April 6th, 2025 Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Meeting to be held via video conference: https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/mass-pirates-member-meeting/
Election of New US Pirate Party co-representative
Joe would like to step down. Ryan stated he is interested in being a co-representative.
Federal Bills to Review
- Senators working on a bill that would repeal Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Section 230 is the primary reason we have freedom of speech on the Internet. See this explainer. We have long supported Section 230 implicitly, but we never wrote up a statement why. Including why we support free speech seems important right now, as well.
- TAKE IT DOWN Act / Analysis - Passed the Senate
- S.4875 - NO FAKES Act of 2024 / Analysis
Commonwealth Bills to Review
- Location Shield Act (H.86 / S.197) - Hearing in early April
- An Act relative to unregulated face recognition and emerging biometric surveillance technologies (H.1538)
- An Act establishing a moratorium on face recognition and other remote biometric surveillance systems (S.1385)
- An Act relative to unmanned aerial systems (H.3749 / S.2438)
- An Act relative to protecting Massachusetts residents against federal government surveillance (H.2687)
- Dignity Not Deportations Act (H.1588 / S.1122)
- Civil Asset Forfeiture reform (H.1953)
- Right to Repair Bills:
Here is an etherpad for people to offer suggestions.
A reconsideration of Member Meeting Articles
We haven't adhered to our Articles of Agreement's Member Meetings section strictly since we have existed, specifically the [ https://masspirates.org/wiki/Articles_of_Agreement#4.2_Form Form] and Time sections. Meetings have met weekly and bi-weekly (our current form) and not twice a year each over six weeks.
Rework them to:
- Have a section on conferences (possible spring/fall, at least one a year)
- Rework the member meetings to be on-line at least once a month
- Set when elections for the pirate council is and that we can elect people at a conference or on-line by secret ballot
United States Pirate Party Issues?
Pirate News
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
2025 Voter Outreach
Letters to city election committee/town clerk asking for pirate voters/election dates- Follow ups as necessary
- Snail Mail supporters in December to tell them about:
- Conference
- Call for officer nominees
- Municipal elections
- Other events/efforts
- Donate/join our mailing list
2025 Local Campaigns
Need a leader for this effort.
- Outreach to volunteers:
- Ask them to organize locally
- Ask them to campaign/run
- Ask them to give us their full contact info
- Call potential candidates/supporters
- Videos:
- Selecting campaign
- Planning campaign
- Get on the ballot
- Fundraising
- Voter Id