January 11th, 2016 IRC Meeting

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Revision as of 23:00, 11 January 2016 by Srevilak (talk | contribs) (→‎Minutes)
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Review & Decisions

Campaigns Status

2016 Campaign

2016 Campaign Plan & Task Status

Pirate Pads:

  1. quick how to publicize and run a regional meeting document
  2. text for campaign site
  3. Post videos on:
    1. why run
    2. planning your campaign
    3. how to get on the ballot
    4. how to gather signatures

Event Planning

  1. June, PirateCon 2016

Upcoming Events

  1. 1/16, 4pm, Arisia Cryptoparty
  2. 1/27, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty

Every Wed., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge


  • aquaticonions
  • bestpiggy
  • jokeefe
  • Kendra
  • srevilak
  • Lulu


  • davidd
  • Pharyngeal
  • zby


Meeting starts with masspirates.org getting clobbered by a script kiddie. Sigh ... They went away after a while.

Outline of how to run a regional meeting: https://piratenpad.de/p/MAPP2016RunningRegionalMeeting. Jamie and Steve planning a regional meeting for Somerville, Cambridge, Arlington (and perhaps Boston). Perhaps hold after the 2/9 NH primaries?

No pirate presidential candidates this year. Interesting, John McAfee is running for president on the libertarian party ticket. https://mcafee16.com/ His web site is "(c) 2015 All rights reserved". Not very piratey.


21:03 < Kendra> Hi Steve
21:03 < srevilak> hi all
21:03 < bestpiggy> hello
21:04 < jokeefe> wiki is slow
21:05 < jokeefe> Agenda -
21:05 < srevilak> yes, load on rose is a seems a bit high right now
21:05 < jokeefe> ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville
21:05 < aquaticonions> Guten Tag, Eli Haber from Lexington
21:06 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA
21:07 < Kendra> Kendra Moyer, Highland Park, Michigan
21:07 < bestpiggy> olivia Píñeyro, Boston
21:08 < jokeefe> Review & Decisions
21:09 < jokeefe> Steve and I had a casual meeting on Saturday.  Mostly
        talked about calling people asking them to organize regional meetings /
        call people and start posting to the blog more reliably
21:12 < jokeefe> Moving on to
21:12 < srevilak> heh, rose is slow because masspirates.org is getting
21:12 < srevilak> Someone's going post comment happy
21:13 < Lulu> Sorry. Feeling poorly
21:13 < Lulu> Lucia Fiero, Medway
21:14 < Lulu> ?
21:14 < Lulu> ahoy?
21:18 < jokeefe> ahoy
21:18 < jokeefe> ddos attack, perhaps
21:18 < jokeefe> quite understandable Lulu
21:18 < jokeefe> just editing
21:18 < jokeefe> Agenda -
21:18 < srevilak> No, looks like we're being crawled by several bots
        at once
21:19 < srevilak> seems to be backing off though
21:19 < srevilak> Note to self: need rate limits in robots.txt
21:19 < jokeefe> would be interesting to see who they are
21:21 < srevilak> IP address is from the netherlands.
21:21 < srevilak> But who knows where the requests themselves originate
21:22 < srevilak> us, an nycga.net
21:22 < srevilak> load has dropped from 8 -> 1.8
21:22 < srevilak> seems okay now
21:23 < jokeefe> 8/sec?
21:23 < srevilak> 1 minutes load average of 8.0+ to 1 minute load average
        of 1.8
21:24 < srevilak> aka, "man uptime"
21:24 < srevilak> :)
21:26 < srevilak> might have been script kiddies, but definitely not
        full fledged DDOS
21:26 < srevilak> looks back to normal now
21:27 < jokeefe> good
21:27 < jokeefe> so I updated
21:27 < jokeefe> if you have any changes, please put them there
21:27 < jokeefe> Who is going to Arisia?
21:34 < srevilak> will not be able to make it this year
21:34 < jokeefe> No worries
21:35 < jokeefe> Who can organize a regional meeting?
21:35 < jokeefe> Steve and I are working on a joint one for our two
21:36 < jokeefe> aquaticonions, would you be able to help srevilak and I?
21:39 < aquaticonions> possibly. details?
21:40 < jokeefe> working those out
21:40 < jokeefe> looking for a location.
21:40 < jokeefe> date likely early Feb
21:41 < aquaticonions> Depending on the day, probably
21:41 < jokeefe> Likely a weekend.  Are there any bad for you?
21:41 < jokeefe> and would you be able to make calls?
21:41 < jokeefe> or email people personally?
21:42  * srevilak just registered for hope XI
21:42 < Kendra> I  have a question too about national elections and if
        any state Pirate Party trying to run anyone for president?  I am sure
        I would have heard.
21:43 < srevilak> To get on presidential ballot in 1 state requires
10k signatures
21:43 < srevilak> that's a lot
21:44 < Kendra> Maybe next time if we start early
21:44 < jokeefe> various people have said they are interested in the
        nomination, but they tend to be only interested in being write in
21:44 < jokeefe> Between the Greens and Libertarians, there isn’t
        usually much interest at that level
21:45 < jokeefe> Then again there is this guy - https://mcafee16.com/
21:45 < Kendra> I think there is some value in having an active party
        regardless, you still have a soapbox of sorts.
21:45 < jokeefe> Oh, I see he is now a Libertarian and no longer running
        for his cyber party
21:45 < aquaticonions> I'll need to check; I can email you @jokeefe
21:46 < jokeefe> thanks aquaticonions
21:46 < jokeefe> The US Pirates decided to be more decentralized in
        their structure
21:47 < jokeefe> Don’t think McAfee is our type of candidate.  His site
        is © 2015 John McAfee. All Rights Reserved.
21:48 < srevilak> :)
21:49 < Kendra> I had a philosophical long convo with an older activist
        about "why bother?" with the 3rd parties, years back, and he said
        it provides a fairly legitimate platform from which to share your
        perspective.  For anyone questioning their motivation or involvement.
21:50 < Kendra> as I do from time to time
21:50 < jokeefe> Agreed.  Though I think the personal touch is needed,
        thus the emphasis on state rep/senate.
21:50 < Kendra> Yeah politics are ususally local
21:50 < jokeefe> More european approach: elect the legislature
21:51 < srevilak> Plus, state & local campaigns are tractable
        possibilities for a non-millionaire
21:51 < jokeefe> very true
21:51 < Kendra> My town is two square miles here, it would be pretty
        easy to take over
21:51 < jokeefe> how many people?
21:52 < Kendra> I'm not sure, but it is depoulated and I know everyone
21:52 < srevilak> 11.6K (estimate for 2012)
21:52 < jokeefe> that is doable
21:52 < jokeefe> very
21:52 < jokeefe> think Arlington’s population is more than that
21:52 < Kendra> The last mayor was an ex-convict who sold all the
        abandoned commercial properties on the main road over here to his mother.
21:53 < jokeefe> hard not to go up from there
21:53 < Kendra> Yeah it's little and we all know each other, my mother
        ran for mayor
21:53 < jokeefe> Any other changes to
        https://piratenpad.de/p/MAPP2016RunningRegionalMeeting ?
21:54 < Kendra> I would try to have the meeting close to a debate or
        some other electoral event
21:55 < srevilak> NH and Iowa are coming up, but coming up quick
21:56 < jokeefe> true
21:57 < jokeefe> anything else?
21:57 < srevilak> NH is Tues, Feb 9th
21:58 < jokeefe> shall we adjourn?
21:58 < srevilak> we're at time, so motion to adjourn
21:58 < aquaticonions> second
21:59 < jokeefe> all in favor
21:59 < srevilak> aye
21:59 < Kendra> aye
21:59 < srevilak> will post transcript
21:59 < jokeefe> thanks
21:59 < Kendra> nite all
21:59 < jokeefe> aye