September 29th, 2018 Party Conference
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Platform Discussion
What to focus on going forward? Discussion
networking with other organizing
- masscann / aclu
- massmesh
open disc with rival interests
- healthy debate
- who dont agree
- who agree
- focus on: discussion vs. an argument
communications -- a platform milestone
- not just irc..
- get on and become members, and discuss.
- is it riot chat? is it tech?
- geography is important, using librarys (or other) for meetups
- Proposed: October Democracy tech meet
- evaluate catagories/features of a given solution
- discord
- hangouts
- riot
- catagories
- voting
- video/voice conference
- streaming
- barrier to participate
observations: what do we focus on?
- most pressuring issue concerning you
- net neutrality, housing
- drm
- sex worker rights && expanding piraten party
- immigration, school, community
- housing
- policing, accountability, body cams
- inequality, fair access to resources re: food justice