January 1st, 2015 IRC Meeting
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- Worcester Meeting?
- PirateCon 2015
- Work with Pass Mass Amendment this fall
- Upcoming events
- March in Boston Pride
- Table at Freedom Rally
- Others we need to pay for?
Events Summary
- Jan. 10, Cryptoparty, Somerville Public Library
- Jan. 16-19, Arisia at Westin Waterfront, Crypto-panel and Pirate Party room http://www.arisia.org/
- Feb. 4, Cryptoparty @ Boston Desktop Linux Users Group
- Feb. 14, WMass Cryptoparty (lisbon), Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center, 100 Bigelow Street, Holyoke, MA (http://mghpcc.com/), Snow date is Feb 21st, dates tentative. duration 4 hours. Need to supply our own projector.
- May 6, 2015, International Day against DRM
Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
- noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA)
- CaptBlackbeard (Adam Seaman, Southwick)
- Kendra
- tgstkmop
- davidd
- decipherstatic
- Pharyngeal
Reviewed 2015 Budget.
Do survey for western mass planning meeting. Date choices: Jan 24, 25, 31; Feb 1
Survey form: https://masspirates.org/crew/forms/worcester-planning-meeting
Piratecon 2015. District Hall Boston is a potential space. Community Church of Boston is another possibility. Prefer dates in April or May. Would like to finalize dates in the next two weeks. Possibly have additional mini-conferences in Western Mass?
Discuss helping Pass Mass Amendment with petitioning this fall. Motion to help has five in favor, no opposed.
Aaron Schwartz vigil on Jan 12th. Vote to endorse. Five in favor, no opposed.
21:01 < jokeefe> hey all 21:02 < jokeefe> Agenda at https://masspirates.org/wiki/January_1st,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:02 < jokeefe> ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:02 < CaptBlackbeard> Adam Seaman, Southwick 21:02 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA 21:03 < noe> Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA 21:05 < jokeefe> Glad you could join us CaptBlackbeard 21:05 < CaptBlackbeard> thanks jo, my 2nd time.. 21:06 < CaptBlackbeard> Im trying to be a more active pirate, there be booty on the high seas and im in the pillagin' mood! 21:07 < jokeefe> srevilak put out a budget for 2014, that needs to be updated for the whole year. I will take a stab at that this weekend. 21:07 < jokeefe> I updated the 2015 budget at https://masspirates.org/wiki/2015_Budget 21:08 < srevilak> I should send slides I started for treasurer presentation 21:09 < jokeefe> cool 21:09 < jokeefe> ahoy tgstkmop 21:09 < tgstkmop> hello 21:09 < jokeefe> srevilak, any idea what the SSL certs cost is? 21:09 < srevilak> 10 21:09 < jokeefe> and am I missing any expenses in the 2015 https://masspirates.org/wiki/2015_Budget 21:10 < jokeefe> Agenda at https://masspirates.org/wiki/January_1st,_2015_IRC_Meeting, tgstkmop 21:10 < jokeefe> if anyone wants to add something to the agenda, shout it out 21:10 < jokeefe> ahoy Kendra 21:10 < Kendra> hey 21:11 < noe> Theoretically, we have a transmission for SCATV on 1/12,so if people have ideas, please share! I was gonna bring a camera to the CryptoParty on 1/10 and edit that down. 21:11 < CaptBlackbeard> I see there is one in Wmass in Feb. thats encouraging.. 21:12 < srevilak> noe: very nice (filming 1/10) 21:12 < jokeefe> put the minutes so far at the agenda if you want to catch up 21:12 < srevilak> added more expenses to: https://masspirates.org/wiki/2015_Budget#Expenses 21:12 < jokeefe> thanks, noe. any luck with a post asking for input? 21:12 < jokeefe> thanks srevilak 21:13 < jokeefe> Reminder for folks to provide ids - usually name, city/town 21:14 < noe> i will write that and try to post it? I think I remember how to do that, just haven't done it in a while. 21:15 < jokeefe> great, noe, thanks! 21:15 < CaptBlackbeard> pardon my ignorance capt. jo, but how did our candidates do ? 21:16 < jokeefe> noe got 12% in a two candidate race, Joe got 4% in a three candidate race - https://masspirates.org/blog/2014/11/05/thank-you/ 21:16 < jokeefe> thanks for asking 21:17 < jokeefe> we have four cryptoparties coming up - 2 in Jan & 2 in Feb. both listed on the agenda 21:18 < jokeefe> any items missing for the revenue or expenditure side of the budget? not looking to decide now, just want to make sure we have the categories and ballpark $ right 21:18 < noe> \dcc chat noe 21:19 < CaptBlackbeard> How did the cryptoparty in Holyoke come about? I didn't think we had other pirates out here 21:20 < jokeefe> lisbon found the space. we picked the date and now have to find people for it. 21:20 < srevilak> re: 2015 expenses <https://masspirates.org/wiki/2015_Budget>. I added a few fixed expenses, corrected one of the "other events" 21:20 < jokeefe> thanks 21:20 < srevilak> We're budgeting a little more than we've spent in the case, but definitely ballpark 21:21 < jokeefe> srevilak, what is our money on hand 21:21 < srevilak> 892 21:21 < srevilak> potentially ~ 280 coming in near future 21:21 < CaptBlackbeard> I should be able to attend feb 14 21:22 < jokeefe> cool! got any graphic design skills to make a flier? 21:23 < jokeefe> Thanks, srevilak 21:23 < CaptBlackbeard> basic 21:24 < jokeefe> well if you want to put one together drop me a note at jokeefe@jamesokeefe.org 21:24 < jokeefe> anything else for the budget? 21:26 < CaptBlackbeard> arrr, will give it a shot capt 21:26 < srevilak> nothing to add to budget 21:26 < jokeefe> aye! that’s the spirit! 21:27 < jokeefe> we cancelled the Worcester Meeting, but we don’t have date for a new one 21:27 < noe> March or April might be good? 21:28 < noe> Looks like we've got Pirate-y actions through February. 21:28 < jokeefe> aye we do, but PirateCon is likely in April 21:28 < noe> Stuff it into February? 21:29 < jokeefe> or late January? 21:29 < noe> that could work 21:29 < srevilak> I'm okay w/ late jan or feb 21:29 < jokeefe> Could also go out for food after the WMass cryptoparty for those who want to talk & plan 21:30 < jokeefe> Feb 1st? 21:31 < CaptBlackbeard> Have the crew discussed the expansion of ye platform at all? 21:31 < jokeefe> not yet, but needed 21:31 < jokeefe> could just put up a poll with options for 24, 25, 31, 1 dates 21:31 < CaptBlackbeard> im game for that too jo, would be nice to feast with fellow sea dogs 21:32 < jokeefe> aye! 21:32 < jokeefe> poll due by next wednesday? 21:33 < srevilak> next wed seems reasonable 21:33 < noe> agreed 21:34 < jokeefe> any objections? 21:34 < Kendra> nope 21:34 < CaptBlackbeard> Just putting this out there, our roots are in anarchist principles, i think we should stick to them and raise the spirit of Libertaria 21:34 < CaptBlackbeard> no 21:35 < srevilak> jokeefe: shall I make form form date poll? 21:35 < jokeefe> so what do ye suggest, CaptBlackbeard? 21:35 < jokeefe> srevilak, it would make my life easier, so yes please 21:35 < srevilak> will do 21:36 < jokeefe> thanks 21:37 < jokeefe> PirateCon 2015 21:37 < jokeefe> here are the prelim results from our poll - https://masspirates.org/blog/2014/12/06/preliminary-results-from-our-piratecon-2015-survey/ 21:37 < jokeefe> Looks like April/May would work best. 21:38 < jokeefe> A Saturday conf in the Boston area seemed the choice. Childcare was split down the middle 21:39 < jokeefe> Good support for crowdfunding it 21:40 < jokeefe> http://districthallboston.org/ came up as a possible location, maybe free 21:41 < jokeefe> it is near the t and there are plenty of parking lots around 21:41 < CaptBlackbeard> well, i think we need to be real progressive, really steer the ship into the 21st century. i could get more detailed if you like, send you an e-mail or something. i like to call it radical common sense 21:41 < noe> I've been there for a free theatre thing. Its T-accessible and near the Children's Museum. 21:42 < jokeefe> there is a virtual tour at http://districthallboston.org/spaces/ 21:43 < noe> I think its closest to South Station, plus Microsoft put some money up for it back in the day. 21:43 < jokeefe> i like it CaptBlackbeard, lets talk 21:43 < noe> They do a lot of free events, so it could be cool to check out. 21:44 < jokeefe> if we can get it for free, then that would be great 21:44 < jokeefe> though I wonder about the acoustics. 21:45 < noe> Its echo-ey. The group I went to see put up panels to keep the sound from bouncing. 21:45 < jokeefe> noe, would you be willing to contac them and find out if they are available a sat in April/May, what is available and how much it might be? 21:45 < noe> can do. I'll shoot you an email tomorrow, more than likely. 21:46 < jokeefe> thanks! 21:46 < jokeefe> srevilak, would you be able to check with the community church about their cost/availablity? 21:47 < srevilak> jokeefe: will do 21:48 < srevilak> IIRC, about half the `where' votes were boston, and half west of boston. 21:48 < srevilak> Were we considering 128-belt at one point? 21:49 < jokeefe> suggestions? it was 13 of 22 for Boston area, with smaller #s for outside Boston. 21:51 < jokeefe> could also aim to have mini-confs in WMass & Worcester 21:51 < srevilak> I stand corrected. Didn't realize the Boston total was that high 21:51 < jokeefe> mini-confs later in the year 21:53 < jokeefe> ok, well lets see what we turn up 21:54 < CaptBlackbeard> How big is the crew Capt.? 21:54 < jokeefe> and aim to lock the date & or location down in the next two weeks 21:54 < jokeefe> for the conference? 21:54 < CaptBlackbeard> Its safe to assume our strength is in Bostonr at the moment 21:55 < CaptBlackbeard> for the party as a whole 21:55 < jokeefe> higher % in Boston, but we have supporters all over 21:56 < jokeefe> we are almost at time - so Work with Pass Mass Amendment this fall? srevilak, would you speak on this? 21:56 < srevilak> PMA is planning to do another petition drive this fall. 21:56 < srevilak> They asked if we'd help them petition again 21:57 < jokeefe> what are the dates for the operation? 21:57 < srevilak> So, question is "are we interested in helping them petition again" 21:57 < CaptBlackbeard> http://passmassamendment.wikispaces.com/About+the+Ballot+Initiative 21:58 < noe> I am down for it. It's a good opportunity to get other Pirates out and doing stuff. 21:58 < Kendra> It is something that needs more people helping out. 21:58 < srevilak> As far as dates, go -- I believe Sept. 2015 21:59 < srevilak> (starting sept 2015). Probably through Nov 2015. 21:59 < CaptBlackbeard> the cause is worthy enough but my question is what an amendment keep the scurvy away? 21:59 < jokeefe> I am supportive, but want to know the time commitment 22:00 < noe> I definitely noticed that volunteers who had petitioned before, whether with PMA or otherwise, had an easier time doing face-to-face stuff. 22:00 < noe> I think we should see it as a training opportunity, as well as an opportunity to get to know other activists whose interests aligns with ours. 22:01 < jokeefe> good point 22:01 < jokeefe> so all in favor of lending them a hand? 22:01 < noe> aye 22:01 < Kendra> aye 22:01 < srevilak> aye 22:01 < CaptBlackbeard> aye 22:02 < jokeefe> aye 22:02 < tgstkmop> aye 22:02 < jokeefe> ok, we are at time, but I wanted to bring one thing up 22:02 < jokeefe> there is a vigil to remember aaron swartz on 1/12 - https://www.facebook.com/events/730619340362236/ 22:03 < jokeefe> Suggest we endorse it 22:03 < Kendra> second 22:03 < jokeefe> all in favor? 22:03 < CaptBlackbeard> aye 22:03 < srevilak> aye 22:04 < Kendra> aye 22:04 < noe> aye 22:04 < jokeefe> aye 22:04 < jokeefe> any opposed? 22:05 < CaptBlackbeard> *crickets* 22:05 < jokeefe> motion passes 22:06 < jokeefe> alright then, anything else folks want to bring up? 22:06 < jokeefe> announcements... 22:07 < jokeefe> motion to adjourn then? 22:07 < noe> second 22:07 < srevilak> aye 22:07 < Kendra> aye 22:08 < jokeefe> aye 22:08 < CaptBlackbeard> aye 22:08 < Kendra> nite all 22:08 < noe> nite! 22:08 < noe> to the new year 22:09 < jokeefe> motion passes.