October 17th, 2011 IRC Meeting

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1. Status everything

   a.  OccupyBoston update
   b.  Getting $ donation form up
   c.  Update on the video of Gregory Engels talk

2. Proposed statement on S.304, S.305 & S.308

3. Anything else others want to bring up

Quick Notes / Summaries Re Proposed Bills to be Discussed:

  • S304 – "Massachusetts Disclosure Act of 2011" -- Political adver*ts will have to name top 5 contributors; foreign owned and influenced corporations restricted from influencing elections; close transparency loopholes -- http://www.malegislature.gov/Bills/187/Senate/S00304
  • S305 – "Massachusetts Corporate Accountability Act of 2011" -- Corporations shall report quarterly on their political expenditures; reports given to shareholders and publicly displayed online for one year after filing date; corporations cannot contribute more than $5000 without prior specific authorization of board of directors -- http://www.malegislature.gov/Bills/187/Senate/S00305
  • S308 – "An Act relative to fair election in Massachusetts" – small donation public financing system; 400% matching for funds from small dollar donors who are residents of MA; candidates opt-in; qualifying donations are $100 or less; to get matching funds, need 200 or 450 donors (averaging $50+ to meet $ raising requirement) to qualify initially (depending on whether running for Representative or Senator); expenditure limits of $20K/$60K for primary and $40K/$120K for general election -- http://www.malegislature.gov/Bills/187/Senate/S00308

Notes on Hearing Proceedure:

Elected officials get priority to speak; otherwise first-come, first-serve. Clerk requires two hard copies of testimony for the record.

No set agenda for hearing. List of bills to potentially be discussed at: http://www.malegislature.gov/Events/EventDetail?eventId=280&eventDataSource=Hearings

Proposed Statement:

The Massachusetts Pirate Party supports the Massachusetts Disclosure Act (S.304), the Massachusetts Corporate Accountability Act (S.305) and the Massachusetts Fair Elections Act (S.308).

For democracy to function, it is critical for elected officials to have the confidence of those they represent. That trust is undermined when the flow of money into politics is shrouded in secrecy and when candidates fund their campaigns through large donations from relatively few, concentrated interests.

Citizens feel that the current system of campaign finance distorts the legislative process. Whether or not a lawmaker's conduct is in fact swayed by a large donation, the perception is that money buys results. Consequently, citizens lose interest in remaining politically engaged and lose respect for the government. In a country and a state where government legitimacy derives from the consent of the governed, this result is unacceptable.

The Fair Elections Act, S.308, provides candidates a means for reclaiming that legitimacy. When a campaign is funded through small donations from a large number of citizens, the candidate is not beholden to a few large contributors. The Fair Elections funding system encourages candidates to achieve broad appeal among all voters, including those of limited means. As a means for re-engaging millions upon millions of voters who feel disenfranchised, the Fair Elections Act, S.308, should be a top priority for the legislature.

The Massachusetts Disclosure Act and the Massachusetts Corporate Accountability Act provide for increased transparency that would permit voters to hold their elected officials accountable for accepting donations that are perceived as compromising their objectivity. These two acts would enhance the ability of citizens to elect officials who will represent their interests and would help restore confidence in government by making it more difficult to secretly exchange favors for campaign cash. The Corporate Accountability Act also includes important provisions to protect corporate shareholders from having their money spent on political causes without their knowledge or consent, and the Disclosure Act aims to prevent foreign entities from influencing the elections of the Commonwealth. Both S.304 and S.305 are important steps towards a transparent and responsive democracy.

The Massachusetts Pirate Party recognizes that progress on a wide variety of issues is severely hindered by the influence of money in politics. We see democratic reform as a core issue that must be addressed for the good of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


jokeefe - James O'Keefe, Somerville - Captain DoctorOrbis - Alfred Roney, Belmont ChrisWalsh - Chris Walsh, Cambridge ghyul5 - Peter Morency, Boston meleemario - Tyler Desmond, East Falmouth JP_ - J.P. Hollembaek, Lowell - First Officer kate_m - Kate M, Boston area


1. Status everything

   a.  Review of #OccupyBoston activities and organizing activities
   b.  Quartermaster David Hardwick was not able to use wepay as agreed since it does not conform to OCPF (Campaign Finance) regulations.  He is looking for another vendor.
   c.  Captain James O'Keefe sent the video he took of Gregory Engels' talk on October 7th to Erik Zoltan so Erik can turn it into a video we can upload

2. We approved Chris Walsh's proposed statement on S.304, S.305 & S.308 with a few edits

Meeting Minutes


[21:27] == ghyul5 [452b5802@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #masspirates [21:29] == ChrisWalsh [ae3f5022@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #masspirates [21:29] <ghyul5> hello all [21:29] <ChrisWalsh> Hi folks [21:30] == DoctorOrbis [47aefb72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #masspirates [21:30] <@jokeefe> hello [21:31] <DoctorOrbis> Good evening. [21:32] <DoctorOrbis> So, what is on the agenda for tonight? [21:32] <@jokeefe> 1. Status everything a. OccupyBoston update b. Getting $ donation form up c. Update on the video of Gregory Engels talk [21:33] <@jokeefe> 2. Chris' statement on Hearing at State House - Money Out of Politics [21:34] <@jokeefe> But first - ids: jokeefe = James O'Keefe, Somerville [21:35] <DoctorOrbis> Alfred Roney, Belmont [21:35] <ChrisWalsh> Chris Walsh, Cambridge [21:35] <ghyul5> Peter Morency, Boston [21:36] == meleemario [kvirc@] has joined #masspirates [21:36] <meleemario> my apologies for being late [21:37] <@jokeefe> no problem, just doing intros meleemario [21:37] <meleemario> ok [21:37] <@jokeefe> [21:34] <@jokeefe> But first - ids: jokeefe = James O'Keefe, Somerville [21:35] <DoctorOrbis> Alfred Roney, Belmont [21:35] <ChrisWalsh> Chris Walsh, Cambridge [21:35] <ghyul5> Peter Morency, Boston [21:37] <meleemario> kk [21:37] <meleemario> Tyler Desmond, East Falmouth [21:39] == kate_m [ad30c148@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #masspirates [21:39] <kate_m> evening, ladies [21:39] <@jokeefe> Hi, Kate, we are just doing ids [21:40] == JP_ [183f564d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #masspirates [21:40] <JP_> greetings [21:40] <@jokeefe> hi JP [21:40] <@jokeefe> just doing ids [21:40] <JP_> jp hollembaek, lowell [21:40] <@jokeefe> jokeefe = James O'Keefe, Somerville [21:35] <DoctorOrbis> Alfred Roney, Belmont [21:35] <ChrisWalsh> Chris Walsh, Cambridge [21:35] <ghyul5> Peter Morency, Boston, <meleemario> Tyler Desmond, East Falmouth [21:41] <@jokeefe> that will make the meeting notes much easier [21:41] <@jokeefe> agenda: [21:41] <@jokeefe> 1. Status everything a. OccupyBoston update b. Getting $ donation form up c. Update on the video of Gregory Engels talk [21:41] <@jokeefe> 2. Chris' statement on Hearing at State House - Money Out of Politics [21:41] <@jokeefe> 3. anything else [21:42] <JP_> looks good [21:42] <@jokeefe> anything anyone wants to add/subtract? [21:43] <kate_m> looks fine to me [21:43] <meleemario> i think we're good, although there is something id like to bring up a little later [21:44] <@jokeefe> great [21:45] <DoctorOrbis> Nothing to add here. [21:45] <ChrisWalsh> looks good [21:46] <@jokeefe> My #OB update is that I might finally have gotten in contact with the person who schedules events so I am hoping to have a candidate training on the 30th there. (also took the family to #OB and we participated in at GA). [21:46] <@jokeefe> helping where else I can [21:46] <@jokeefe> What else are others seeing? [21:46] <kate_m> I've been down there on and off [21:47] <DoctorOrbis> Lots of disinformation flying around. [21:47] <kate_m> the Outreach group seems to have collapsed in on itself, they're going to need people to come in and reorganize [21:47] <@jokeefe> that is key, what happened? [21:48] <kate_m> just people wandering off [21:48] <@jokeefe> ah, sigh. [21:48] <kate_m> also the message committee was dissolved because people weren't happy with the output [21:48] <kate_m> again, something that should be reorganized in a better way [21:49] <kate_m> numbers are still strong [21:49] <kate_m> Deval Patrick came through over the weekend and was very diplomatic [21:49] <@jokeefe> the turn out at the GA seemed high [21:49] <DoctorOrbis> Is the Ideas working group still solvent? [21:50] <ChrisWalsh> I understand the new message-generating mechanism is based on the wiki. Proposals for a 'statement of purpose' are on there being discussed and proposals will probably wind up before the GA soon [21:51] <kate_m> I don't even know what that was [21:51] <kate_m> Direct Action managed to get out of jail, though [21:51] <@jokeefe> good [21:51] <kate_m> 142 arrests so far: 141 for the second space; 1 for jaywalking [21:51] <@jokeefe> someone was passing out something on the new wiki ideas site yesterday [21:52] <kate_m> (because cops can't actually write "being a douchebag" on the paperwork) [21:52] <@jokeefe> jaywalking? really? hadn't they shut the roads down? [21:52] <kate_m> it was a smaller group, and everyone else went back to the sidewalk except one guy who was being beligerent [21:53] <@jokeefe> k [21:53] <kate_m> apparently they broke his wrist in the process [21:53] <ChrisWalsh> oh, wow. [21:53] <DoctorOrbis> ouch [21:53] <kate_m> which is either a lesson in not pissing off the cops or another reason not to go vegan [21:53] <kate_m> not really sure which [21:53] <@jokeefe> seen that happen, rather painful [21:55] <ChrisWalsh> BTW, the ACLU asked for people with relevant info about arrests to get in touch with them (police misconduct, etc) [21:55] <@jokeefe> from the paper - wiki at occupyboston.wikispaces.com/Practice+Statement [21:55] <kate_m> One thing I am uncomfortable with is the number of political campaigns trying to monopolize prime real estate with their materials [21:55] <JP_> yeah, everyone is trying to co-opt it [21:55] <kate_m> two socialist groups, the ron paul guys, the larouche cultists... [21:55] <ghyul5> seriously. i dont want this to become another tea party [21:56] <kate_m> I'm happy with them being their, I just really don't like that being the first thing people see when appriaching the camp [21:56] <@jokeefe> I didn't feel comfortable dropping off the fliers, myself [21:56] <DoctorOrbis> I've noticed a lot of groups trying to co-opt what's happening. [21:56] <kate_m> I've talked with info and media about it before, they both agreed that the positioning is kind of an issue but no one seems to want to take action on it [21:57] <@jokeefe> what about the library? [21:57] <kate_m> haven't been inside it yet [21:57] <@jokeefe> info should be about #OB, not other groups [21:58] <kate_m> IMO it might be worthwhile to put together a proposal that other groups be confined to a single space in the camp [21:58] <kate_m> a "political campaigns" tent or something [21:58] <kate_m> that way they're still able to get their stuff out to those who are interested, and they can go out on marches and everything, but they aren't drowning out the OB materials with their own [22:00] <@jokeefe> any other points folks want to add? [22:00] <ghyul5> nothing here [22:01] <ChrisWalsh> nope. haven't been too active with OB this past week. [22:03] <@jokeefe> Moving on, Re: Getting $ donation form up - Quartermaster David Hardwick found that wepay.com doesn't conform to mass. campaign finance rules, so he is looking for an alternative. [22:04] <@jokeefe> Re: c. Update on the video of Gregory Engels talk - after much effort trying to get the video files to Erik Zoltan, I ended up just burning them to dvd. 6+GB [22:04] <@jokeefe> he should have them now and will put together a single file with properly adjusted audio [22:06] <DoctorOrbis> Are there plans to post it online? I wanted to go to the talk but had to work. [22:09] <@jokeefe> yes [22:12] <@jokeefe> on to Chris' proposed statement then? [22:12] <DoctorOrbis> aye [22:12] <@jokeefe> I posted it at http://masspirates.org/wiki/index.php?title=October_17th,_2011 [22:14] <ghyul5> I like that statement [22:17] <ChrisWalsh> Other opinions? (are people silent because they're reading it?) [22:18] <JP_> looks good [22:18] <DoctorOrbis> I'm still digesting it. I like it, but I'm considering the third paragraph. How much time do you have to speak? [22:19] <ChrisWalsh> I was told three minutes [22:20] <@jokeefe> checking S.308 text - it looks better than the previous suggested rewritings on the clean election law. it doesn't seem to favor the dems/reps and the hurdles aren't awful. [22:20] <DoctorOrbis> That's not much time. [22:20] <@jokeefe> S.308 still doesn't help write-in candidates. [22:21] <@jokeefe> short and sweet can be very good, DoctorOrbis. I believe written statements can be longer [22:21] == ghyul5_ [452b5802@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #masspirates [22:21] <DoctorOrbis> That's kinda what I'm getting at. [22:21] == ghyul5 [452b5802@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Disconnected by services] [22:22] <@jokeefe> The S.308 sponsor was first elected as a Clean Elections candidate [22:22] == ghyul5_ has changed nick to ghyul5 [22:22] <ghyul5> sorry about that. the NAC agent hates me lol [22:24] <ghyul5> jokeefe: you mean Jamie Eldridge? [22:24] <DoctorOrbis> @jokeefe It's been a looong while since I've used IRC. How do you PM? [22:25] *buddy* hello, how are you? [22:25] == No such nick/channel: buddy [22:25] <@jokeefe> "/MSG buddy hello, how are you?" [22:25] *ghyul5* yes [22:26] <DoctorOrbis> thanks :) [22:28] <@jokeefe> other opinions? [22:28] <DoctorOrbis> My concern is not outright favor purchase, but the issue-selection power of large donors. [22:30] <@jokeefe> lets break them down: [22:30] <@jokeefe> does anyone object to supporting Massachusetts Disclosure Act (S.304)? [22:30] <ChrisWalsh> How about " the perception is that money buys results [and sets the legislative agenda]" (bracketed text added) [22:30] <ChrisWalsh> In paragraph 3 [22:31] <ghyul5> nope jokeefe [22:32] <@jokeefe> sounds good to me [22:32] <@jokeefe> Chris [22:35] <ChrisWalsh> DoctorOrbis? Does that address your point? [22:36] <@jokeefe> I don't have any objections to your statement Chris, though I would put the paragraph that begins "The Fair Elections Act, S.308..." as the 2nd to the last paragraph [22:36] <DoctorOrbis> I'm not a lawyer, but I have no objections to what I've read so far. [22:37] <@jokeefe> I thinking leading with transparency is key to one of our major goals [22:39] <@jokeefe> ... since it is key to one ... [22:39] <ghyul5> i agree jokeefe [22:39] <DoctorOrbis> Me too [22:41] <@jokeefe> what sayest ye? - meleemario, kate_m, JP_ [22:42] <ChrisWalsh> Okay. Need to change first sentence since it currently refers to line above it. Maybe "The Fair Elections Act, S.308, provides candidates an alternative to big-donor fundraising." and put it where you suggest [22:42] <JP_> without being a lawyer, I do like the intent, and think it raises good points of discussions [22:42] <DoctorOrbis> So, I've skimmed S.304 and most of S.308. S.308 expands the classes of donors that require disclosure, and specifies that the top 5 over $1k be named. [22:43] <DoctorOrbis> oops, that was S.304 [22:43] <DoctorOrbis> S.308 is setting up some kind of public matching fund. Is this correct? [22:43] <ChrisWalsh> right. it's a public matching fund that matches small donations once a candidate qualifies by getting many small donations and agreeing to funding and expenditure limits [22:44] <@jokeefe> yes, S.308 sets up a public matching fund similar to the previous clean elections fund [22:44] <DoctorOrbis> Both of those have my support, then. [22:45] <@jokeefe> but not S.305? [22:45] <DoctorOrbis> I haven't read it yet :) [22:46] <@jokeefe> :) [22:47] <ChrisWalsh> (need to go afk in a few minutes) [22:48] <ChrisWalsh> This was my summary on S305: Corporations shall report quarterly on their political expenditures; reports given to shareholders and publicly displayed online for one year after filing date; corporations cannot contribute more than $5000 without prior specific authorization of board of directors [22:48] <@jokeefe> thanks [22:48] <ChrisWalsh> (technically the 'publicly displayed online' is 'displayed on their website, if any' so I suppose they could avoid it by not having a website...) [22:49] <DoctorOrbis> Thanks. That's how I read it. The $1k limit on the fine seems a little weak. [22:50] <ghyul5> i agree DoctorOrbis [22:50] <ChrisWalsh> I agree. The up to a year imprisonment.is significant [22:50] <DoctorOrbis> True. [22:51] <@jokeefe> so any objections then? [22:51] <DoctorOrbis> None from me. [22:51] <ghyul5> negative [22:52] <JP_> looks good [22:52] <@jokeefe> going once [22:54] <@jokeefe> going twice [22:56] <@jokeefe> motion passes [22:56] <ChrisWalsh> Thanks! I do have to run. I'll report on how it goes [22:56] <@jokeefe> Chris would you send the final version to the list? [22:56] <ChrisWalsh> Yes, will do. Good night all! [22:56] <ghyul5> night! [22:56] <@jokeefe> thanks! [22:56] <DoctorOrbis> Goodnight and good luck :) [22:56] <@jokeefe> good night [22:57] <@jokeefe> anyone not on the email list? [22:57] <DoctorOrbis> I'm not [22:57] <@jokeefe> what is your email address? [22:57] <DoctorOrbis> dr.orbis@gmail.com [22:57] <@jokeefe> thanks, I will add you [22:58] <DoctorOrbis> Thanks! [22:58] <@jokeefe> thanks all, I have to head off and finish up work [22:58] <@jokeefe> have a good night! [22:58] <ghyul5> anything else for tonight? [22:59] <DoctorOrbis> I'm going to sign off as well. Somnolence is imminent [22:59] <JP_> Im set [22:59] <JP_> good night all [22:59] <DoctorOrbis> Nice to meet everyone, btw. :) [22:59] <ghyul5> night! [22:59] == ghyul5 [452b5802@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #masspirates []