January 3rd, 2017 IRC Meeting
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Local Surveillance Ordinances
MAAPL Fight Foreclosure Campaign
Campaign Workshops
jokeefe & srevilak are running down some possible workshops:
- Holyoke
- Boston
Starting Local Chapters
Fundraising & Conference
Will send out a survey to pick the final date in email this week. See last meetings discussion for possible date options.
Projects On Hold For the Moment
Both of these could be topics for future hackathons.
CCTV Camera Map
Together Boston Meshnet
Upcoming Events
- 1/21, 2-4pm, Democracy/IT meeting, Arlington
- 1/25, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty
- 1/?, ?, e5 cryptoparty
- 3/24, 3-5pm, Annoying Legislators for Freedom: A talk with Alex Marthews, National Director of Restore the 4th, Encuentro 5, 9A Hamilton Place, Boston
- 4/15, BSides Boston Conference, Harvard University - Science Center, 1 Oxford St, Cambridge, MA 02138. Call for Papers is open.
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- G (G, Lowell)
- jokeefe_ (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- servobunny (Chris)
- david
- igel
- papegaai
E5 Cryptoparty. Around 22 attending, which isn't bad for a weeknight between Christmas and New Years. One of the attendees provided some suggestions, re: how to organize future cryptoparties. We'll discuss on the cryptoparty list.
CCTV mapping tip. Open street map does a nice rendering when you provide camera direction.
MAAPL fight foreclosure campaign. Somerville event with MAAPL had ~ 10 people who were going to try to contest their foreclosure. Several filed affidavits.
21:01 < jokeefe_> Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/January_3rd,_2017_IRC_Meeting 21:01 < papegaai> Title: January 3rd, 2017 IRC Meeting - Mass Pirate Wiki (at masspirates.org) 21:01 < jokeefe_> ids 21:01 < jokeefe_> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:02 < G> G, Lowell 21:02 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:03 < jokeefe_> Any additions to the agenda? 21:03 < srevilak> I have one minor think to report, re CCTV map (when the time comes) 21:03 < G> negative 21:05 < srevilak> hi servobunny 21:05 < G> ahoy! 21:05 < jokeefe_> ahoy 21:05 < servobunny> yo! 21:06 < jokeefe_> ok, srevilak 21:06 < jokeefe_> Review 21:06 < jokeefe_> e5 Cryptoparty 21:06 < jokeefe_> Seemed to go well 21:07 < jokeefe_> I counted 22 people, which is decent during the holidays 21:07 < jokeefe_> started with threat models and choosing passwords 21:07 < servobunny> I thought it was a very good turn out, numbers wise 21:07 < jokeefe_> then had different breakout sessions 21:08 < servobunny> note to self - don't hand out sheet of paper and ask every one to read it to themself 21:08 < jokeefe_> agreed 21:09 < srevilak> one attendee commented (at length) about how he'd prefer to see the event organized. 21:09 < servobunny> most likely that was me 21:10 < srevilak> That said, the attendee said he was interested in coming to the next event 21:10 < srevilak> servobunny: what's your first name? 21:10 < servobunny> chris 21:10 < srevilak> yes, It was you :) 21:11 < srevilak> I thought the suggestion re: breakout groups by skill level would be worth trying 21:12 < jokeefe_> suggest that folks bring the discussion to the cryptoparty list 21:12 < srevilak> jokeefe_: sounds good 21:13 < jokeefe_> G: how did protests go on new years eve 21:13 < jokeefe_> ? 21:13 < G> oh those? awful. lol 21:13 < G> the attendance was very low 21:14 < G> i would have thought the Dems would have been more mobile to start gearing up the antiwar but.... nah 21:14 < jokeefe_> I think they have bought into the GWoT 21:15 < G> wut? 21:15 < jokeefe_> Global War on Terror? 21:15 < srevilak> global war 'o terror 21:15 < srevilak> yeah, what jokeefe_ said :) 21:16 < G> everyone is sold into it. but now that it is a Repub taking office they will start protesting Trump's wars 21:16 < G> lol 21:16 < servobunny> exactly 21:17 < srevilak> Speaking of which, Stephen Lynch may have a challenger in 2018 21:17 < srevilak> http://www.yourarlington.com/search/news-archive/357-local/7917-area-news.html 21:17 < papegaai> Title: Index of / (at www.yourarlington.com) 21:18 < G> Pirate? 21:18 < jokeefe_> Brianna Wu, that will be interesting 21:18 < jokeefe_> running in the primary 21:18 < G> wtf brb this chat window is pissing me off 21:19 < servobunny> can I ask technical questions? 21:19 < srevilak> sure 21:19 < G> back :) 21:19 < jokeefe_> welcome 21:20 < G> is this person running as a Pirate? this gamer gate lady? 21:20 < jokeefe_> nope, Dem 21:20 < G> well that's lame 21:20 < servobunny> I only have 2gigs of personal data, not counting photos/videos, why would I want to encrypt my entire harddrive? 21:21 < G> anything that can be encrypted already has a crack and someone already has the key... O:) 21:21 < jokeefe_> makes it harder to decrypt 21:22 < jokeefe_> but you could just encrypt your personal data 21:22 < servobunny> sorry - I have a 3gig volume using VeraCrypt for my personal data, why would I want to encrypt my entire harddrive 21:24 < srevilak> servobunny: depends on your level of comfort. (e.g., are there any applications writing (say) logs outside your Veracrypt partition that reveal PI)? 21:25 < servobunny> ok 21:25 < jokeefe_> Projects 21:25 < jokeefe_> Local Surveillance Ordinances 21:26 * srevilak will hopefully be able to set up a meeting with town counsel this week 21:27 < jokeefe_> what else about the CCTV map? 21:27 < srevilak> planning to discuss limits of a warrant article, etc. Will also try to get a read on whether town is interested in pursuing policy, in absense of a warrant article 21:28 < srevilak> CCTV map: 2 items 21:28 < srevilak> Added cctv.masspirates.org to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dsurveillance#Rendering 21:28 < papegaai> Title: Tag:man_made=surveillance - OpenStreetMap Wiki (at wiki.openstreetmap.org) 21:28 < jokeefe_> thanks 21:29 < srevilak> (2) OSM does some neat rendering, if you fill in the attribute for camera direction 21:30 < srevilak> (end of minor bits, re: cctv map) 21:31 < jokeefe_> I like how you added that to the camera data 21:31 < srevilak> next time we have a talk about mapping cctv cameras, I can do a short example with OSMs web interface 21:33 < servobunny> there was an effort, aclu maybe, where people could use twitter/snapchat to send in locations of cctv in Boston. I can try and find that web site again 21:33 < jokeefe_> that would be good. Could have the hackathon focus on the camera mapping software 21:33 < jokeefe_> #BINJBrother 21:34 < jokeefe_> yeah, that was part of the reason we added cctv.masspirates.org 21:34 < jokeefe_> MAAPL Fight Foreclosure Campaign 21:35 < jokeefe_> Somerville event had ten people who were fighting their foreclosure. Looks like there will be more 21:36 < srevilak> a couple of people filed affidavits, contesting their foreclosures. Very happy about that 21:36 < jokeefe_> and the software worked so well 21:37 < servobunny> are traffic cameras also mapped/counted? 21:37 < jokeefe_> yes 21:37 < srevilak> servobunny: yes, if someone maps them 21:38 < srevilak> jokeefe_: I'm hoping we can get some use out of my.maapl.info going forward 21:38 < jokeefe_> agreed 21:38 * srevilak also has one affidavit bug to fix. Writes note to self on stickie 21:39 < servobunny> what is this foreclosure software people speak of? 21:40 < srevilak> servobunny: data intake system, built with civicrm. Basic idea is to collect information, and use that to generate legal documents 21:40 < jokeefe_> might be good to see if there is a way to streamline the process. remembered how you were able to skip a bunch of pages because they didn’t apply. perhaps there could be a checklist that limits the pages shown. 21:42 < srevilak> yeah, in retrospect I wish I'd done more with civi profiles (as opposed to webform_civirm). 21:43 < srevilak> would likely require more user training, but once trained, might be faster to use 21:43 < srevilak> We'll see where things go 21:44 < srevilak> servobunny: ultimate goal of the effort was to help people contest illegal foreclosures 21:44 < srevilak> There are lots of them still hanging around from the 2008 financial crisis 21:46 < jokeefe_> G: any update on calling local chapters? 21:47 < G> i'm still stuck on what we are calling them for? we don't seem to have our state chapter organized i'm not sure how to call people up to emulate our organization 21:48 < jokeefe_> we want them to start local chapters, call people in their area and see if they can get them to meet 21:49 < G> shouldn't we get our meetings built up first? 21:49 < G> there's 4 of us here 21:50 < jokeefe_> need to decentralize more 21:51 < jokeefe_> state meetings once a week only go so far 21:51 < jokeefe_> need people organizing locally 21:52 < jokeefe_> does what work? 21:52 < G> i do not see how that works, no 21:53 < G> how many members are we? 21:53 < jokeefe_> 400+ 21:53 < G> so only 1% of us turn into IRC? 21:54 < jokeefe_> today, other times it is twice that 21:56 < jokeefe_> so we have people who said they wanted to start local chapters 21:56 < jokeefe_> time to take them up on that offer 21:56 < jokeefe_> encourage them 21:57 < G> i'm not encouraged. i don't see a party being built. i see projects that are not political 21:57 < jokeefe_> give them tools, or skills, contact lists and say go: organize locally 21:57 < jokeefe_> keep in touch with them 21:57 < G> so i don't know what to tell people. if someone asks me "what are the MAs sPirates doing" i say... helping the MAAPL i guess 21:57 < jokeefe_> so they have someone to answer their questions or give advice 21:59 < jokeefe_> What have we done: trained people to be candidates, supported candidates, helped people protect their privacy from the NSA, the Russians or whomever and yes fight the banksters who are trying to steel people’s homes with the help of the legislature 21:59 < jokeefe_> not enough? 22:00 < G> what are we doing now? what's our legislative goal? 22:01 < srevilak> we are at time 22:01 < G> Assange is on Hannity right now btw 22:02 < jokeefe_> thanks 22:02 < srevilak> motion to adjourn 22:02 < jokeefe_> lets talk later. email work? 22:02 < jokeefe_> G? 22:02 < G> email me up 22:02 < jokeefe_> will do 22:02 < jokeefe_> 2nd on motion to adjourn 22:02 < G> or FB. i'll be here at the PC watching Assange for the hour 22:03 < jokeefe_> ok 22:03 < jokeefe_> all in favor? 22:03 < srevilak> aye 22:03 < G> aye 22:03 < jokeefe_> srevilak, you have the notes? 22:03 < jokeefe_> aye 22:04 < srevilak> jokeefe_: will do 22:04 < jokeefe_> thanks