July 13th, 2015 IRC Meeting
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Putting names to tasks. PiratePad version.
- Help Organize Cory Doctorow visit?
- Pledging to fight patent trolls https://nlnet.nl/help/
- July 18, 11am-2pm, Worcester Unemployment Action Group (WUAG)/MAPPL hackathon, Stone Soup, Worcester
- Outing for Survey without Surveillance
- Aug 2, Pirate Picnic Logistics
- Pick date for Surveillance mapping Hackathon
Event Planning
- July 18, Worcester Unemployment Action Group (WUAG)/MAPPL hackathon, Stone Soup, Worcester
- Aug 2, Pirate Picnic, Georges Island, need sign up form (asking for what people will bring)
- August Cryptoparty, Worcester
- Aug/Sep. Surveillance mapping Hackathon
- Sep. 19 & 20, Freedom Rally - Sign up form - have asked for volunteers in email as well, need blog post by July/Aug
- Oct. event?
- Nov. event?
- Dec. event?
Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge
- davidd (David van Deijk, Eindhoven)
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
- Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero)
- bestpiggy (olivia pineyro, boston)
- Pharyngeal
- zby
- itspara
- Notes from Saturday's tech meeting: July 11th, 2015 Tech Meeting
- Cory Doctorow visit. Vote to support working on an event while he's visiting the Boston area (which would likely involve coordination with some other groups in the area). We vote to work on the event, conditioned on us working with other groups.
- Pledge to fight patent trolls. We vote in favor of signing the pledge.
- Survey without Surveillance. Perhaps July 23rd?
- Pirate Picnic (Aug 2nd). Steve to make Civi event. See also: https://piratenpad.de/p/2015MAPPPicnic. We'll use the pad as a sign-up/what can you bring form. Need to decide on times for arrival, and times for advance team.
21:04 < jokeefe> agenda - https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_13th,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:04 < jokeefe> ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:04 < davidd> i have just one question 21:04 < davidd> David van Deijk, Eindhoven 21:05 < davidd> how did july 4th go? 21:05 < srevilak> davidd: I hear the BPD did a lot of bag searches 21:06 < srevilak> after all, what better way to commemorate the abolition of writs of assistance than with a lot of bag searches 21:06 < Bluestreak> LOL 21:06 < bestpiggy> olivia pineyro, boston 21:06 < jokeefe> hahaha 21:07 < Bluestreak> Lucia Fiero 21:08 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA. 21:08 < jokeefe> srevilak’s notes on the tech meeting are at https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_13th,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:10 < srevilak> jokeefe: https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_11th,_2015_Tech_Meeting 21:11 < jokeefe> oops 21:11 < jokeefe> thanks for the correction 21:11 < jokeefe> Still looking for people to work on the tasks we have https://piratenpad.de/p/2015_MAPP_Tasks 21:13 < jokeefe> Decisions 21:13 < jokeefe> Help Organize Cory Doctorow visit? 21:13 < Bluestreak> This is going to be awesome. 21:13 < Bluestreak> (I hope) 21:14 < jokeefe> Cory Doctorow will be speaking at a conference at MIT and asked folks in the area to setup an event. 21:14 < jokeefe> It will be in October 21:14 < Bluestreak> Can we have… a reception? 21:14 < jokeefe> Seems like a good thing to help with 21:14 < Bluestreak> food and refreshments? 21:14 < jokeefe> possibly 21:15 < Bluestreak> We have 4 other groups to get input from. 21:16 < jokeefe> We don’t have an October event. 21:16 < jokeefe> thoughts? 21:17 < srevilak> Would Cory be interested in giving a talk (perhaps at, say, a cryptoparty?) 21:18 < srevilak> (brainstorming, since I've never been in contact with him) 21:18 < davidd> i guess for a fee 21:18 < jokeefe> Don’t know. I think he was thinking of a larger venue. 21:18 < davidd> he did speak at the ppi conf in prague 21:18 < jokeefe> No fee was mentioned 21:18 < davidd> 2012 21:19 < davidd> ask the czech pp for that 21:19 < Bluestreak> We have to ask the other 4 what kind of event they would like 21:19 < Bluestreak> One group is a writer’s circle 21:19 < Bluestreak> type of thing 21:19 < davidd> mikulas.peksa@pirati.cz 21:20 < davidd> is not the person that organised it, but perhaps knows that person 21:20 < Bluestreak> https://www.grubstreet.org/ 21:22 < jokeefe> any other thoughts? 21:22 < srevilak> Well, https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/private/activists_masspirates.org/2015-July/003355.html contains email addresses of people from other groups 21:22 < srevilak> perhaps we could brainstorm with them? 21:23 < jokeefe> agreed. already reached out to them 21:23 < jokeefe> just wanted to formally determine if we wanted to do this 21:24 < Bluestreak> Vote? 21:24 < srevilak> I support the idea 21:24 < Bluestreak> 2nd 21:25 < jokeefe> any other comments? 21:26 < srevilak> Having opportunity to work with other groups could be nice 21:27 < jokeefe> completely agree 21:27 < jokeefe> condition that we do it with others? 21:27 < srevilak> jokeefe: agree 21:29 < jokeefe> So: Do we want to organize an October Cory Doctorow event with other groups? 21:29 < jokeefe> 2nd? 21:29 < srevilak> 2nd 21:29 < jokeefe> all in favor? 21:31 < Bluestreak> aye 21:31 < srevilak> aye 21:32 < jokeefe> aye 21:32 < jokeefe> bestpiggy? 21:33 < bestpiggy> sure! 21:33 < jokeefe> any opposed? 21:35 < jokeefe> Motion passes 21:36 < jokeefe> Motion to support the pledge to fight patent trolls https://nlnet.nl/help/ 21:36 < jokeefe> discussion? 21:36 < srevilak> Seems like a natural fit for us 21:37 < srevilak> since we don't own any software patents, signing on effective amounts to promising not to sue 21:37 < srevilak> I think we can do that :) 21:37 < srevilak> If nothing else, might be a good press release 21:37 < srevilak> thoughts? 21:37 < Bluestreak> Who likes trolls? 21:38 < jokeefe> works for me 21:39 < jokeefe> other discussion? 21:41 < jokeefe> ok, all in favor? 21:41 < srevilak> aye 21:42 < jokeefe> aye 21:43 < jokeefe> any opposed? 21:43 < Bluestreak> aye 21:43 < Bluestreak> sorry was on phone 21:44 < jokeefe> motion passes 21:45 < jokeefe> Reminder about the July 18, 11am-2pm, Worcester Unemployment Action Group (WUAG)/MAPPL hackathon, Stone Soup, Worcester 21:45 < jokeefe> Will get the details up by tomorrow 21:45 < srevilak> I will follow up with https://nlnet.nl 21:45 < jokeefe> thanks, srevilak 21:45 < jokeefe> images up at the press page 21:46 < jokeefe> Talked about outing for Survey without Surveillance. Last day is July 23rd 21:47 < jokeefe> GALLERY HOURS: 21:47 < jokeefe> Thursday-Friday, 6:00-8:00 pm 21:47 < jokeefe> Saturday, 2:00-6:00 pm 21:48 < jokeefe> Dates are 16, 17, 18, 23 21:49 < jokeefe> 23rd, 6pm? 21:50 < jokeefe> BTW: for those interested ArtBeat is this Friday and Sat. http://www.somervilleartscouncil.org/artbeat/2015 21:51 < Bluestreak> Is “cultural appropriation” a Pirate issue? 21:51 < jokeefe> all culture is appropriated 21:52 < jokeefe> sorry, goes until 25th 21:52 < srevilak> I would think cultural appropriation = remixing culture 21:52 < srevilak> Bluestreak: what's the context? 21:53 < Bluestreak> http://bitchmagazine.org/post/slip-on-these-whiteness-goggles-and-the-violence-of-cultural-appropriation-disappears 21:54 < jokeefe> Not really hearing any interest in a date. Any how, I’ll put a post up about it at least. 21:54 < Bluestreak> Like Barbeque, rock and roll, rap 21:54 < Bluestreak> Sorry, I would love to go. If I could I would pick the 23rd 21:54 < jokeefe> ok 21:55 < jokeefe> Aug 2, Pirate Picnic Logistics 21:55 < jokeefe> What time to start? 21:55 < jokeefe> noon? 11am? 21:55 < Bluestreak> I like the advance team idea. 21:55 < srevilak> Bluestreak: that wasn't quite the image that 'cultural appropriation' conjured up 21:56 < jokeefe> srevilak, would you be able to put up an event? needs to have a form for what people will bring 21:56 < srevilak> jokeefe: sure, can do that 21:56 < jokeefe> and if they can show up early 21:56 < Bluestreak> Too many artcles to poat here 21:56 < jokeefe> thank you 21:56 < Bluestreak> I will email you what I have, srevilak 21:57 < Bluestreak> I really like the interactive art. 21:57 < Bluestreak> post 21:57 < Bluestreak> Shutting up now. 21:57 < jokeefe> here is the pirate pad for the picnic - https://piratenpad.de/p/2015MAPPPicnic 21:59 < jokeefe> lets try using the pirate pad as our survey 22:00 < srevilak> jokeefe: does "what time to start" mean "what time to arrive at island", or "what time to get on ferry"? 22:00 < jokeefe> what time it starts on the island 22:01 < srevilak> ok thx 22:01 < Bluestreak> How about “Advance team arrival 22:01 < jokeefe> need to make the distinction 22:01 < Bluestreak> “General arrival 22:02 < jokeefe> we are at time 22:02 < jokeefe> shall we adjourn? 22:03 < srevilak> motion to adjourn 22:03 < jokeefe> 2nd 22:03 < jokeefe> all in favor 22:03 < jokeefe> ? 22:03 < srevilak> aye 22:03 < bestpiggy> aye 22:04 < jokeefe> aye 22:04 < Bluestreak> night! 22:04 < jokeefe> thanks all 22:04 < jokeefe> good night! 22:04 < jokeefe> srevilak, you have the notes? 22:04 < srevilak> will post transcript 22:04 < jokeefe> thanks!