November 20th, 2014 IRC Meeting: Difference between revisions

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20:51 < jokeefe> ahoy!
20:58 < srevilak> hi jokeefe
21:00 < srevilak> went to a nice OCPF presentation this evening
21:00 < jokeefe> how did it go?
21:00 < srevilak> I like what they're trying to do with moving everyone
        to depository system
21:01 < srevilak> you get visibility into every one
21:01 < srevilak> and nothing staler than 2 weeks old
21:01 < srevilak> Eastern Bank participates in Depository system
21:01 < srevilak> Planning to take forms to them this weeken
21:01 < srevilak> Planning to take forms to them this weekend
21:01 < jokeefe> oh good.  was concerned about that
21:01 < srevilak> and ask how much they plan to charge us
21:01 < jokeefe> any extra fees?
21:01 < srevilak> Probably
21:02 < srevilak> in depository system, bank does most of the reporting
21:02 < jokeefe> yes
21:02 < srevilak> we just fill in blanks, what the bank doesn't have
        visibility into
21:02 < srevilak> OCPF fellow indicated that most banks charge something
        for the additional service
21:02 < jokeefe> hopefully not too much.  something to put in the budget
        I guess
21:03 < srevilak> Yes, should budget for it
21:03 < srevilak> PLanning to write & distribute notes.  Hopefully
        tomorrow night
21:03 < jokeefe> lets start
21:03 < jokeefe> Agenda:,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:03 < jokeefe> ids - James O'Keefe, Somerville
21:03 < srevilak> Steve Revilak - Arlington, MA
21:03 < srevilak> (who will be back in 1 min)
21:04 < jokeefe> k
21:04 < srevilak> back now
21:05 < srevilak> piratecon survey: 10 submissions so far
21:05 < srevilak> If you log into
21:05 < srevilak> Click `find content'
21:06 < srevilak> click `piratecon2015 questionairre'
21:06 < srevilak> click `results'
21:06 < jokeefe> Oh, good.
21:06 < jokeefe> ahoy lisbon
21:06 < lisbon> hello
21:06 < srevilak> hi lisbon
21:06 < lisbon> how is everyone today
21:07 < jokeefe> doing well, lisbon.  you?
21:07 < jokeefe> srevilak, gets me just
        Mass Pirates Crew
21:07 < lisbon> fine, minus the fact they my town dismissed the municipal
        fiber idea...
21:08 < jokeefe> nevermind
21:08 < srevilak> jokeefe: append "user" to the URL to get login
21:08 < jokeefe> yes, thank you
21:08 < srevilak> user is to drupal as wp-login.php is to wordpress :)
21:08 < srevilak> lisbon: why'd the town dismiss the fibre idea
21:09 < lisbon> They thought it wasn't possible even though it has been
        done by town with far less reasources
21:10 < lisbon> It was worth a shot though
21:11 < jokeefe> what town tried it?
21:11 < lisbon> Im in Ludlow
21:12 < lisbon> western mass
21:12 < jokeefe> yes, but which town with far less resources tried it?
21:14 < jokeefe> srevilak, next email will highlight the survey.
        hope to get it out tonight.  might do this weekend, though.  nights are
        less friendly.
21:14 < lisbon> There were a few small towns in Vermont, Rockport maine
        and another town whose name I forget
21:14 < lisbon> Rockland Maine I mean
21:14 < jokeefe> cool, lisbon.  any case studies of what they did right?
21:15 < jokeefe> Reminder that Noe is looking for help with the SCATV
        Pirate Show on net neutrality, 12/15, 6-6:30pm (Noe)
21:15 < jokeefe> agenda at,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:16 < jokeefe> Next up 3. Review events in person or on-line
21:16 < lisbon> jokeefe, I wasn't able to get the contact information
        of the gentleman who gave the presentations but he had detaild from two
        case studies
21:16 < lisbon> *details
21:16 < lisbon> what is SCATV?
21:18 < jokeefe> Somerville Community Access TV
21:18 < jokeefe> if you get a copy of the presentations, would love to
        read them if you find a link
21:19  * srevilak__ is helping kendra with an IRC problem
21:19 < jokeefe> ah
21:20 < lisbon> I am tring to track down the guy, but he has been pushed
        from future mettings due to time restrictions
21:20 < jokeefe> dang
21:20 < lisbon> i noticed the web IRC was't working
21:21 < jokeefe> usuall that is the thing that does work
21:21 < lisbon> clients have always worked for me
21:21 < jokeefe> lisbon, not sure if I asked this, would you be able to
        help us find a location for a cryptoparty in your area?  We haven't done
        one in Western Mass. yet
21:22 < jokeefe> I find clients work at home, but on the work VPN,
        the connections keep dropping.
21:22 < lisbon> Cryptoparty: How many people are we talking here?
21:23 < jokeefe> As many as we can get.
21:23 < jokeefe> 10-20 is a good #
21:23 < jokeefe> wireless network is good
21:24 < lisbon> I have a possible place but I think it may be too small,
        and the wifi is being "borrowed" from a nearby network. I will look for
        other places
21:26 < jokeefe> thanks!
21:27 < jokeefe> Sometime early next year would be good.
21:27 < jokeefe> srevilak, take it you are still distracted?
21:28 < lisbon> Im writing emails in search of venues as we speak
21:28 < jokeefe> cool
21:28 < igel> 'lo
21:28 < jokeefe> hey igel
21:29 < jokeefe> agenda at,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:29 < jokeefe> we are on item 3
21:29 < igel> ok
21:29 < srevilak> jokeefe: I had to take some screenshots for kendra
        (xchat configuration)
21:29 < srevilak> Hopefully she'll join soon
21:29 < jokeefe> great
21:29 < jokeefe> thank you
21:30 < igel> steve you recomend civic crm>
21:31 < igel> er... recommend CiviCRM
21:31 < jokeefe> So it strikes me that between holidays, the different
        review meetings and planning piratecon 2015, we may not have time for
        a cryptoparty.  opinions?
21:31 < srevilak> An ACLU friend of our wrote to me earlier today
21:31 < srevilak> asking about teaching PGP to some folks
21:32 < srevilak> not the usual cryptoparty, but something I'll try to
        help them with
21:32 < srevilak> I may need helpers :)
21:32 < jokeefe> just for ACLU folks or wider audience?
21:32 < srevilak> jokeefe: just ACLU folks
21:32 < jokeefe> ok, I could be a helper
21:32 < srevilak> thx
21:33 < igel> when abouts?
21:33 < srevilak> igel: dunno
21:33 < jokeefe> put out a call for helpers or just ask the regular folks:
        Lucia, igel, Kendra
21:33 < srevilak> I'll send more details after we start hammering them out
21:33 < jokeefe> ahoy Kendra
21:33 < srevilak> Kendra: congratulations :)
21:33 < jokeefe> Agenda:,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:33 < Kendra> Hi, figured it out
21:33 < jokeefe> on item 3
21:34 < srevilak> jokeefe: 3.1?
21:34 < jokeefe> likely
21:34 < srevilak> ok -  Election year review
21:34 < srevilak> we should review :)
21:34 < igel> well, i can help with hands on for sure
21:34 < jokeefe> It strikes me that items 3.1 to 3.5 should probably
        happen this year
21:34 < jokeefe> thanks igel
21:34 < srevilak> jokeefe: agreed
21:35 < jokeefe> Think it would be good to schedule them and just
        invite people
21:35 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think that would make sense
21:35 < srevilak> would we want to do IPMs at a restaurant, or somewhere
        with white board
21:36 < jokeefe> 3.1 Election year review (Jamie) - We need Joe & Noe
        as well as the people who helped.
21:37 < jokeefe> I thin e5 would be good.  Maybe have them all rolled
        into one or two meetings
21:37 < jokeefe> One Nov. and one Dec. in different locations?
21:37 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think that sounds good
21:37 < Kendra> We are probably also welcome to hold things at South
        End tech Center if we schedule ahead of time
21:37 < igel> i got to run
21:38 < srevilak> night igel
21:38 < igel> hi Kendra
21:38 < jokeefe> bye igel
21:38 < igel> hey can i.. i'll email you
21:38 < srevilak> igel: email anytime
21:38 < jokeefe> thanks, Kendra.  That could work as well.
21:38 < igel> cheers
21:38 < srevilak> for campaign post-mortem, maybe someplace between
        metro boston and Bellingham?
21:39 < jokeefe> Sure, will ask Joe/Lucia/Jason
21:39 < Kendra> The last free software meet up in chelmsworth I think
        was another larger group.  I am not sure that was the name of the city.
21:39 < srevilak> I'm interested in hearing Joe's thoughts about how
        campaign went
21:40 < jokeefe> me too.
21:40 < srevilak> Kendra: chelmsford, perhaps?
21:40 < jokeefe> Chelmsford is way North of Bellingham
21:40 < Kendra> That might be it.  There were some campaign workers
        there who had never met Pirate Party members and they were interested
        in having us visit in the future.
21:41 < Kendra> There were about 20 people at their monthly meet up
21:41 < jokeefe> Which group was that again?
21:41 < srevilak> Kendra: do you recall name of venue, or can you
        find out?
21:42 < Kendra> It was a free software meet up group that originated
        in Worchester and migrated over there.  I will ask Micky Metts for the
        deets or check if I see it in my email somewhere.
21:43 < srevilak> Kendra: thx
21:43 < jokeefe> did any of you get a chance to look at the software
        that Falkvinge put up and I emailed about earlier today?
21:44 < srevilak> jokeefe: I started looking over the system side of
        things (like software prerequisites)
21:44 < srevilak> it's mono, requires a special mono build, and a special
        apache module
21:45 < jokeefe> think we can install it on the system?
21:45 < srevilak> Likely not something we'd be able to host on a standard
        mayfirst mosh
21:46 < Kendra> Chelmsford Linux Meetup group
21:46 < srevilak> put another way, I'd want to see how badly one would
        have to hack up a standard MFPL server to get the swarm thing to work
21:46 < srevilak> but I'm not optimistic
21:47 < jokeefe> hmmm
21:47 < srevilak> of course, try and see is best way to find out
21:47 < jokeefe> Well, maybe see if we can just get it up on a linux
        box and go from there.  Not fond of C#
21:47 < srevilak> sadly, C# backend with custom mono build is not what
        I had hoped for
21:48 < jokeefe> yes
21:49 < srevilak> ok - for Election year review, sounds like we need to
        get some input from Joe, Noe, and their respective campaign helps
21:49 < srevilak> ok - for Election year review, sounds like we need to
        get some input from Joe, Noe, and their respective campaign helpers
21:50 < jokeefe> yes
21:50 < srevilak> move on to 3.2?
21:50 < jokeefe> Roll them up into two meetings (Boston &
        Worcester/Bellingham areas)?
21:50 < jokeefe> 3.1 to 3.5?
21:51 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think that's reasonable
21:51 < jokeefe> Then help with ACLU cryptoparty
21:51 < jokeefe> And talk with Chelmsford linux group about coming to
        their meeting early 2015 to do what?
21:51 < srevilak> That said, doing 1 meeting with 3.1, 3.4, 3.5
21:52 < jokeefe> putting poll together for meetings
21:52 < srevilak> the second meeting meeting with 3.2, 3.4, 3.5
21:52 < Kendra> The Chelmford group was interested in a cryptoparty
21:52 < srevilak> 3.1, 3.2 being main focus, 3.4 3.5 being additional
21:52 < jokeefe> Agreed.  I think having 5-10 minutes to go over 3.3
        would be good.
21:53 < srevilak> jokeefe: that works
21:53 < jokeefe> Really want more people to send email blasts
21:53 < jokeefe> so I am not SPoF
21:53 < srevilak> SPoF?
21:53 < jokeefe> single point of failure
21:53 < srevilak> ah
21:53 < Kendra> I was going to start putting our events out on my linked
        in page because I have connected to a lot of tech and community activist
        types on there.
21:54 < Kendra> That's my strategy
21:54 < srevilak> Kendra - sorry to jump around.  Chelmsford group sounds
        like a decent opportunity to do stuff
21:54 < srevilak> esp if they've never heard about pirates
21:55 < Kendra> Oh, but that was the good part.  They had heard about
        us and wanted to hear more.  Election workers had seen us on the ballots.
21:55 < jokeefe> cool.  I'll invite you to the MAPP linked in group,
21:55 < srevilak> There's a MAPP linked in group?
21:55 < Kendra> The more you know
21:55 < srevilak> I had no idea!
21:55 < Kendra> Me neither
21:55 < jokeefe> yes, it doesn't get much love, srevilak
21:56 < Kendra> Well that's gonna change
21:56 < jokeefe> great!
21:57 < lisbon> Regarding a Cryptoparty in Western Massachusetts: I have
        a possible opportunity to get a conference area in the Massachusetts
        green high performance computing center ( I have
        gotten a response from someone who proposed it to their supervisor and
        I will probably get a response within the next few days.
21:58 < jokeefe> wonderful, lisbon!  just email
        when you know
21:58 < lisbon> will do
21:58 < srevilak> lisbon: wow, that's great.  Thank!
21:58 < srevilak> lisbon: wow, that's great.  Thanks!
21:59 < jokeefe> srevilak, looks like you are on the linked in group,
        but not sure how to make you an admin
22:00 < jokeefe> Kendra, it is at
22:00 < srevilak> jokeefe: yes, I just found it and joined
22:00 < jokeefe> great
22:01 < jokeefe> we are at time.  have a poll
22:01 < jokeefe> at
22:01 < jokeefe> but not sure how to change so it is all that apply
22:02 < Kendra> I joined too
22:02 < srevilak> jokeefe: in field configuration, there's a "multiple"
22:03 < srevilak> jokeefe: congrats on your entry into drupal hacking :)
22:03 < jokeefe> thanks, though I have done this in the distant past
22:03 < jokeefe> not seeing a field configuration
22:04 < jokeefe> is there a way for any polls to appear on the front page?
22:04 < srevilak> oh, it's not a webform
22:04 < jokeefe> maybe with a sign up form?
22:05 < jokeefe> while srevilak and I deal with this, do we have a motion
        to adjourn since we are at time?
22:05 < srevilak> motion to adjourn
22:05 < Kendra> 2nd
22:05 < srevilak> jokeefe: from
22:06 < srevilak> Try "webform"
22:06 < Kendra> all in favor of adjourning?
22:06 < jokeefe> aye
22:06 < jokeefe> will do srevilak
22:06 < Kendra> aye
22:07 < lisbon> aye
22:07 < Kendra> nite all
22:07 < lisbon> bye
22:07 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think polls are intended to be really simple:
        one question, couple of choices
22:08 < srevilak> for one question, multiple choice, webform might be
        more appropriate
22:08 < jokeefe> is fieldset what I am looking for?
22:08 < srevilak> fieldset is a group of related fields
22:08 < srevilak> let's see
22:09 < srevilak> "Select options" is what you want
22:09 < jokeefe> thanks
22:10 < srevilak> on edit screen for a "select options" field "multiple"
        gives you multiple choice checkboxes.  multiple (unchecked) gives
        radio buttons
22:11 < jokeefe> ok, think I have it
22:11  * srevilak goes to post notes

Latest revision as of 23:13, 20 November 2014


Decisions/Events Status

  1. PirateCon 2015 survey status (Steve)
  2. SCATV Pirate Show on net neutrality, 12/15, 6-6:30pm (Noe)
  3. Review events in person or on-line
    1. Election year review (?)
    2. 2015 Budget/Fundraising planning/review of 2014 spending/accounts (Steve)
    3. Hands on with CiviCRM (Steve)
    4. Figuring out how we open up decision making/participation to more people (Jamie)
    5. Issue development process (?)
    6. Planning events for the rest of the year, especially outside the Boston-area (?)
      1. Next Cryptoparty - Train the trainers?


  • jokeefe
  • srevilak
  • lisbon
  • igel
  • Kendra


  • davidd
  • decipherstatic
  • Pharyngeal
  • zby

Events Summary

  1. Dec. 6, Radical Reference Collective: Privacy Workshop for Library Professionals, 2-5pm, Simmons College
  2. Dec. 12, The Pirate Show on SCATV
  3. May 6, 2015, International Day against DRM.

Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge



20:51 < jokeefe> ahoy!
20:58 < srevilak> hi jokeefe
21:00 < srevilak> went to a nice OCPF presentation this evening
21:00 < jokeefe> how did it go?
21:00 < srevilak> I like what they're trying to do with moving everyone
        to depository system
21:01 < srevilak> you get visibility into every one
21:01 < srevilak> and nothing staler than 2 weeks old
21:01 < srevilak> Eastern Bank participates in Depository system
21:01 < srevilak> Planning to take forms to them this weeken
21:01 < srevilak> Planning to take forms to them this weekend
21:01 < jokeefe> oh good.  was concerned about that
21:01 < srevilak> and ask how much they plan to charge us
21:01 < jokeefe> any extra fees?
21:01 < srevilak> Probably
21:02 < srevilak> in depository system, bank does most of the reporting
21:02 < jokeefe> yes
21:02 < srevilak> we just fill in blanks, what the bank doesn't have
        visibility into
21:02 < srevilak> OCPF fellow indicated that most banks charge something
        for the additional service
21:02 < jokeefe> hopefully not too much.  something to put in the budget
        I guess
21:03 < srevilak> Yes, should budget for it
21:03 < srevilak> PLanning to write & distribute notes.  Hopefully
        tomorrow night
21:03 < jokeefe> lets start
21:03 < jokeefe> Agenda:,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:03 < jokeefe> ids - James O'Keefe, Somerville
21:03 < srevilak> Steve Revilak - Arlington, MA
21:03 < srevilak> (who will be back in 1 min)
21:04 < jokeefe> k
21:04 < srevilak> back now
21:05 < srevilak> piratecon survey: 10 submissions so far
21:05 < srevilak> If you log into
21:05 < srevilak> Click `find content'
21:06 < srevilak> click `piratecon2015 questionairre'
21:06 < srevilak> click `results'
21:06 < jokeefe> Oh, good.
21:06 < jokeefe> ahoy lisbon
21:06 < lisbon> hello
21:06 < srevilak> hi lisbon
21:06 < lisbon> how is everyone today
21:07 < jokeefe> doing well, lisbon.  you?
21:07 < jokeefe> srevilak, gets me just
        Mass Pirates Crew
21:07 < lisbon> fine, minus the fact they my town dismissed the municipal
        fiber idea...
21:08 < jokeefe> nevermind
21:08 < srevilak> jokeefe: append "user" to the URL to get login
21:08 < jokeefe> yes, thank you
21:08 < srevilak> user is to drupal as wp-login.php is to wordpress :)
21:08 < srevilak> lisbon: why'd the town dismiss the fibre idea
21:09 < lisbon> They thought it wasn't possible even though it has been
        done by town with far less reasources
21:10 < lisbon> It was worth a shot though
21:11 < jokeefe> what town tried it?
21:11 < lisbon> Im in Ludlow
21:12 < lisbon> western mass
21:12 < jokeefe> yes, but which town with far less resources tried it?
21:14 < jokeefe> srevilak, next email will highlight the survey.
        hope to get it out tonight.  might do this weekend, though.  nights are
        less friendly.
21:14 < lisbon> There were a few small towns in Vermont, Rockport maine
        and another town whose name I forget
21:14 < lisbon> Rockland Maine I mean
21:14 < jokeefe> cool, lisbon.  any case studies of what they did right?
21:15 < jokeefe> Reminder that Noe is looking for help with the SCATV
        Pirate Show on net neutrality, 12/15, 6-6:30pm (Noe)
21:15 < jokeefe> agenda at,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:16 < jokeefe> Next up 3. Review events in person or on-line
21:16 < lisbon> jokeefe, I wasn't able to get the contact information
        of the gentleman who gave the presentations but he had detaild from two
        case studies
21:16 < lisbon> *details
21:16 < lisbon> what is SCATV?
21:18 < jokeefe> Somerville Community Access TV
21:18 < jokeefe> if you get a copy of the presentations, would love to
        read them if you find a link
21:19  * srevilak__ is helping kendra with an IRC problem
21:19 < jokeefe> ah
21:20 < lisbon> I am tring to track down the guy, but he has been pushed
        from future mettings due to time restrictions
21:20 < jokeefe> dang
21:20 < lisbon> i noticed the web IRC was't working
21:21 < jokeefe> usuall that is the thing that does work
21:21 < lisbon> clients have always worked for me
21:21 < jokeefe> lisbon, not sure if I asked this, would you be able to
        help us find a location for a cryptoparty in your area?  We haven't done
        one in Western Mass. yet
21:22 < jokeefe> I find clients work at home, but on the work VPN,
        the connections keep dropping.
21:22 < lisbon> Cryptoparty: How many people are we talking here?
21:23 < jokeefe> As many as we can get.
21:23 < jokeefe> 10-20 is a good #
21:23 < jokeefe> wireless network is good
21:24 < lisbon> I have a possible place but I think it may be too small,
        and the wifi is being "borrowed" from a nearby network. I will look for
        other places
21:26 < jokeefe> thanks!
21:27 < jokeefe> Sometime early next year would be good.
21:27 < jokeefe> srevilak, take it you are still distracted?
21:28 < lisbon> Im writing emails in search of venues as we speak
21:28 < jokeefe> cool
21:28 < igel> 'lo
21:28 < jokeefe> hey igel
21:29 < jokeefe> agenda at,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:29 < jokeefe> we are on item 3
21:29 < igel> ok
21:29 < srevilak> jokeefe: I had to take some screenshots for kendra
        (xchat configuration)
21:29 < srevilak> Hopefully she'll join soon
21:29 < jokeefe> great
21:29 < jokeefe> thank you
21:30 < igel> steve you recomend civic crm>
21:31 < igel> er... recommend CiviCRM
21:31 < jokeefe> So it strikes me that between holidays, the different
        review meetings and planning piratecon 2015, we may not have time for
        a cryptoparty.  opinions?
21:31 < srevilak> An ACLU friend of our wrote to me earlier today
21:31 < srevilak> asking about teaching PGP to some folks
21:32 < srevilak> not the usual cryptoparty, but something I'll try to
        help them with
21:32 < srevilak> I may need helpers :)
21:32 < jokeefe> just for ACLU folks or wider audience?
21:32 < srevilak> jokeefe: just ACLU folks
21:32 < jokeefe> ok, I could be a helper
21:32 < srevilak> thx
21:33 < igel> when abouts?
21:33 < srevilak> igel: dunno
21:33 < jokeefe> put out a call for helpers or just ask the regular folks:
        Lucia, igel, Kendra
21:33 < srevilak> I'll send more details after we start hammering them out
21:33 < jokeefe> ahoy Kendra
21:33 < srevilak> Kendra: congratulations :)
21:33 < jokeefe> Agenda:,_2014_IRC_Meeting
21:33 < Kendra> Hi, figured it out
21:33 < jokeefe> on item 3
21:34 < srevilak> jokeefe: 3.1?
21:34 < jokeefe> likely
21:34 < srevilak> ok -  Election year review
21:34 < srevilak> we should review :)
21:34 < igel> well, i can help with hands on for sure
21:34 < jokeefe> It strikes me that items 3.1 to 3.5 should probably
        happen this year
21:34 < jokeefe> thanks igel
21:34 < srevilak> jokeefe: agreed
21:35 < jokeefe> Think it would be good to schedule them and just
        invite people
21:35 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think that would make sense
21:35 < srevilak> would we want to do IPMs at a restaurant, or somewhere
        with white board
21:36 < jokeefe> 3.1 Election year review (Jamie) - We need Joe & Noe
        as well as the people who helped.
21:37 < jokeefe> I thin e5 would be good.  Maybe have them all rolled
        into one or two meetings
21:37 < jokeefe> One Nov. and one Dec. in different locations?
21:37 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think that sounds good
21:37 < Kendra> We are probably also welcome to hold things at South
        End tech Center if we schedule ahead of time
21:37 < igel> i got to run
21:38 < srevilak> night igel
21:38 < igel> hi Kendra
21:38 < jokeefe> bye igel
21:38 < igel> hey can i.. i'll email you
21:38 < srevilak> igel: email anytime
21:38 < jokeefe> thanks, Kendra.  That could work as well.
21:38 < igel> cheers
21:38 < srevilak> for campaign post-mortem, maybe someplace between
        metro boston and Bellingham?
21:39 < jokeefe> Sure, will ask Joe/Lucia/Jason
21:39 < Kendra> The last free software meet up in chelmsworth I think
        was another larger group.  I am not sure that was the name of the city.
21:39 < srevilak> I'm interested in hearing Joe's thoughts about how
        campaign went
21:40 < jokeefe> me too.
21:40 < srevilak> Kendra: chelmsford, perhaps?
21:40 < jokeefe> Chelmsford is way North of Bellingham
21:40 < Kendra> That might be it.  There were some campaign workers
        there who had never met Pirate Party members and they were interested
        in having us visit in the future.
21:41 < Kendra> There were about 20 people at their monthly meet up
21:41 < jokeefe> Which group was that again?
21:41 < srevilak> Kendra: do you recall name of venue, or can you
        find out?
21:42 < Kendra> It was a free software meet up group that originated
        in Worchester and migrated over there.  I will ask Micky Metts for the
        deets or check if I see it in my email somewhere.
21:43 < srevilak> Kendra: thx
21:43 < jokeefe> did any of you get a chance to look at the software
        that Falkvinge put up and I emailed about earlier today?
21:44 < srevilak> jokeefe: I started looking over the system side of
        things (like software prerequisites)
21:44 < srevilak> it's mono, requires a special mono build, and a special
        apache module
21:45 < jokeefe> think we can install it on the system?
21:45 < srevilak> Likely not something we'd be able to host on a standard
        mayfirst mosh
21:46 < Kendra> Chelmsford Linux Meetup group
21:46 < srevilak> put another way, I'd want to see how badly one would
        have to hack up a standard MFPL server to get the swarm thing to work
21:46 < srevilak> but I'm not optimistic
21:47 < jokeefe> hmmm
21:47 < srevilak> of course, try and see is best way to find out
21:47 < jokeefe> Well, maybe see if we can just get it up on a linux
        box and go from there.  Not fond of C#
21:47 < srevilak> sadly, C# backend with custom mono build is not what
        I had hoped for
21:48 < jokeefe> yes
21:49 < srevilak> ok - for Election year review, sounds like we need to
        get some input from Joe, Noe, and their respective campaign helps
21:49 < srevilak> ok - for Election year review, sounds like we need to
        get some input from Joe, Noe, and their respective campaign helpers
21:50 < jokeefe> yes
21:50 < srevilak> move on to 3.2?
21:50 < jokeefe> Roll them up into two meetings (Boston &
        Worcester/Bellingham areas)?
21:50 < jokeefe> 3.1 to 3.5?
21:51 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think that's reasonable
21:51 < jokeefe> Then help with ACLU cryptoparty
21:51 < jokeefe> And talk with Chelmsford linux group about coming to
        their meeting early 2015 to do what?
21:51 < srevilak> That said, doing 1 meeting with 3.1, 3.4, 3.5
21:52 < jokeefe> putting poll together for meetings
21:52 < srevilak> the second meeting meeting with 3.2, 3.4, 3.5
21:52 < Kendra> The Chelmford group was interested in a cryptoparty
21:52 < srevilak> 3.1, 3.2 being main focus, 3.4 3.5 being additional
21:52 < jokeefe> Agreed.  I think having 5-10 minutes to go over 3.3
        would be good.
21:53 < srevilak> jokeefe: that works
21:53 < jokeefe> Really want more people to send email blasts
21:53 < jokeefe> so I am not SPoF
21:53 < srevilak> SPoF?
21:53 < jokeefe> single point of failure
21:53 < srevilak> ah
21:53 < Kendra> I was going to start putting our events out on my linked
        in page because I have connected to a lot of tech and community activist
        types on there.
21:54 < Kendra> That's my strategy
21:54 < srevilak> Kendra - sorry to jump around.  Chelmsford group sounds
        like a decent opportunity to do stuff
21:54 < srevilak> esp if they've never heard about pirates
21:55 < Kendra> Oh, but that was the good part.  They had heard about
        us and wanted to hear more.  Election workers had seen us on the ballots.
21:55 < jokeefe> cool.  I'll invite you to the MAPP linked in group,
21:55 < srevilak> There's a MAPP linked in group?
21:55 < Kendra> The more you know
21:55 < srevilak> I had no idea!
21:55 < Kendra> Me neither
21:55 < jokeefe> yes, it doesn't get much love, srevilak
21:56 < Kendra> Well that's gonna change
21:56 < jokeefe> great!
21:57 < lisbon> Regarding a Cryptoparty in Western Massachusetts: I have
        a possible opportunity to get a conference area in the Massachusetts
        green high performance computing center ( I have
        gotten a response from someone who proposed it to their supervisor and
        I will probably get a response within the next few days.
21:58 < jokeefe> wonderful, lisbon!  just email
        when you know
21:58 < lisbon> will do
21:58 < srevilak> lisbon: wow, that's great.  Thank!
21:58 < srevilak> lisbon: wow, that's great.  Thanks!
21:59 < jokeefe> srevilak, looks like you are on the linked in group,
        but not sure how to make you an admin
22:00 < jokeefe> Kendra, it is at
22:00 < srevilak> jokeefe: yes, I just found it and joined
22:00 < jokeefe> great
22:01 < jokeefe> we are at time.  have a poll
22:01 < jokeefe> at
22:01 < jokeefe> but not sure how to change so it is all that apply
22:02 < Kendra> I joined too
22:02 < srevilak> jokeefe: in field configuration, there's a "multiple"
22:03 < srevilak> jokeefe: congrats on your entry into drupal hacking :)
22:03 < jokeefe> thanks, though I have done this in the distant past
22:03 < jokeefe> not seeing a field configuration
22:04 < jokeefe> is there a way for any polls to appear on the front page?
22:04 < srevilak> oh, it's not a webform
22:04 < jokeefe> maybe with a sign up form?
22:05 < jokeefe> while srevilak and I deal with this, do we have a motion
        to adjourn since we are at time?
22:05 < srevilak> motion to adjourn
22:05 < Kendra> 2nd
22:05 < srevilak> jokeefe: from
22:06 < srevilak> Try "webform"
22:06 < Kendra> all in favor of adjourning?
22:06 < jokeefe> aye
22:06 < jokeefe> will do srevilak
22:06 < Kendra> aye
22:07 < lisbon> aye
22:07 < Kendra> nite all
22:07 < lisbon> bye
22:07 < srevilak> jokeefe: I think polls are intended to be really simple:
        one question, couple of choices
22:08 < srevilak> for one question, multiple choice, webform might be
        more appropriate
22:08 < jokeefe> is fieldset what I am looking for?
22:08 < srevilak> fieldset is a group of related fields
22:08 < srevilak> let's see
22:09 < srevilak> "Select options" is what you want
22:09 < jokeefe> thanks
22:10 < srevilak> on edit screen for a "select options" field "multiple"
        gives you multiple choice checkboxes.  multiple (unchecked) gives
        radio buttons
22:11 < jokeefe> ok, think I have it
22:11  * srevilak goes to post notes