April 15th, 2020 IRC Meeting
Joining Pirate Parties International
We need to agree to the PPI's Statutes before we can apply.
Goals for Q3 2020:
- Organize meetups
- Organize Fundraiser
- Organize candidate trainings
- Revise platform
Regional Meetings/Events
All meetings on hold due to Covid-19.
Leader: jokeefe
- Boston (jokeefe)
- Worcester (Malt)
- Lowell (Joe)
- Boston Pride Festival (emailed them that we transferred our table to 2021)
- table booked
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Next pirate news recording scheduled for Sunday, 6pm unless changed
Computer Donations
On hold
- srevilak/jokeefe working on sign up form.
- Joe Location still being worked on.
No clue where things are now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Right to Repair
- out of committee
- next email will urge supporters to call their state senator/rep. and urge them to support it
- see if people willing to setup meeting with reps.
Facial Recognition and other bills still in committee.
Platform Discussion
Moved to 2020 Platform Discussion
Democracy and Dogfood (Tech)
Next meeting will be 4/12, 2-4pm. It will be on-line. jokeefe will post an announcement.
Topics are:
- find discussion/voting system;
- update CCTV cameras to include older cameras outside North America we didn't include;
- write an app to record the location/ownership of CCTV cameras;
- set up torrents for PirateCon videos (creynolds);
- post remaining audio for PirateCon talks (srevilak).
Tabled Projects
National Party
Boston Sex Worker Petition
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
Upcoming Events
- 4/29, 7-9pm, Boston Cryptoparty, Encuentro 5, Boston
- Summer 2020, ?, Boston Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Worcester Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Springfield Meetup
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Culture House, Harvard Square
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNe Tech Meeting, Encuentro 5, Boston
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Democracy Center, Cambridge
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting
- 5/?, 2pm-4pm, Democracy and Dogfood (Tech) Meeting, on-line
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- Malt (Sam capradae Worcester)
- davidd
- ChanServ
- hvxgr
- Deffy
- mikey
Discussion of PPI statutes and affiliation fees. If we were to apply, we'd be an Observer member. Favorable vote in favor of applying.
Favorable vote on statement opposing the EARN act. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution
21:01 <@jokeefe> Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/April_15th,_2020_IRC_Meeting 21:01 <@jokeefe> ids 21:01 < Malt> Hi pals 21:01 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:01 <@jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:01 <@jokeefe> anything to add? 21:01 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:01 < Malt> Sam capradae Worcester 21:03 < Joe> Not at this time, I am very distracted tbh 21:03 < Malt> Same 21:03 <@jokeefe> Decisions/Endorsements 21:04 <@jokeefe> Turns out we need to agree to the PPI's Statutes before we can apply. 21:04 < Malt> Focusing on local recovery stuff 21:04 <@jokeefe> They are at https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Statutes 21:05 < Malt> Looks good here 21:05 < srevilak> would we be observer members? 21:06 < Malt> Yes 21:06 <@jokeefe> yes 21:06 < srevilak> How many other members does PPI currently have? 21:08 <@jokeefe> 20-30 21:08 <@jokeefe> https://pp-international.net/pirate-parties/ 21:08 < srevilak> what's the affiliation fee? 21:09 < Malt> Wow 21:09 <@jokeefe> Probably 25-50 dollars 21:10 <@jokeefe> Based on https://wiki.pp-international.net/wiki/index.php?title=Affiliation_fees 21:12 < srevilak> I see. Bsed on whether we're `emerging' or `established', 50 or 185 21:12 < srevilak> that's reasonable 21:13 < srevilak> I'm fine with the statutes and affiliation fee 21:13 < srevilak> oh no, they killed Malt! Those bastards! 21:13 < Joe> VI. Multiple applicants from one sovereign state 21:13 < Joe> (1) If there are multiple applicants for Ordinary Membership status, they are encouraged to join together into a Federation or Confederation based on the common Pirate purpose. It is the responsibility of each Federation or Confederation to ensure that all its constituent Associations meet the requirements of these statutes. 21:13 <@jokeefe> lol 21:13 < Malt> Sorry pals 21:14 < Joe> If the USPP joins, would this apply? 21:14 < Joe> (2) If a Federation or Confederation cannot be agreed on, the voting power of this state is split between these Members. The splitting method is, in order of preference : 21:14 < Joe> a) consensus between all Ordinary Members of this sovereign state ; 21:14 < Joe> b) compromise between all Ordinary Members of this sovereign state, with the help of a Registered Moderator from the Court of Arbitration ; 21:14 < Joe> c) decision by the Court of Arbitraton within the limits contained in proposals given by Ordinary Members from the sovereign state. 21:15 <@jokeefe> no. there are German state parties that are observers even though the german pirate party is an ordinary member 21:15 < Malt> Huh! 21:16 < Joe> Not that we will have voting powers, so I guess it's a moot point. 21:16 <@jokeefe> yeah 21:17 <@jokeefe> so yes? 21:17 < Malt> Yes 21:17 < Joe> Aye 21:17 < srevilak> aye 21:18 <@jokeefe> aye 21:18 <@jokeefe> ok. will send them the application 21:18 <@jokeefe> Video Newsletter/Podcast 21:19 < Joe> One more point on the previous topic 21:19 <@jokeefe> Noticed that latest video only has Joe’s voice. 21:19 <@jokeefe> oh sure 21:19 < Malt> Whoops 21:20 < Malt> That's an issue 21:20 < Joe> Can you pay for this from our main account for the record. We have had a lot of in-kind payments, this will make things easier. 21:22 < Joe> On the video front, I am very sorry. 21:23 < Joe> I'll look in to it right away. 21:23 <@jokeefe> sure, or you can reimburse me 21:23 < Joe> Reimburse is easy though you having a debt card is easier. 21:23 <@jokeefe> no worry on the video. 21:24 <@jokeefe> still meeting at 7pm on Sunday? 21:24 < Joe> Motion for Jokeefe to have access to Pirate funds. 21:24 < Malt> Yes to both 21:25 < Joe> I should be good. 21:25 < srevilak> aye to both 21:25 <@jokeefe> aye 21:25 < Joe> You are on the account, so getting a debt card should be no problem. 21:26 <@jokeefe> ok 21:26 <@jokeefe> any opposed? 21:26 < Malt> Nyet 21:26 < srevilak> no 21:26 < Joe> Nay 21:27 <@jokeefe> I realized we hadn’t taken a position on the EARN IT Act: https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200305/13510544043/senators-hawley-feinstein-join-graham-blumenthal-announcing-bill-to-undermine-both-encryption-section-230.shtml 21:27 < Malt> It's Bad! 21:27 <@jokeefe> It got sidelined by the pandemic, but it will come back 21:28 <@jokeefe> I suggest we oppose it. 21:28 < Malt> Agreed! 21:29 < Joe> Strongly agree 21:30 <@jokeefe> srevilak? 21:31 < srevilak> from what I know of EARN, agree with opposition 21:32 <@jokeefe> any opposed to opposing it? 21:32 < Malt> None 21:33 <@jokeefe> ok, will put up a post 21:33 < Malt> :) 21:35 < Joe> https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/3398/text 21:35 <@jokeefe> If you haven’t joined https://www.loomio.org/massachusetts-pirate-party/, please do 21:35 <@jokeefe> thanks, Joe 21:36 < Joe> Sorry, the page you were looking for doesn't exist. 21:36 < Joe> You may have mistyped the address or the page may have moved. 21:36 < Malt> Same? 21:36 < Joe> has a . 21:36 <@jokeefe> https://www.loomio.org/massachusetts-pirate-party/ 21:36 < Joe> delete last marklar 21:38 <@jokeefe> More on the EARN IT Act https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution 21:38 <@jokeefe> That is all I have. 21:39 <@jokeefe> Adjourn early? 21:39 < Joe> 2nd 21:39 <@jokeefe> all in favor? 21:39 < srevilak> aye 21:39 < Joe> aye 21:39 <@jokeefe> aye 21:39 < srevilak> will post transcript