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* '''Oct. 4, 9am-6pm, MIT Maker Faire'''
* '''Oct. 4, Wikileaks birthday'''
* Oct. 10-12  [http://honkfest.org/ HonkFest], Somerville
* Oct. 11-12  [http://indiewebcamp.com/next-iwc MIT IndieWeb bar camp]
* Oct. 15, Last day to register to vote in the general election
* Oct. 20, [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/189788152/ Boston Security Meetup #3]
* Nov. 4, Election Day, 7am-8pm
* Sep. Freedom Rally, Boston
* July 18 & 19,, [http://www.somervilleartscouncil.org/artbeat/2014 Art Beat], Somerville
* '''July 18-20, [http://x.hope.net/ Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) X], NYC'''
* July 29, Last day to turn in nomination papers for Federal offices to cities & towns
* '''Aug. 10, [https://masspirates.org/blog/2014/07/25/pirate-picnic-august-10th/ Pirate Picnic with Boston Freedom of Information], Georges Island'''
* Aug 30, [http://stopwatchingus.info/ German-wide Stop Watching US protest]
* '''Sep. 9, 5-7pm, Primary Standouts for [http://www.votenoelani.org/9_9_standout Noelani, Davis Sq., Somerville] & Joe'''
* Sep. 13-14 noon-8pm [http://masscann.org/rally Freedom Rally], Boston Common [https://piratenpad.de/p/mapp-fr-2014 Logistics] [https://www.facebook.com/events/326565890852353/ facebook event]
* Sep. 17, Constitution Day
* Sep. 17, 6:30-9pm, [http://blu.org/keysignings/ Key Signing Party], MIT Building E-51, Room 325, Wadsworth Street, Cambridge
* Sep. 19, International Talk Like a Pirate Day
* Sep 19, 5p-9p. [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/citizens-rising-a-republic-held-hostage-and-the-plan-to-take-it-back-tickets-12201718669 Citizens Rising]: A Republic Held Hostage And The Plan To Take It Back
* '''Sep. 20, 9a-5p.  [http://www.meetup.com/desktop-linux-users-group/events/197210582/ Software Freedom Day].  Industry Lab 288 Norfolk Street, Cambridge, MA. We're doing a cryptoparty from 10:30 - noon.'''
* '''Sep. 26th.  DMC in-person meeting.  4pm?'''
* '''Sep. 26-29, [http://www.freedomnotfear.org/ Freedom Not Fear] [http://wiki.vorratsdatenspeicherung.de/Freedom_Not_Fear_2014 wiki]'''

* PirateCon 2014
* June, Boston Pride Parade, Boston
* Apr. 3rd, Thu., [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/97972012/ Boston Security Meetup], Cambridge, Google
* Apr. 3rd, Thu., [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/97972012/ Boston Security Meetup], Cambridge, Google
* Apr. 11-13, [http://east.paxsite.com/ PAX East] Cryptoparty, Boston
* Apr. 12, Cologne Stop Watching US protest
* Apr. 26, [http://jobsnotjails.org/jnj/ Jobs Not Jails: Rally to End Mass Incarceration and Fund Job Creation], 12:00pm, Boston Common
* Apr. 28, [http://freebarrettbrown.org/ Barrett Brown Trial 1 starts]
* Apr. 29, Last day to turn in nomination papers for district offices to cities & towns
* May 3, [http://www.spontaneouscelebrations.org/ Wake Up The Earth Festival], Jamaica Plain
* May 6, [http://www.defectivebydesign.org/dayagainstdrm International Day Against DRM]
* May 8 - May 11, [http://www.securitybsides.com/w/page/73115456/BSidesBoston2014 Security BSides Conference]
* May 11-18, [http://www.togetherboston.com Together Boston] Cryptoparty, Boston
* May 17, Hamburg Stop Watching US protest
* May 19, [http://freebarrettbrown.org/ Barrett Brown Trial 2 starts]
* May 24, [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/154803132/ Security Conference]
* May 24, 2-5pm, [https://www.facebook.com/events/148839068610727/ March Against Monsanto], Copley Sq., Boston
* June 14, [http://www.bostonpride.org/parade/ Boston Pride Parade], Boston


* Feb. 8th, Sat., [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/103266932/ Boston Security Meetup Conference], Cambridge, Google
* Jan. 5, Sun., 1-4pm, '''[http://masspirates.org/blog/2013/12/31/campaign-training-sunday-jan-5th-1pm/ Campaign Training]'''
* Jan. 16th, Thu., [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/126958422/ Boston Security Meetup], Cambridge, Google
* Jan. 9, Thu., 6pm, [https://twitter.com/villepirates Somerville Pirate Party] [http://somerville.patch.com/groups/events/p/somerville-pirates-socialmeeting meeting], Blue Shirt Cafe
* Jan. 13th, Mon., [https://www.facebook.com/events/317331765072358/320683381403863/?notif_t=plan_mall_activity Honor the Memory of Aaron Swartz; Demand Carmen Ortiz's Job], 3-7pm, Boston
* Jan. 11, Sat., 3-7pm, [https://www.facebook.com/events/317331765072358/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming Honor the Memory of Aaron Swartz; Demand Carmen Ortiz's Job], Boston
* Jan. 2014, '''Campaign Training'''
* Jan. 16, Thu., [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/126958422/ Boston Security Meetup], Cambridge, Google
* Jan. 17 - 20, [http://2014.arisia.org/ Arisia], Boston - Cryptoparties & Campaign Training
* Jan. 18, Sat., [https://www.facebook.com/events/642274562499212/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming Boston Common Smoke Out/Vape Up!]
* Jan. 23, Thu., Medway Pirates Meeting. [https://twitter.com/medwaypirates twitter] [http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9V11Y_NL_9xAP_ciHsha1Q youtube]
* Jan. 25, Sat., Platform Meeting, [http://www.yelp.com/biz/regina-pizzeria-allston Pizzeria Regina, Boston]
* Jan. 25, Sat., 7-11pm, Encuentro 5 & OBR.fm/CAMP [http://activistballboston.wordpress.com/ 1st Annual Activist Ball, Spontaneous Celebrations], Jamaica Plain, Boston, [http://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-1st-annual-activist-ball-of-boston-tickets-9262842411 Tickets]
* Jan. 28, Tue., International Privacy Day
* Feb. 8, Sat., [http://www.meetup.com/boston-security-meetup/events/103266932/ Boston Security Meetup Conference], Cambridge, Google
* Feb. 9, Sun., [http://masspirates.org/blog/2014/02/02/cryptoparty-feb-9th-noon-6pm-northeastern-law-school/ Cryptoparty], Northeastern University Law School, Boston
* Feb. 9, Sun., 6pm, [https://twitter.com/villepirates Somerville Pirate Party] meeting, Blue Shirt Cafe
* Feb. 11, [https://thedaywefightback.org/ The Day we Fight Back], Call in to Congress about NSA surveillance
* Feb. 23, 2-4pm, Phone banking/fundraising, 111 Sunnyside Ave, Arlington
* Feb 25, Last day to unenroll from a party
* Mar. 8, Sat., 1-3pm, '''[http://lists.pirateweb.net/pipermail/pp.international.general/2013-December/014971.html Snowden, Manning & other whistleblowers Airport Protest]'''
* Mar. 15, KOP Pot Luck
* Mar. 16 (Sunday) [http://masspirates.org/blog/2014/03/12/sunday-march-for-peace/ Veterans for Peace Parade], South Boston
* Mar. 21, Fri., 7-11pm, '''Pirate Party Fundraiser''', Democracy Center, Harvard Sq., Cambridge
* Mar. 21-23, [http://www.animeboston.com/ Anime Boston 2014], Boston
* Mar. 22-23, [https://www.libreplanet.org/2014/ LibrePlanet 2014], Cambridge
* Mar. 25, 7-9:00pm, [https://www.scatvsomerville.org/netneutrality Net Neutrality and the Future of Internet Access], Tufts University’s Tisch Library, Rm. 304
== 2015 ==
* May 6, 2015, International Day against DRM.

== Other Possible Events ==
== Other Possible Events ==

Latest revision as of 22:45, 13 October 2014






  • May 6, 2015, International Day against DRM.

Other Possible Events