July 27th, 2015 IRC Meeting: Difference between revisions

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* noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA)
* noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA)
* srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
* srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
* Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero Medway)
* Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero)
* Kendra (Kendra Moyer, Boston, MA)
* BostonEnginerd

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== Summary ==
== Summary ==

Discussion of Pirate Picinic this Sunday

Parts and Crafts cryptoparties will move to the 4th Wed. of each month.  Will try to publicize better.  Next one will likely be held at Parts & Crafts on Aug. 26 (Wednesday) from 6-9pm
Bluestream will try to write something on Massachusetts GMO labeling bill (H.3242).  Should be submitted 5 days before hearing.  Around Sept 16th.
Draft article about Freedom Rally.  https://piratenpad.de/p/p8YhioqeNosh

== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==

20:59 < igel> lo
21:00 < noe> howdy!  *waves*
21:01  * srevilak waves back
21:03 < Bluestreak> hey
21:04 < noe> ahoy!
21:04 < noe> I believe the Captain is out of commission tonight.  I think
        we're it!  IDs:  Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA
21:05 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA
21:05 < noe> (current agenda:
21:06 < igel> William Fleurant, Arlington MA
21:07 < Bluestreak> Lucia Fiero
21:08 < igel> i cant make the piraten picnic :/
21:08 < Bluestreak> me neither
21:08 < noe> awww . . .
21:09 < Bluestreak> :-(
21:09 < noe> I know I'm going, but I don't know who else is.
21:09 < noe> (I should probably log into Civi)
21:09 < noe> srevilak:  are you going to the piraten picnic?
21:10 < srevilak> yes, planning to go
21:11 < srevilak> noe: according to
        https://piratenpad.de/p/2015MAPPPicnic, should be ~ 8 people going
21:12 < Bluestreak> My home assitant wants o go
21:12 < Bluestreak> she would bring friends
21:12 < Bluestreak> she is a big Pirate Fan.
21:12 < noe> ooh!  we welcome new people.  :)
21:12 < srevilak> your home assistant is welcome to come, and welcome
        to bring friends
21:12 < srevilak> the more the merrier :)
21:12 < Bluestreak> She spent a year in India
21:12 < Bluestreak> teaching untouchable kids
21:13 < noe> Bluestreak:  feel free to send her the Pirate Pad link.
21:13 < Bluestreak> I think you will like her
21:13 < Bluestreak> I have.
21:13 < Bluestreak> She is here now hanging with AJ who won’t go
        without me :-(
21:13 < Bluestreak> I was hoping he would go without
21:14 < Bluestreak> Jason and me but he won't
21:16 < Bluestreak> Are we starting?
21:16 < noe> does he lack a ride?
21:16 < noe> Yes, I think we shifted to talking about the Picnic early,
        that's all.
21:16 < Bluestreak> I asked him if Jamie was willing to be the one to
        look after him would he go but he wants me and his Dad too mcuh
21:17 < Bluestreak> I made commemorative buttons
21:17 < noe> I can understand that.
21:17 < Bluestreak> Megan will make sure they get there
21:17 < noe> Sweet!
21:18 < noe> Back to the agenda:  paperwaves has been hosting monthly
        Cryptoparties at Parts & Crafts, had a recent one last week.
21:19 < srevilak> how did it go (beyond what's in agenda)
21:19 < noe> The attendants (about 6) are thinking of making them monthly,
        every 4th Wednesday.
21:19 < Bluestreak> Good idea
21:19 < igel> yeaa you got it
21:19 < Bluestreak> Need more promotion
21:19 < noe> I think because its not just paperwaves making a commitment,
        they will actually happen.
21:20 < Bluestreak> Promotion!
21:20 < Bluestreak> 1/4 page flyers
21:20 < Bluestreak> Soc Med.
21:20 < noe> I think it'll be easier to promote since it'll be monthly
        (just one flier with "every 4th Wednesday")
21:21 < Bluestreak> Flyerss wont have to change
21:21 < noe> And its easy to queue up on HootSuite (probably set it for
        first of the month and the week of)
21:22 < noe> Beyond what's in the agenda, I think paperwaves teaches
        more hands-on, so less from PowerPoint or from a document.
21:22 < Bluestreak> YOu knoe how to work that?
21:22 < Bluestreak> I never use it
21:23 < noe> Technically, jokeefe has been doing it, so has the passwds
        and such.  He could pass them off to paperwaves, which I think would
21:24 < srevilak> I try to use hootsuite when I can.  But Not much
        recently, I'm afraid
21:24 < Bluestreak> I want to mention that no everyone IDed
21:24 < Bluestreak> t
21:24 < noe> But I shouldn't speculate about people not in the IRC window.
21:25 < Kendra> Kendra Moyer, Boston, MA
21:25 < noe> ahoy!
21:25 < igel> hey wassap
21:25 < Kendra> hi
21:25 < Bluestreak> hi
21:26 < noe> we're nearly halfway through, and I think this is the most
        we'll get tonight.  we can probably move on to the decision in the agenda
        here:  https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_27th,_2015_IRC_Meeting
21:26 < noe> There is a Public Hearing on Massachusetts GMO labeling bill
        (H.3242) on Sep. 22. Anyone willing to write a statement for this bill?
21:26 < Bluestreak> I forget… are we signed up for Freedom Rally?
21:27 < srevilak> Bluestreak: yes, we're signed up
21:27 < noe> (I am looking up the due date for that statement right now)
21:27 < Bluestreak> ty
21:27 < Bluestreak> I will give it a go, the writing.
21:28 < srevilak> Bluestreak: thank you
21:29 < noe> We'd  want that written statement by 5 days prior to the
        hearing, so Sep. 16 or 17 (Thursday or Friday)
21:29 < noe> Bluestreak:  thanks!
21:31 < noe> We talked about the picnic and sort of about the Cryptoparty:
        the August Cryptoparty in Somerville will likely be held at Parts &
        Crafts on Aug. 26 (Wednesday) from 6-9pm.
21:32 < noe> Contact paperwaves (Halley or H) if you're interested in
        the Cryptoparty or can attend.  Feel free to spread the word to friends
        and potential interested parties.
21:32 < srevilak> hi BostonEnginerd
21:33 < noe> ahoy!
21:33 < BostonEnginerd> Hey Srevilak! Good to see you on the Internets!
21:33 < srevilak> likewise!
21:33 < srevilak> agenda is
21:34 < igel> was just mentioning cryptoparty Aug. 26 @ Parts
21:34 < BostonEnginerd> Excellent! I'll add it to the calendar.
21:35 < noe> Does anyone know if we're Hackathon-ing or Cryptoparty-ing
        in August in Worcester?  I have not been privy to that information.
21:36 < Bluestreak> James said something about needing to finish?
21:36 < srevilak> I've been putting a lot of time into the MAAPL project.
        I suspect we'll need another work day, but it may be a smaller one
21:36 < Bluestreak> As if the MMAP needed another hackathon
21:37 < Bluestreak> MAAPL sorry
21:37 < noe> It felt good working on the MAAPL project (spinning triangle
        of doom!) with other likeminded folks.
21:37 < Bluestreak> typing one handed
21:37 < srevilak> The challenge is trying to make a well-behaved 300
        question intake form for anti-foreclosure work
21:38 < srevilak> I've got a CiviCRM recipie that works @ that scale.
        Main question @ moment is whether we break up the form
21:38 < Kendra> It might make sense to push something like that back to
        early September, August will fly by
21:38 < noe> If we break up the form, is it easier to group
21:39 < Kendra> Part two, unless they are talking early August.
21:39 < srevilak> noe: it's not so much the grouping as the length
21:39 < noe> Might be worth putting more thought work into it, and then
        making a final push once some decisions have been made.
21:39 < Kendra> Has anyone suggested a date to complete the form?
21:39 < srevilak> Kendra: they were hoping for sometime in Aug
21:39 < igel> is it all pdf?
21:40 < srevilak> igel: CiviCRM.
21:40 < srevilak> Here's a mechanical-looking 300-question form
21:41 < srevilak> IMHO, it's kind of long, but it's also structured in
        a way that nothing chokes up
21:41 < Bluestreak> How long did that one page take?
21:41 < noe> srevilak:  oh dear god!
21:41 < igel> interesting
21:41 < igel> i mean.
21:42 < noe> srevilak:  I understand now.
21:42 < srevilak> One of the interesting things we discovered: putting
        all fields in 1 custom fieldset made jquery go apeshit
21:42 < igel> they are notarizing documents after they fabricate them
21:42 < srevilak> so, the lurking question became, is there anything
        else that will go apeshit
21:43 < srevilak> igel: the banks, yes, indeed
21:43 < igel> hmm..
21:43 < srevilak> I'm happy to do what I can to fight back against
        that nonsense
21:44 < noe> does the lurking question have an answer?
21:44 < srevilak> noe: so far, nothing else seems to go apeshit
21:44 < srevilak> it's a good answer :)
21:45 < igel> same, i worked at a junk company for 5 years, ive seen
        how bad it got over that itme
21:46 < igel> time*
21:46 < Kendra> Once you are losing your home you migh as well put up
        a fight
21:46 < noe> whoo!  so, I guess we'll just sit tight . . . if we don't
        have details by the 17th or 24th of August, we'll shift Worcester
        crypto/hacking to September?
21:47 < Kendra> Have we approached Grace about a date in August yet?
21:48 < srevilak> Kendra: no, need work plan before choosing date.
        Need to settle on some design things before going ahead with work plan
21:48 < noe> Kendra:  good question.  I think she had hoped we'd have
        finished during the first hackathon.
21:48 < Bluestreak> Kendra ask James
21:49 < Bluestreak> email works
21:49 < noe> I think we'll roll this item to the next meeting agenda
        and talk about it next week.
21:50 < Bluestreak> 10 minute mark
21:50 < igel> ping me if theres any code/stuff pushed to a repo i can
        contrib k
21:50 < srevilak> igel: will do, thx
21:51 < noe> Last solid item:  Freedom Rally.
        We are signed up!  MAPP volunteer signup is here:
21:52 < noe> We'd like a blog post about Freedom Rally, if people are
        interested in throwing one together.
21:52 < noe> Newer Pirates may not know what the event is,  so covering
        the basics would be good.
21:52 < Bluestreak> Not sure what to write about that
21:53 < Bluestreak> need staff
21:53 < Bluestreak> yes
21:53 < igel> 'you can do that in boston?' yea, its boston.
21:53 < noe> Part of me wants to make a piratepad and just slap together
        posts we've written before.
21:53 < Bluestreak> suuport end of prohibition
21:53 < Bluestreak> please
21:54 < Bluestreak> make a pirate pad and we can write what we want
21:54 < Bluestreak> for a week?
21:54 < noe> okay
21:54 < Bluestreak> then make ablog post
21:54 < Bluestreak> ty
21:54 < BostonEnginerd> (I actually had no idea what Freedom Rally was)
21:54 < Bluestreak> hemp rally
21:54 < igel> hemp fest
21:55 < Bluestreak> biggest event we do
21:55 < srevilak> it's festive
21:55 < Bluestreak> i think
21:55 < Bluestreak> pride and fr
21:55 < Bluestreak> someone needs to come to my house
21:55 < noe> https://piratenpad.de/p/p8YhioqeNosh
21:55 < Bluestreak> to get the stuff
21:56 < Bluestreak> tent n tables
21:56 < BostonEnginerd> thanks!
21:56 < Bluestreak> need set up: Put in post
21:56 < noe> we'll keep this Piratepad open for a week, and I will edit it
        (and post it, if I remember my passwds correctly)
21:56 < Bluestreak> f you can’t ping me
21:57 < Bluestreak> I will put it up if I am perky
21:57 < Bluestreak> I don’t know how to do forms
21:57 < Bluestreak> but we usually have a form
21:57 < Bluestreak> Set up:
21:57 < Bluestreak> Breakdown:
21:58 < Bluestreak> tabling
21:58 < Bluestreak> 12-2, 2-4, 4-6
21:59 < igel> yea there was some registration to do i remmeber
21:59 < igel> was like $100?
21:59 < srevilak>
22:00 < srevilak> igel: we paid registration earlier in the year
22:00 < Bluestreak> can you add “set up"
22:00 < Bluestreak> and “clean up” srevilak?
22:01 < srevilak> Bluestreak: can work on it
22:01 < Bluestreak> tyvm
22:01 < srevilak> anything else (we're at time)
22:01 < srevilak> ?
22:02 < Bluestreak> have a great cruise
22:02 < Bluestreak> will miss y’all
22:02 < Kendra> nite all, thanks to everyone for all the hard work
22:02 < noe> nite!
22:02 < igel> cheers
22:02 < Bluestreak> motion to split?
22:03 < noe> srevilak:  can you update the meeting notes?
22:03 < noe> 2nd
22:03 < igel> aye
22:03 < Bluestreak> skedaddle
22:03 < Bluestreak> depert
22:03 < noe> aye
22:03 < Bluestreak> aye
22:03 < noe> (all in favor?)
22:03 < Bluestreak> lol
22:04 < Bluestreak> nighty night
22:05 < BostonEnginerd> gnite!
22:05 < srevilak> noe: will post notes
22:05 < noe> srevilak:  thank you!  nite all

Latest revision as of 00:01, 2 February 2018


  • Somerville cryptoparty - six people attended. mostly a discussion of what to do with them going forward. decided to schedule them for the fourth Wednesday of each month and publicize them better. Tentative topic for the August meeting is I2P.


Putting names to tasks. PiratePad version.


There is a Public Hearing on Massachusetts GMO labeling bill (H.3242) on Sep. 22. Anyone willing to write a statement for this bill?


Event Planning

  1. Aug 2, Pirate Picnic, Georges Island, Pirate Pad
  2. Aug 26, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty
  3. Other August Event? - Cryptoparty in Worcester or Hackathon (either for Surveillance mapping or MAAPL)
  4. Sep. 19 & 20, Freedom Rally - Sign up form - have asked for volunteers in email as well, need blog post by July/Aug
  5. Sep. 22, 1pm, Public Hearing on Massachusetts GMO labeling bill (H.3242), Gardner Auditorium at the Massachusetts State House
  6. Oct. Cory Doctorow Event - Working with other groups
  7. Nov. event?
  8. Dec. event?

Restarting in September: Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge


  • igel (William Fleurant, Arlington MA)
  • noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA)
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
  • Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero)
  • Kendra (Kendra Moyer, Boston, MA)
  • BostonEnginerd


  • Pharyngeal
  • zby
  • itspara
  • Weil_


Discussion of Pirate Picinic this Sunday

Parts and Crafts cryptoparties will move to the 4th Wed. of each month. Will try to publicize better. Next one will likely be held at Parts & Crafts on Aug. 26 (Wednesday) from 6-9pm

Bluestream will try to write something on Massachusetts GMO labeling bill (H.3242). Should be submitted 5 days before hearing. Around Sept 16th.

Draft article about Freedom Rally. https://piratenpad.de/p/p8YhioqeNosh


 20:59 < igel> lo
21:00 < noe> howdy!  *waves*
21:01  * srevilak waves back
21:03 < Bluestreak> hey
21:04 < noe> ahoy!
21:04 < noe> I believe the Captain is out of commission tonight.  I think
        we're it!  IDs:  Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA
21:05 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA
21:05 < noe> (current agenda:
21:06 < igel> William Fleurant, Arlington MA
21:07 < Bluestreak> Lucia Fiero
21:08 < igel> i cant make the piraten picnic :/
21:08 < Bluestreak> me neither
21:08 < noe> awww . . .
21:09 < Bluestreak> :-(
21:09 < noe> I know I'm going, but I don't know who else is.
21:09 < noe> (I should probably log into Civi)
21:09 < noe> srevilak:  are you going to the piraten picnic?
21:10 < srevilak> yes, planning to go
21:11 < srevilak> noe: according to
        https://piratenpad.de/p/2015MAPPPicnic, should be ~ 8 people going
21:12 < Bluestreak> My home assitant wants o go
21:12 < Bluestreak> she would bring friends
21:12 < Bluestreak> she is a big Pirate Fan.
21:12 < noe> ooh!  we welcome new people.  :)
21:12 < srevilak> your home assistant is welcome to come, and welcome
        to bring friends
21:12 < srevilak> the more the merrier :)
21:12 < Bluestreak> She spent a year in India
21:12 < Bluestreak> teaching untouchable kids
21:13 < noe> Bluestreak:  feel free to send her the Pirate Pad link.
21:13 < Bluestreak> I think you will like her
21:13 < Bluestreak> I have.
21:13 < Bluestreak> She is here now hanging with AJ who won’t go
        without me :-(
21:13 < Bluestreak> I was hoping he would go without
21:14 < Bluestreak> Jason and me but he won't
21:16 < Bluestreak> Are we starting?
21:16 < noe> does he lack a ride?
21:16 < noe> Yes, I think we shifted to talking about the Picnic early,
        that's all.
21:16 < Bluestreak> I asked him if Jamie was willing to be the one to
        look after him would he go but he wants me and his Dad too mcuh
21:17 < Bluestreak> I made commemorative buttons
21:17 < noe> I can understand that.
21:17 < Bluestreak> Megan will make sure they get there
21:17 < noe> Sweet!
21:18 < noe> Back to the agenda:  paperwaves has been hosting monthly
        Cryptoparties at Parts & Crafts, had a recent one last week.
21:19 < srevilak> how did it go (beyond what's in agenda)
21:19 < noe> The attendants (about 6) are thinking of making them monthly,
        every 4th Wednesday.
21:19 < Bluestreak> Good idea
21:19 < igel> yeaa you got it
21:19 < Bluestreak> Need more promotion
21:19 < noe> I think because its not just paperwaves making a commitment,
        they will actually happen.
21:20 < Bluestreak> Promotion!
21:20 < Bluestreak> 1/4 page flyers
21:20 < Bluestreak> Soc Med.
21:20 < noe> I think it'll be easier to promote since it'll be monthly
        (just one flier with "every 4th Wednesday")
21:21 < Bluestreak> Flyerss wont have to change
21:21 < noe> And its easy to queue up on HootSuite (probably set it for
        first of the month and the week of)
21:22 < noe> Beyond what's in the agenda, I think paperwaves teaches
        more hands-on, so less from PowerPoint or from a document.
21:22 < Bluestreak> YOu knoe how to work that?
21:22 < Bluestreak> I never use it
21:23 < noe> Technically, jokeefe has been doing it, so has the passwds
        and such.  He could pass them off to paperwaves, which I think would
21:24 < srevilak> I try to use hootsuite when I can.  But Not much
        recently, I'm afraid
21:24 < Bluestreak> I want to mention that no everyone IDed
21:24 < Bluestreak> t
21:24 < noe> But I shouldn't speculate about people not in the IRC window.
21:25 < Kendra> Kendra Moyer, Boston, MA
21:25 < noe> ahoy!
21:25 < igel> hey wassap
21:25 < Kendra> hi
21:25 < Bluestreak> hi
21:26 < noe> we're nearly halfway through, and I think this is the most
        we'll get tonight.  we can probably move on to the decision in the agenda
        here:  https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_27th,_2015_IRC_Meeting
21:26 < noe> There is a Public Hearing on Massachusetts GMO labeling bill
        (H.3242) on Sep. 22. Anyone willing to write a statement for this bill?
21:26 < Bluestreak> I forget… are we signed up for Freedom Rally?
21:27 < srevilak> Bluestreak: yes, we're signed up
21:27 < noe> (I am looking up the due date for that statement right now)
21:27 < Bluestreak> ty
21:27 < Bluestreak> I will give it a go, the writing.
21:28 < srevilak> Bluestreak: thank you
21:29 < noe> We'd  want that written statement by 5 days prior to the
        hearing, so Sep. 16 or 17 (Thursday or Friday)
21:29 < noe> Bluestreak:  thanks!
21:31 < noe> We talked about the picnic and sort of about the Cryptoparty:
        the August Cryptoparty in Somerville will likely be held at Parts &
        Crafts on Aug. 26 (Wednesday) from 6-9pm.
21:32 < noe> Contact paperwaves (Halley or H) if you're interested in
        the Cryptoparty or can attend.  Feel free to spread the word to friends
        and potential interested parties.
21:32 < srevilak> hi BostonEnginerd
21:33 < noe> ahoy!
21:33 < BostonEnginerd> Hey Srevilak! Good to see you on the Internets!
21:33 < srevilak> likewise!
21:33 < srevilak> agenda is
21:34 < igel> was just mentioning cryptoparty Aug. 26 @ Parts
21:34 < BostonEnginerd> Excellent! I'll add it to the calendar.
21:35 < noe> Does anyone know if we're Hackathon-ing or Cryptoparty-ing
        in August in Worcester?  I have not been privy to that information.
21:36 < Bluestreak> James said something about needing to finish?
21:36 < srevilak> I've been putting a lot of time into the MAAPL project.
        I suspect we'll need another work day, but it may be a smaller one
21:36 < Bluestreak> As if the MMAP needed another hackathon
21:37 < Bluestreak> MAAPL sorry
21:37 < noe> It felt good working on the MAAPL project (spinning triangle
        of doom!) with other likeminded folks.
21:37 < Bluestreak> typing one handed
21:37 < srevilak> The challenge is trying to make a well-behaved 300
        question intake form for anti-foreclosure work
21:38 < srevilak> I've got a CiviCRM recipie that works @ that scale.
        Main question @ moment is whether we break up the form
21:38 < Kendra> It might make sense to push something like that back to
        early September, August will fly by
21:38 < noe> If we break up the form, is it easier to group
21:39 < Kendra> Part two, unless they are talking early August.
21:39 < srevilak> noe: it's not so much the grouping as the length
21:39 < noe> Might be worth putting more thought work into it, and then
        making a final push once some decisions have been made.
21:39 < Kendra> Has anyone suggested a date to complete the form?
21:39 < srevilak> Kendra: they were hoping for sometime in Aug
21:39 < igel> is it all pdf?
21:40 < srevilak> igel: CiviCRM.
21:40 < srevilak> Here's a mechanical-looking 300-question form
21:41 < srevilak> IMHO, it's kind of long, but it's also structured in
        a way that nothing chokes up
21:41 < Bluestreak> How long did that one page take?
21:41 < noe> srevilak:  oh dear god!
21:41 < igel> interesting
21:41 < igel> i mean.
21:42 < noe> srevilak:  I understand now.
21:42 < srevilak> One of the interesting things we discovered: putting
        all fields in 1 custom fieldset made jquery go apeshit
21:42 < igel> they are notarizing documents after they fabricate them
21:42 < srevilak> so, the lurking question became, is there anything
        else that will go apeshit
21:43 < srevilak> igel: the banks, yes, indeed
21:43 < igel> hmm..
21:43 < srevilak> I'm happy to do what I can to fight back against
        that nonsense
21:44 < noe> does the lurking question have an answer?
21:44 < srevilak> noe: so far, nothing else seems to go apeshit
21:44 < srevilak> it's a good answer :)
21:45 < igel> same, i worked at a junk company for 5 years, ive seen
        how bad it got over that itme
21:46 < igel> time*
21:46 < Kendra> Once you are losing your home you migh as well put up
        a fight
21:46 < noe> whoo!  so, I guess we'll just sit tight . . . if we don't
        have details by the 17th or 24th of August, we'll shift Worcester
        crypto/hacking to September?
21:47 < Kendra> Have we approached Grace about a date in August yet?
21:48 < srevilak> Kendra: no, need work plan before choosing date.
        Need to settle on some design things before going ahead with work plan
21:48 < noe> Kendra:  good question.  I think she had hoped we'd have
        finished during the first hackathon.
21:48 < Bluestreak> Kendra ask James
21:49 < Bluestreak> email works
21:49 < noe> I think we'll roll this item to the next meeting agenda
        and talk about it next week.
21:50 < Bluestreak> 10 minute mark
21:50 < igel> ping me if theres any code/stuff pushed to a repo i can
        contrib k
21:50 < srevilak> igel: will do, thx
21:51 < noe> Last solid item:  Freedom Rally.
        We are signed up!  MAPP volunteer signup is here:
21:52 < noe> We'd like a blog post about Freedom Rally, if people are
        interested in throwing one together.
21:52 < noe> Newer Pirates may not know what the event is,  so covering
        the basics would be good.
21:52 < Bluestreak> Not sure what to write about that
21:53 < Bluestreak> need staff
21:53 < Bluestreak> yes
21:53 < igel> 'you can do that in boston?' yea, its boston.
21:53 < noe> Part of me wants to make a piratepad and just slap together
        posts we've written before.
21:53 < Bluestreak> suuport end of prohibition
21:53 < Bluestreak> please
21:54 < Bluestreak> make a pirate pad and we can write what we want
21:54 < Bluestreak> for a week?
21:54 < noe> okay
21:54 < Bluestreak> then make ablog post
21:54 < Bluestreak> ty
21:54 < BostonEnginerd> (I actually had no idea what Freedom Rally was)
21:54 < Bluestreak> hemp rally
21:54 < igel> hemp fest
21:55 < Bluestreak> biggest event we do
21:55 < srevilak> it's festive
21:55 < Bluestreak> i think
21:55 < Bluestreak> pride and fr
21:55 < Bluestreak> someone needs to come to my house
21:55 < noe> https://piratenpad.de/p/p8YhioqeNosh
21:55 < Bluestreak> to get the stuff
21:56 < Bluestreak> tent n tables
21:56 < BostonEnginerd> thanks!
21:56 < Bluestreak> need set up: Put in post
21:56 < noe> we'll keep this Piratepad open for a week, and I will edit it
        (and post it, if I remember my passwds correctly)
21:56 < Bluestreak> f you can’t ping me
21:57 < Bluestreak> I will put it up if I am perky
21:57 < Bluestreak> I don’t know how to do forms
21:57 < Bluestreak> but we usually have a form
21:57 < Bluestreak> Set up:
21:57 < Bluestreak> Breakdown:
21:58 < Bluestreak> tabling
21:58 < Bluestreak> 12-2, 2-4, 4-6
21:59 < igel> yea there was some registration to do i remmeber
21:59 < igel> was like $100?
21:59 < srevilak>
22:00 < srevilak> igel: we paid registration earlier in the year
22:00 < Bluestreak> can you add “set up"
22:00 < Bluestreak> and “clean up” srevilak?
22:01 < srevilak> Bluestreak: can work on it
22:01 < Bluestreak> tyvm
22:01 < srevilak> anything else (we're at time)
22:01 < srevilak> ?
22:02 < Bluestreak> have a great cruise
22:02 < Bluestreak> will miss y’all
22:02 < Kendra> nite all, thanks to everyone for all the hard work
22:02 < noe> nite!
22:02 < igel> cheers
22:02 < Bluestreak> motion to split?
22:03 < noe> srevilak:  can you update the meeting notes?
22:03 < noe> 2nd
22:03 < igel> aye
22:03 < Bluestreak> skedaddle
22:03 < Bluestreak> depert
22:03 < noe> aye
22:03 < Bluestreak> aye
22:03 < noe> (all in favor?)
22:03 < Bluestreak> lol
22:04 < Bluestreak> nighty night
22:05 < BostonEnginerd> gnite!
22:05 < srevilak> noe: will post notes
22:05 < noe> srevilak:  thank you!  nite all