September 5th, 2024 Meeting

From Mass Pirate Wiki
Revision as of 21:15, 5 September 2024 by Srevilak (talk | contribs) (→‎Summary)
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Meeting to be held via video conference:




United States Pirate Party Issues?



Local Updates

Video Newsletter/Podcast

Leader: Joseph

  • Video quality of Jitsi has started to suffer. Would be good to find a better streaming/recording alternative.
  • Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed

Media Outreach

  • Put media list in Civi (jokeefe)

Voter Outreach 2024

  • Contact cities/town to get list of voters
  • Mail supporters

2025 Local Campaigns


  • Videos:
    • Selecting campaign
    • Planning campaign
    • Get on the ballot
    • Fundraising
    • Voter Id
    • GOTV
  • Outreach to volunteers:
    • Ask them to organize locally
    • Ask them to campaign/run
    • Ask them to give us their full contact info
    • Call potential candidates/supporters

Other To Do

Upcoming Events


  • jokeefe
  • srevilak
  • emcgee



Jamie has been cleaning up some things with the database. Found one form that didn't require a captcha, which might be where spam was coming from. Steve will try to tighten up.

No decisions or endorsements this week.

USPP updates. 9/15 is pirate week. 9/19 is talk like a pirate day. Planning to do camera walks on 9/17 and 9/22. Locations TBD.

NextNav wants to privatize some of the 900--902 MHz band, which is used for amateur radio. FCC asking for comments.