October 17th, 2024 Meeting

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Revision as of 21:23, 17 October 2024 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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Meeting to be held via video conference: https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/mass-pirates-member-meeting/





Ballot Questions


  • Question 1: 7 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstain
  • Question 2: 7 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstain, 1 NOTA
  • Question 3: 8 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstain
  • Question 4: 9 Yes, 2 No
  • Question 5: 11 Yes

Winter Conference

What day works best for you?

  • Saturday, January 18th: 1
  • Sunday, January 19th: 1
  • Saturday, January 25th: 2
  • Sunday, January 26th: 1

United States Pirate Party Issues?



Local Updates

Video Newsletter/Podcast

Leader: Joseph

  • Video quality of Jitsi has started to suffer. Would be good to find a better streaming/recording alternative.
  • Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed

Media Outreach

Voter Outreach 2024

Draft letter to cities and towns:


Please allow me to introduce myself, I am the chair of the Massachusetts Pirate Party. You can find us at masspirates.org.

I am writing to you obtain the following information from you:

1. a copy of all voters in your municipality who are registered as Pirates (X code in the voter database). We would prefer this data in a delimited file format. The current voter database pipe (|) delimited export format is acceptable to us. If it is not possible to provide only the register voters in the Pirate designation, we would be happy to receive all voters in your municipality and we will extract all Pirate voters;

2. the dates for when nomination papers are available, when they are due and any other dates related to your 2025 election. We have the date of your municipal election from the Massachusetts Municipal Association website. If the election calendar is on your website, we are happy to look at it if you would kindly provide the link to us.

3. a list of the offices up for election in 2025 and they number of nomination signatures required for each.

Thank you so much for your help.


James O'Keefe

  • Contact cities/town to get list of voters
  • Mail supporters

2025 Local Campaigns


  • Videos:
    • Selecting campaign
    • Planning campaign
    • Get on the ballot
    • Fundraising
    • Voter Id
    • GOTV
  • Outreach to volunteers:
    • Ask them to organize locally
    • Ask them to campaign/run
    • Ask them to give us their full contact info
    • Call potential candidates/supporters

Other To Do

Upcoming Events

  • 10/19-20, Boston Anarchist Bookfair. sign up


