June 30th, 2021 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Endorse the July 4th Anti-Imperialist Picnic
Details at https://www.facebook.com/events/1158985261236235
Planks: https://github.com/masspirates/planks
Drug policy: https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPDrugPolicy
Leader: Malt
- Next Pirate Moot: June 26th, 4-6pm
- Setup local video meetups by region with people who said they were interested in organizing a local chapter
- Organize candidate trainings
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Trans Advocacy Telethon
Boston Pride Festival
Leader: jokeefe
While in-person events, including outdoor events, are on hold until COVID-19 numbers go down, we should plan for our table at the Boston Pride Festival. Festival is on hold, likely for the year.
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming On-line Events
- Sat., 6/26, ?pm, Pirate Moot, on-line
- davidd
- hvxgr
- Mikaela
- slerman
Worked on drug policy position. https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPDrugPolicy
[9:03pm] jokeefe: Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/June_30th,_2021_IRC_Meeting [9:03pm] jokeefe: ids [9:03pm] jokeefe: What’s the update on the nurses’ strike? [9:03pm] jokeefe: James O’Keefe, Somerville [9:03pm] malt: sam capradae, worcester [9:04pm] malt: so i got some info that the police have installed cameras opposite the street they're protesting on, and have denied records requests related to the installation [9:04pm] malt: someone asked if that's something we could help advise on, the appeals/records req portion of this fight [9:05pm] jokeefe: I can put them in touch with people who can. Email me their contact info and a summary of what has occurred so far [9:06pm] malt: ok! [9:08pm] jokeefe: Decisions/Endorsements [9:08pm] jokeefe: Endorse the July 4th Anti-Imperialist Picnic? [9:08pm] jokeefe: Details at https://www.facebook.com/events/1158985261236235 [9:08pm] malt: I like it! [9:10pm] jokeefe: All in favor of endorsing? [9:11pm] jokeefe: aye [9:11pm] malt: AYE! [9:11pm] jokeefe: any opposed? [9:13pm] jokeefe: motion passes. Will notify them and include in the next email announcement [9:14pm] jokeefe: Platform drug policy - https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPDrugPolicy [9:14pm] jokeefe: Final review?