January 9th, 2014 IRC Meeting

From Mass Pirate Wiki
Revision as of 21:54, 9 January 2014 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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  1. Upcoming Events
    1. 1/13, Honor the Memory of Aaron Swartz; Demand Carmen Ortiz's Job
    2. 1/17-20, Arisia, Boston (Cryptoparty & Campaign Training) - Schedule set
    3. 1/18 Boston Common Smoke Out/Vape Up!
    4. 1/23, Medway Pirates Meeting. twitter youtube
    5. 1/25, Issue Meeting
    6. 1/25, 7pm, Activists Ball
    7. Feb., Hear there are plans for coordinated effort to get Congress to rein in the NSA
    8. Feb., Cryptoparty
    9. 2/9, Somerville Pirate Party meeting. https://twitter.com/villepirates
    10. 2/17 (Monday), Snowden, Manning & other whistleblowers Airport Protest
    11. March Cryptoparty
    12. 3/21 (Saturday), Pirate Party Fundraiser, Democracy Center, Harvard Sq., Cambridge
  2. 2014 Conference
    1. Location?
    2. Date - poll?
    3. Need info on it at Fundraiser so we can sell tickets
  3. Support Outreach & Fundraising
    1. Nation Builder - Try 14 day trial
    2. Phone banking
    3. Fundraiser Tasks
  4. 2014 Campaign
    1. Media List
    2. Mapping
    3. Voter registration app


  • jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)



Meeting Minutes
