August 15th, 2024 Meeting

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Revision as of 21:20, 15 August 2024 by Srevilak (talk | contribs) (→‎Summary)
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Meeting to be held via video conference:




United States Pirate Party Issues?



Local Updates

Video Newsletter/Podcast

Leader: Joseph

  • Video quality of Jitsi has started to suffer. Would be good to find a better streaming/recording alternative.
  • Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed

Media Outreach

  • Put media list in Civi (jokeefe)

Voter Outreach 2024

  • Contact cities/town to get list of voters
  • Mail supporters

2025 Local Campaigns


  • Videos:
    • Selecting campaign
    • Planning campaign
    • Get on the ballot
    • Fundraising
    • Voter Id
    • GOTV
  • Outreach to volunteers:
    • Ask them to organize locally
    • Ask them to campaign/run
    • Ask them to give us their full contact info
    • Call potential candidates/supporters

Other To Do

Upcoming Events


  • jokeefe (Somerville)
  • srevilak (Arlington)
  • emcgee (Leominster)



Reports. Digital fourth, Mass ACLU, Mass pirates testified to Cambridge City Council, to request that additional surveillance cameras not be installed in Central Square. Council put a temporary hold on the action, but it's likely to come back at a future time.

USPP Issues. Nothing new to report. No major changes.

Projects/Events. Have requested a table; waiting to hear whether our request was granted. Also requested table at Boston Anarchist Bookfair.

Outside of cambridge, not much in the way of local updates.

Mass Will have five questions on the ballot for Novembers election. May poll our supporters to get a sense of where they stand.

We want to focus on local campaigns in 2025. The Massachusetts Municipal Association has several resources that may be useful here.