May 22nd, 2014 IRC Meeting

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  1. Amendment #630 to stop the police and private corporations from tracking our movements forever, with no warrants! Details


  1. Financial Report
  2. Participation in DMC planning. Next conference call 5/29 @ noon. Please sign up to the DMC planning email list
  3. One week to ballot deadline. Joe got to town hall? Joe need any assistance getting back to Secretary of State?
  4. Candidate bank accounts
  5. "WordPress 3.9.1 is available! Please notify the site administrator." Are we UTD?
    1. Nothing in 3.9.1 seems terribly critical to us
  6. Security on the MPP blog is: TOO DAMN HIGH. Lucia finds herself CONSTANTLY logging in to make simple changes. (HALP!)


  1. May 24th Boston Security Conference - James speaking at it, Steve attending
  2. May 24th, March Against Monsanto, Boston, Lucia and Jason attending, raising banner. Others?
  3. May 24th 6 pm, Candidates (and Captain?) guests on TYJ (The You Jurks) on WEMF. Must arrive before 5:30 @ 110 Brookline St, Cambridge, EMF Building 2nd floor Annex...
  4. June 5th, Reset the Net, we will announce that we now support https. Anything else?
  5. June 11th, Boston LBGT Pride Parade


  • Bluelustreak (Lucia Fiero, Medway, MA)
  • JCFiero (Jason Fiero Medway MA)
  • noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA)
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
  • jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
  • davidd (David van Deijk, Eindhoven, Netherlands)


  • zby


We vote to endorse Amendment 630.

Budget. Around 780 in the bank, and ~ $600 in planned expenditures for the remainder of FY 2013. Steve will send out budget when we get it together.

As suggested during our budgeting meeting, we'll start recording event data at

ScatTV would like to do another net neutrality event with us.

We'll discuss tech issues after the meeting.

March against Monsanto. Noe, Jason, and Lucia joing.

Boston Security Conference. Jamie presenting. Steve attending.

Candidates doing an interview on Young Jurks Saturday evening.

Please talk up June 11th Boston Pride parade, so that we can get people to march with us.

Meeting Minutes
