July 11th, 2024 Meeting

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Meeting to be held via video conference: https://communitybridge.com/bbb-room/mass-pirates-member-meeting/

Recording: https://youtu.be/f9xPNUVNeoY



Worcester Pride

The festival is Saturday, September 7, 3 – 8 PM. Setup is 11 AM. It will be in downtown Worcester. The application deadline is Monday, August 5. The cost is $100. We would need to bring our own table, chairs and tent. Details ...

United States Pirate Party Issues?


Legislature finishes its session at the end of July. Notified members twice about various bills. Post at https://masspirates.org/blog/2024/07/09/good-bills-need-your-help/.

Local Updates

Video Newsletter/Podcast

Leader: Joseph

  • Video quality of Jitsi has started to suffer. Would be good to find a better streaming/recording alternative.
  • Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed

Media Outreach

  • Put media list in Civi (jokeefe)

Voter Outreach 2024

  • Contact cities/town to get list of voters
  • Mail supporters

2025 Local Campaign


  • Videos:
    • Selecting campaign
    • Planning campaign
    • Get on the ballot
    • Fundraising
    • Voter Id
    • GOTV
  • Outreach to volunteers:
    • Ask them to organize locally
    • Ask them to campaign/run
    • Ask them to give us their full contact info
    • Call potential candidates/supporters

Other To Do

Upcoming Events


  • jokeefe
  • srevilak
  • emcgee



Two email newsletters sent this week.

Cleaned ~ 1900 spam users from CiviCRM. In process of upgrading civicrm and drupal.

Hope conference is happening this weekend in NYC. Good luck to all who attend.

Worcester pride. September 3rd. Setup at 11:00 am. $100 for a 10x10 space. Need to decide on whether to get a space by Aug 5th. Will put out sign-up sheet for tabling, and get a table if there are volunteers.

USPP updates. No major updates, but there was a slight tweak to the bylaws. Anyone eligible for a party officer role has to be over the age of 18. Affects reps to USPP and officers in the USPP.

Legislature finishes up at the end of July. Hoping to see progress on Civil asset forfeiture, a pair of privacy bills, bill to increase transparency around fusion centers, and a bill to regulate use of facial recognition tech. Sent email to supporters asking them to support these bills.

Local efforts. Somerville has a petition for municipal broadband. Joe campaigning in his district.

Video podcasts. Video quality from jitsi has started to suffer. We may want to find an alternative means of recording. Next recording session this Sunday.

Working on updating media contacts in CiviCRM.