August 14th, 2014 IRC Meeting

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  1. TOUCHFM appearance this tuesday morning
  2. Update on candidate status, campaign strategies
  3. Freedom Not Fear, September, 26-29th?
  4. PirateCon 2015


  1. Aug 16th. Justice for Michael Brown Rally, Copley Square Boston 2pm.
  2. Sep. 13-14 noon-8pm Freedom Rally, Boston Common Logistics
  3. Sep. 17, 6:30-9pm, Key Signing Party, MIT Building E-51, Room 325, Wadsworth Street, Cambridge
  4. Sep. 20, 9a-5p. Software Freedom Day. Industry Lab 288 Norfolk Street, Cambridge, MA. We're doing a cryptoparty from 10:30 - noon.
  5. Sep. 26th. DMC in-person meeting. 4pm?
  6. Sep. 26-29, Freedom Not Fear wiki
  7. May 6, 2015. International Day against DRM.


  • jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
  • Bluelustreak (Lucia Fiero Medway)
  • igel (William Fleurant, Arlington MA)


  • davidd
  • Pharyngeal
  • zby


  • Potential topics for interview: Pirate party, net neutrality, municipal broadband. We'll have conf call over the weekend to hash out questions. Brainstorming:
  • Candidates summary. No new news to report.


21:00 < jokeefe> ahoy!
21:00 < jokeefe> agenda at,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:00 < jokeefe> did I miss anything?
21:01 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think you got everything
21:01 < igel> lo
21:01 < srevilak> igel: howdy
21:03 < igel> whats new whats new. we could -s the chan, if we had ops.
21:03 < jokeefe> hi igel
21:04 < jokeefe> yes, good idea
21:04 < jokeefe> agenda is at,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:04 < jokeefe> ids - James O'Keefe, Somerville
21:04 < Bluelustreak> Lucia Fiero Medwya
21:04 < Bluelustreak> derp
21:04 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA
21:04 < Bluelustreak> Zzzzzzz
21:05 < igel> William Fleurant, Arlington MA
21:05 < Bluelustreak> There was a Ferguson solidarity demo today
21:05 < Bluelustreak> and there is one Sat at 2
21:06 < Bluelustreak> Noe is going to that.
21:06 < Bluelustreak> I promised Jason we would do what he wanted this weekend
21:06 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: where's the Sat rally?
21:06 < Bluelustreak> AND we will have a guest, but I will ask them if they want to go to it
21:06 < Bluelustreak> One sec Steve
21:06 < jokeefe> Hope I can make it
21:07 < Bluelustreak>
21:07 < jokeefe> TOUCHFM appearance this tuesday morning 
21:07 < igel> aye
21:08 < Bluelustreak> Yes, I will be there, maybe Jason too
21:08 < jokeefe> You have the morning, Noe and I in the afternoon
21:08 < Bluelustreak> Yup
21:09 < Bluelustreak> I'm sorry can you excuse me a sec? I need to talk about this!
21:09 < jokeefe> sure
21:10 < jokeefe> Topics to bring up?
21:11 < srevilak> interview questions?
21:11 < srevilak> igel: wanna go on the radio on tuesday?  Or TV?
21:11 < igel> haa i'll be taking finals :/
21:11 < srevilak> igel: good luck!
21:12 < Bluelustreak> Sorry
21:12 < Bluelustreak> Jason called and he couldn't talk later
21:12 < igel> i would though :/ hmmmm
21:12 < Bluelustreak> Double shift
21:12 < jokeefe> break a leg, igel
21:12 < Bluelustreak> About Tuesday
21:12 < Bluelustreak> I want to go over what I will be talking about
21:13 < Bluelustreak> Prep with people other than the mirror?
21:13 < srevilak> we've been asked to submit some interview questions
21:13 < Bluelustreak> Can we coordinate a bit jokeefe?
21:13 < jokeefe> sure
21:13 < Bluelustreak> Conference call er sumpin?
21:13 < Bluelustreak> Over the weekend?
21:13 < igel> practice
21:13 < srevilak> does this deserve a pad?
21:14 < Bluelustreak> No
21:14 < Bluelustreak> Talking points need to be TALKED
21:14 < jokeefe> sure, phone would be good, you, me and Noe at least.
21:14 < Bluelustreak> Great
21:14 < srevilak> Yes, but questions need to be written and submitted :)
21:14 < Bluelustreak> Yes OK make a pad
21:14 < jokeefe> ahoy Kendra
21:14 < Bluelustreak> I meant that a pad is no substitute
21:15 < Bluelustreak> howdy
21:15 < Kendra> hi everybody
21:15 < srevilak>
21:15 < Bluelustreak> It's a critically important point right now
21:15 < Bluelustreak> internet access, net neutrality
21:15 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: I don't follow
21:15 < jokeefe> thanks, srevilak
21:15 < Bluelustreak> Well you were there at SCATV
21:16 < Bluelustreak> Brother Charles is trying to serve hi community
21:16 < Kendra> Can you recap for me too
21:16 < igel> its air time, def important.
21:16 < Bluelustreak> FCC grants licences only to the same monied interests over and over
21:17 < srevilak> Kendra - SCATV was a panel discussion on net neutrality.  SOmerville cable access TV
21:17 < srevilak>
21:17 < Bluelustreak> The way around this is to broad cast on the net, BUT, people in poor areas can't afford broadband
21:17 < Bluelustreak> Remember when Cam D'Ambrosio's computer was seized?
21:17 < Bluelustreak> That was the only machine in the house!
21:18 < srevilak> re: net neutrality, I would say that Title II is what allowed the internet to become popular
21:18 < Bluelustreak> Exactly
21:18 < Bluelustreak> I think
21:18 < srevilak> phone companies had to carry dialup and DSL signals over their copper
21:18 < srevilak> (Title II = Common carrier classification)
21:18 < Kendra> i would argue that most people in low income areas have the internet package on the phone and are more likely to use internet that way
21:19 < Bluelustreak> This is why they were so eager to cut the copper to our house and we had to sign an agreement
21:19 < Bluelustreak> when we got fios
21:19 < Bluelustreak> MUNICIPAL BROADBAND
21:19 < Bluelustreak> Free software
21:20 < Bluelustreak> Have you watched the MSM about Ferguson? It's all cop heavy
21:20 < srevilak> so that's potentially four topic areas: pirate party, net neutrality, municipal broadband, and the elections
21:20 < Bluelustreak> Authority heavy
21:20 < Bluelustreak> no stories from the street
21:21 < Bluelustreak> Well, Lolita has said this is what she wants to talk about...
21:21 < Kendra> There an initiative here, that our colleague Nat Mesyenburg help set up.  At some point I intend to see how it is going.  Another mesh network.
21:21 < igel> hmm
21:21 < Bluelustreak> But I am going to be on Charles; show and I haven't heard from him
21:21 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: I think Lolita does an interview segment on Charles show
21:21 < Bluelustreak> That is one way to go
21:21 < Bluelustreak> But the nodes cost a pretty penny don't they?
21:22 < Kendra> I guess my point is that wee need to be dropping the seeds about mesh networking more frequently.  It can work. 
21:22 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: jokeefe: will you send lolita a list of questions?
21:22 < igel> aye
21:22 < Bluelustreak> I need more info. Will I really wish you could come on Tuesday for that reason
21:22 < jokeefe> sure, once we have them
21:23 < jokeefe> questions that is
21:23 < Bluelustreak> In the meantime the people can provide themselves internet
21:23 < srevilak> jokeefe: thx.  Just want to make sure someone sends the questions :)
21:23 < Bluelustreak> There is no reason the people can't VOTE themselves access to the wires and poles
21:23 < igel> plug meshbox and project meshnet, both homegrown in boston/mass
21:23 < igel> :P
21:23 < Kendra> Ok, so I will put a question on the pad along the lines or "Have you heard about mesh networking"
21:23 < Bluelustreak> Can I talk with you about this this weekend igel?
21:23 < Bluelustreak> Do you have time?
21:24 < igel> of course
21:24 < igel> i'll be hittin books and code, but.. of course.
21:24 < Bluelustreak> OK so can we... can you conference with jokeefe and Noe and me?
21:24 < srevilak> Kendra: these are questions for the interviewers to ask us
21:24 < igel> give me a time when ur ready and ill be there
21:25 < Bluelustreak> I will reach out to Charles and ask for an idea of what he wants to talk about.
21:25 < Bluelustreak> As well
21:25 < jokeefe> thanks
21:25 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: you may want to look over Lolita's messages (which I forwarded to activist list)
21:25 < Bluelustreak> We need to make this count. 
21:26 < Bluelustreak> We are looking to recruit new Pirates
21:26 < Bluelustreak> I have been. Is there something new today?
21:26 < srevilak> Re: broadband, I have verizon's fiber cables run into my house.  But I'd like to have someone else deliver the service
21:26 < Bluelustreak> We could make a case that we have all overpaid for services
21:27 < Bluelustreak> and are due access to the cables
21:27 < Bluelustreak> Unfair monopoly pricing
21:27 < jokeefe> aye
21:27 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: yes we could.  Other parts of the world have faster and cheaper broadband
21:27 < Bluelustreak> Exactly
21:27 < Bluelustreak> Also Brother Charles hasn't heard of crowd funding 
21:28 < Bluelustreak> I suggested he pay his FCC fine with it
21:28 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: I like that idea
21:28 < Bluelustreak> But now that he is an offender, it will be that much harder to get liscenced
21:29 < Bluelustreak> The point is, the technology exists that we can leave radio behind
21:29 < Bluelustreak> We just can't get that power to the people because of the power of the cable companies
21:29 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: perhaps not.  Fines are the cost of doing business in America
21:29 < Bluelustreak> Things to talk about
21:29 < Bluelustreak> LOL
21:30 < Bluelustreak> Yes of course, but he doesn't have the lawyers big business has
21:30 < jokeefe> well, with a radio, all you need is a radio to receive the signal.  computers are more expensive than computers.
21:30 < Bluelustreak> Yes, and the phone companies GIVE the phones away with contracts
21:30 < Bluelustreak> They are much more eager to get people hooked on things they can't compute on
21:31 < Bluelustreak> things that are all pay-to-play with the apps
21:31 < Kendra> Once he gets disentangled from the legal system he should just broadccast online, IMO.  It's the future anyway.  
21:31 < Bluelustreak> His FOLLOWERS aren't on line
21:31 < Bluelustreak> This is the point, how to get his audience all teched up
21:32 < srevilak> Kendra: the catch is, a lot of touchfm audience doesn't have broadband.  But they did have terrestrial radio
21:32 < Bluelustreak> There is no reason the city of Boston can't provide cheap fast broadband to everyone
21:32 < igel> i'd like to think its not true, being i n massachusetts...
21:32 < Bluelustreak> No reason except: COMCAST
21:32 < igel> but obviously comcast.
21:32 < Bluelustreak> (and Verizon)
21:32 < igel> monopoly.
21:33 < Bluelustreak> We have democracy, this is our point
21:33 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: Verizon doesn't serve boston.  Just comcast & RCN
21:33 < Bluelustreak> As for the machines...
21:33 < Bluelustreak> Thanks for that point
21:34 < Bluelustreak> This is why the talking is important... I would have made that mistake on air
21:34 < jokeefe> so lets figure it out over the weekend and contact them by Sunday.  sound ok?
21:34 < srevilak> sounds good
21:34 < igel> how long on air?
21:35 < srevilak> I'm happy to join on the planning call
21:35 < Bluelustreak> So Friday night? Saturday morning?
21:35 < Bluelustreak> Thanks Steve
21:35 < srevilak> igel: 60 min on radio, 30 min on TV (I think)
21:35 < Bluelustreak> Up to you James
21:35 < Bluelustreak> When are you free for mentoring?
21:35 < Bluelustreak> You don't have to decide now
21:36 < Bluelustreak> think about it
21:36 < jokeefe> Update on candidate status, campaign strategies 
21:36 < jokeefe> I don't have anything to report yet.
21:36 < srevilak> I guess we decide call time on activist list?
21:36 < Bluelustreak> Me neither
21:36 < Bluelustreak> Good idea srevilak
21:36 < jokeefe> yes
21:37 < Bluelustreak> If you help me with Joe and the EIN, James
21:37 < Bluelustreak> ...
21:37 < jokeefe> Next, do something for Freedom Not Fear, September, 26-29th? 
21:37 < Bluelustreak> OK the 26th is the next DMC IPM
21:37 < Bluelustreak> Just so you know
21:37 < jokeefe>
21:37 < Bluelustreak> DMC planning seems to have fallen to me, so I will be at that Friday
21:38 < jokeefe> when?
21:38 < jokeefe> what time?
21:39 < Bluelustreak> Too early for working dudes
21:39 < igel> haaa awesome
21:39 < Bluelustreak> 4pm I think
21:39 < jokeefe> With that much notice I think I can make it.
21:40 < jokeefe> So, do we want to do something for Freedom Not Fear?
21:40 < srevilak> I'd like to
21:40 < jokeefe> what?
21:40 < Bluelustreak> CRYPTO PARTY?
21:40 < Bluelustreak> LOL
21:40 < Bluelustreak> Demonstration?
21:41 < Bluelustreak> Leafleting?
21:41 < Bluelustreak> BUTTONS!
21:41 < igel>
21:41 < srevilak> I was thinking along the lines of leafletting
21:41 < Bluelustreak> When you give a woman a button maker every problems looks like it can be solved with a button
21:41 < igel> hahah
21:42 < srevilak> we can hand out buttons too :)
21:42 < Bluelustreak> Yay. I love buttons
21:42 < Bluelustreak> Oh!
21:43 < srevilak> Oh?
21:43 < Bluelustreak> Steve start a Pirate Pad for the text of our MPP FFF flyer
21:43 < Bluelustreak> I recommend 1/3 page dble sided
21:43 < Bluelustreak> (and buttons)
21:43 < srevilak> FFF?
21:43 < Bluelustreak> freedom from fear?
21:43 < jokeefe> agreed
21:44 < Bluelustreak> FNF
21:44 < Bluelustreak> oops
21:44 < Bluelustreak> Zzzzzzz
21:44 < srevilak>
21:44 < Bluelustreak> Thanks!
21:45 < Kendra> Might want to offer some commentary on the latest police antics (at all of these events) while you are at it.   The police militarization and surveillace issues are all intertwined.  It will come up. 
21:45 < jokeefe> yes
21:45 < srevilak> Kendra: good topic
21:45 < Bluelustreak> I will make FB event pages for our appearances Tuesday
21:45 < jokeefe> thank you
21:45 < jokeefe> so all in favor of doing an event for Freedom Not Fear, say aye
21:46 < Bluelustreak> One event page for both, or tow separate?
21:46 < Kendra> Aye
21:46 < Bluelustreak> aye
21:46 < Kendra> separate events, people get confused
21:46 < jokeefe> yes
21:46 < srevilak> aye on freedom not fear
21:46 < jokeefe> aye
21:47 < jokeefe> any opposed?
21:48 < srevilak> In terms of leafletting for FNF, how about Dorchester or Roxbury, rather than Somerville or back bay?
21:48 < jokeefe> motion passes
21:48 < srevilak> or maybe not ...
21:48 < Kendra> I agree, maybe even have a couple of teams if enough people are around. 
21:48 < Bluelustreak> Fields Corner?
21:49 < Kendra> Even Park Stree has a lot more of a mix of people
21:49 < Bluelustreak> Yes Park st over Davis Square
21:49 < jokeefe> Lets see how many we can get, before we have more than one location
21:49 < Bluelustreak> But the is a good mix in Fields Corner too
21:49 < srevilak> Hmm, VFP does an anti-war rally on SAturdays.  Maybe we could work with them?
21:49 < Kendra> A really god loaction to get a lot of people is Haymarket
21:50 < Kendra> on market days
21:50 < Bluelustreak> Its not just the # of ppl
21:50 < Bluelustreak> Is the demographic
21:50 < Kendra> Go to haymarket on a market day.
21:50 < Kendra> Everybody is there
21:51 < Bluelustreak> Are they interested in fear politics?
21:51 < Bluelustreak> I wouldn't know
21:51 < Kendra> Very interesting and international crowd.  I don't know the laws about leafletting there. 
21:51 < Bluelustreak> I will look into that. Thanks for the idea
21:51 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: perhaps better to frame it as concern, rather than fear
21:52 < Bluelustreak> Um.. what's the name of the event?
21:52 < Kendra> fear politics?  lol.  I guess it's catchy.
21:52 < Bluelustreak> LOL
21:52 < Bluelustreak> I didn't coin that
21:53 < Bluelustreak> Heard it ... ?
21:53 < Bluelustreak> Facebook? MSNBC?
21:53 < Bluelustreak> Salon?
21:53 < Bluelustreak> Can't remember
21:53 < Kendra> I know, this is starting to sound like a marketing meeting though.  And it is to a point.  I think now is a good time to promote the MPP with all of the craziness with law enforcement. 
21:53 < jokeefe> agreed
21:54 < Bluelustreak> We do need to market
21:54 < Bluelustreak> the other parties market
21:54 < Kendra> part of doing business
21:54 < Bluelustreak> Yes.
21:55 < Kendra> Also, We have dropped the ball on outreach to universities.  I would suggest continued outreach this fall, but do it near where you live to save your energy.  Just scale back our ambitions a bit. 
21:55 < Bluelustreak> I need a strategy for out reach
21:56 < Bluelustreak> Not sure how to get started
21:56 < Bluelustreak> But back to the agenda?
21:56 < Bluelustreak> We are approaching time.
21:56 < Bluelustreak> May I suggest something?
21:56 < igel> sorry i had to step out, i have to go, ill write you.
21:56 < Bluelustreak> Skip talk of Pirate Con to talk about Freedom Rally?
21:57 < jokeefe> sure
21:57 < Bluelustreak> You still with us jokeefe?
21:57 < Bluelustreak> oops
21:57 < Bluelustreak> LOL
21:57 < Bluelustreak> OK So you said Kate would help?
21:57 < jokeefe> yes
21:57 < Bluelustreak> Really? She was very squirrelly about it last year. Too high profile
21:58 < Bluelustreak> I will reach out to her./
21:58 < Bluelustreak> Who else do we have and when?
21:58 < Bluelustreak> Noe is a go.
21:58 < jokeefe> as long as masks are allowed
21:58 < Bluelustreak> OOooooh
21:58 < jokeefe> Joe?
21:58 < Bluelustreak> She would table masked, we all coo with that?
21:58 < Bluelustreak> Yes. Joe
21:59 < Bluelustreak> He said anyway
21:59 < Bluelustreak> Garret
21:59 < Bluelustreak> Sort of
21:59 < Bluelustreak> he comes and goes
21:59 < Bluelustreak> I am working on Bryan
21:59 < Kendra> What about Bryan and Chase
21:59 < jokeefe> need to ask?
21:59 < Kendra> My guess is they will be there
22:00 < Bluelustreak> I think Chance can't I will double check
22:00 < Bluelustreak> I must say if the CAPTAIN asks....
22:00 < Bluelustreak> It matters to folks.
22:00 < jokeefe> will see who we can get from Somerville
22:00 < Kendra> A slim chance that I might be there, I'll know soon
22:00 < Bluelustreak> That would be awesome
22:00 < jokeefe> ++
22:01 < Bluelustreak> Don't stress yourself out, but if it happens, great
22:01 < Bluelustreak> Besides you and Noe? OK thanks
22:01 < Bluelustreak> Huge undertaking
22:01 < Bluelustreak> Jason would work the whole thing himself but I dont' WANT him to
22:01 < Bluelustreak> I need him not to over do it.
22:02 < jokeefe> We have a month to find people, starting now. ;-)
22:02 < Bluelustreak> But yeah, this is his baby
22:02 < Bluelustreak> OK!
22:02 < jokeefe> For three events
22:02 < jokeefe> srevilak, would you complete the notes and post the transcript?
22:02 < Bluelustreak> I will ramp up the social media
22:02 < jokeefe> we are at time.  motion to adjourn?
22:03 < Bluelustreak> 2nd
22:03 < jokeefe> all in favor?
22:03 < Bluelustreak> Check your FB jokeefe
22:03 < Kendra> aye, nite pirates
22:03 < srevilak> jokeefe: will post notes
22:03 < Bluelustreak> aye
22:03 < jokeefe> k
22:03 < srevilak> aye
22:03 < Bluelustreak> night!