Coverting to https
Converting to https.
piratenkleider repair
Our wordpress theme stores a collection of attributes in the wp_options table. Here's a sample.
localhost:masspirates_wp> select * from wp_options where option_id = 300067\G *************************** 1. row *************************** option_id: 300067 option_name: theme_mods_piratenkleider option_value: a:4:{i:0;b:0;s:18:"nav_menu_locations";a:3:{s:7:"primary";i:0;s:3:"top";i:33;s:3:"sub";i:0;}s:12:"header_image";s:81:"";s:17:"header_image_data";O:8:"stdClass":5:{s:13:"attachment_id";i:1301;s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:13:"thumbnail_url";s:81:"";s:6:"height";i:0;s:5:"width";i:0;}} autoload: yes 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
These are serialized php objects, where strings are all length-prefixed. For example, s:6:"height"; means "string of six characters, which are 'height'". In this case, you can't simply edit the values -- you have to get the lengths right.
Do do this, you'll need to deserialize the php objects, dump them out, change the values, and then re-serialize. I did this with a semi-manual process, because we only had three options to change.
<?php $text = 'a:4:{i:0;b:0;s:18:"nav_menu_locations";a:3:{s:7:"primary";i:0;s:3:"top";i:33;s:3:"sub";i:0;}s:12:"header_image";s:81:"";s:17:"header_image_data";O:8:"stdClass":5:{s:13:"attachment_id";i:1301;s:3:"url";s:81:"";s:13:"thumbnail_url";s:81:"";s:6:"height";i:0;s:5:"width";i:0;}}'; $obj = unserialize($text); var_export($obj);
This pretty prints the deserialized object. Given the pretty-printed copy, we can edit the values, and re-serialize.
<?php $x = array ( 0 => false, 'nav_menu_locations' => array ( 'primary' => 0, 'top' => 33, 'sub' => 0, ), 'header_image' => '/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TabLogoF-1.png', 'header_image_data' => (object) array( 'attachment_id' => 1301, 'url' => '/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TabLogoF-1.png', 'thumbnail_url' => '/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TabLogoF-1.png', 'height' => 0, 'width' => 0, ), ); print serialize($x) . "\n";
Once we have the new serialized value, we update the wp_options table
update wp_options set option_value = 'a:4:{i:0;b:0;s:18:"nav_menu_locations";a:3:{s:7:"primary";i:0;s:3:"top";i:33;s:3:"sub";i:0;}s:12:"header_image";s:47:"/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TabLogoF-1.png";s:17:"header_image_data";O:8:"stdClass":5:{s:13:"attachment_id";i:1301;s:3:"url";s:47:"/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TabLogoF-1.png";s:13:"thumbnail_url";s:47:"/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/TabLogoF-1.png";s:6:"height";i:0;s:5:"width";i:0;}}' where option_id = 300067;
Then, repeat for the other values. These are the options that required changes
+-----------+------------------------------------+ | option_id | option_name | +-----------+------------------------------------+ | 300067 | theme_mods_piratenkleider | | 300082 | piratenkleider_theme_options | | 300101 | piratenkleider_theme_defaultbilder | +-----------+------------------------------------+
I wasn't able to get the unserialize-modify-serialize trick to work with widget_text, so I think we'll have to modify that through the UI. also appears in widget_text. I wasn't able to get that to deserialize, so we may have to fix it via the UI.
Updating the rest of the database
I decided not to do this.
I applied the changes to wordpress's wp_options table, and changed
- Settings > General > Wordpress Address
- Settings > General > Site URL
to Doing this much, wordpress seems to change links to As long as wordpress does this, I'm not inclined to go through and rewrite the database.
When deploying the change, I noticed some bad interactions with Firefox and WP Super Cache (which I didn't notice on my development copy). Disabling WP Super Cache seemed to fix this.
Go through wordpress widgets, and change http: URLs to HTTPs