2016 Candidate Recruitment Planning Meeting

Sorry Registration for this event ended on December 19th, 2015 5:00 PM
 Registration is closed for this event
Since the 2000 election, on average over half of the candidates for the Massachusetts legislature have not have an opponent in the general election. With a stat like that, it is easy to conclude that we live in a democracy in name only.

In 2016, we want to fix that in as many races as we can.  We ran two State Representative candidates in 2014.  In 2016, we know we can run many more candidates if we all work together.

We want your help to identify, get on the ballot and support at least 20 candidates.  Whether it is contacting members, revising our platform or supporting our candidates, there is much to do.  

Join us at Regina Pizzeria, 353 Cambridge St, Allston (Boston), just off the Pike. Just ask for the pirate party.

December 19th, 2015 3:00 PM through  5:00 PM
353 Cambridge St
Boston, MA 02134
United States
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