)
- An Act relative to unmanned aerial systems (HD2542)
- An Act relative to protecting Massachusetts residents against federal government surveillance (HD4038)
- Dignity Not Deportations Act (HD3596/SD1107)
- Civil Asset Forfeiture reform (HD2971)
- Right to Repair (SD 732, HD 397, HD 1300, HD 3779, HD 3617)
A reconsideration of Member Meeting Articles
We haven't adhered to our Articles of Agreement's Member Meetings section strictly since we have existed, specifically the [ https://masspirates.org/wiki/Articles_of_Agreement#4.2_Form Form] and Time sections. Meetings have met weekly and bi-weekly (our current form) and not twice a year each over six weeks.
Should we rework them. Specific issues:
- Should we only hold them over the Internet?
- How do conferences fit in?
- Are two meetings "enough"?
United States Pirate Party Issues?
Pirate News
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Voter Outreach 2024
Letters to city election committee/town clerk asking for pirate voters/election dates- Follow ups as necessary
- Snail Mail supporters in December to tell them about:
- Conference
- Call for officer nominees
- Municipal elections
- Other events/efforts
- Donate/join our mailing list
2025 Local Campaigns
Need a leader for this effort.
- Outreach to volunteers:
- Ask them to organize locally
- Ask them to campaign/run
- Ask them to give us their full contact info
- Call potential candidates/supporters
- Videos:
- Selecting campaign
- Planning campaign
- Get on the ballot
- Fundraising
- Voter Id