July 24th, 2014 IRC Meeting
- Update on candidate status, campaign strategies
- Planning for Pirate Picnic and Freedom Rally
- Registered for Freedom Rally?
- Blog posts
- Facebook events
- Other?
- Digital Media Conference
- Film nights?
- What issue campaigns we need to be on top of?
- Net Neutrality
- trade treaties: TPP/TTIP/TAFTA
- Budget & Fundraising for the rest of the year
- July 25th. DMC Public meeting at the South End Tech Center
- July 26th, German-wide Stop Watching US protest
- July 29th, Last day to turn in nomination papers for Federal offices to cities & towns
- Agg 10th, Pirate Picnic. Noon. Georges Island (Ferry Information)
- September 13--14th. Freedom Rally (Boston Common)
- jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
- Bluelustreak (Lucia Fiero)
- JCFiero (Jason Fiero)
- Kendra (Kendra Moyer)
- igel (Will)
- davidd
- zby
- Pharyngeal
Joe's campaign status: http://www.twitch.tv/joeguertin. Noe is finishing up campaign web site.
Pirate Picnic. Sunday, Aug 10th @ noon. Georges Island. Ferry Information
Freedom Rally registration complete. Need to do event publicity.
Digital Media Conference. There's a youth meeting tomorrow @ SETC. Not sure about the date for the conference itself. Lucia and Kendra will try to attend tomorrow night's event.
Movie night. We have a bunch of videos from HOPE X. Would like to organize a movie night to show them. Perhaps in conjunction with the ACLU, FSF. Jamie will get in touch with ACLU; Kendra will get in touch with FSF, Steve will scope out Somerville Theatre as a venue.
Steve to post budget on wiki, so we can develop fundraising targets.
20:53 < jokeefe> ahoy! 20:55 < srevilak> hi jokeefe 21:00 < jokeefe> agenda at https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_24th,_2014_IRC_Meeting 21:00 < jokeefe> ids - James O'Keefe, Somerville 21:00 < jokeefe> ahoy JCFiero 21:01 < JCFiero> greetings 21:01 < Bluelustreak> Hi hunny 21:02 < jokeefe> ahoy Bluelustreak! 21:02 < JCFiero> Status of Mr Guertens campaign can be viewed at http://www.twitch.tv/joeguertin 21:02 < jokeefe> doing ids, agenda at https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_24th,_2014_IRC_Meeting 21:03 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA 21:03 < jokeefe> ok, Bluelustreak 21:03 < Bluelustreak> Lucia Fiero 21:04 < Bluelustreak> JCFiero ID! 21:04 < Bluelustreak> (He is in the den with Kendra) 21:05 < JCFiero> Jason Fiero 21:05 < Bluelustreak> OK who is watching Joe livestream? 21:06 < jokeefe> Noelani status - meeting to determine next steps, finishing up site 21:06 < srevilak> http://www.twitch.tv/joeguertin looks like a plug for video games 21:06 < Bluelustreak> That is him LIVE 21:06 < JCFiero> we can all drop into his stream and harass him.. 21:07 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: regardless, still looks like a gaming site 21:07 < JCFiero> he might boot us 21:07 < Bluelustreak> LOL 21:08 < srevilak> hi Kendra 21:08 < jokeefe> ahoy Kendra 21:08 < jokeefe> Agenda at https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_24th,_2014_IRC_Meeting 21:08 < Kendra> Kendra Moyer, currently at jason and Lucias' house 21:09 < jokeefe> Anything else to talk about for candidates? 21:09 < Bluelustreak> As you can see... 21:09 < Bluelustreak> Our candidate is currently occupied 21:09 < Bluelustreak> Oops 21:10 < jokeefe> I will talk with him. 21:10 < Bluelustreak> Fell free to invite him. 21:10 < Bluelustreak> feel meep 21:10 < Bluelustreak> HE'S SWITCHING TEAMS 21:10 < jokeefe> Next up: Planning for Pirate Picnic and Freedom Rally 21:10 < srevilak> One sec 21:10 < Bluelustreak> Freedom Rally is paid for. 21:10 < JCFiero> Yeay.. will I finally make a picnic? 21:10 < Bluelustreak> Registered, etc. 21:11 < Bluelustreak> YAY! 21:11 < JCFiero> we shall see 21:11 < srevilak> If I were to get in touch with some 3rd party candidates, and try to organize some kind of panel for fall 21:11 < igel> yaar 21:11 < srevilak> How would folks feel about that? 21:11 < Bluelustreak> Hi Will! 21:11 < jokeefe> ahoy igel 21:11 < igel> hey0 21:11 < Kendra> Hi Will 21:11 < igel> kendra ahaa hey 21:11 < Bluelustreak> specifically Steve? 21:11 < jokeefe> Pretty sure Noe could be there 21:12 < jokeefe> igel - agenda at https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_24th,_2014_IRC_Meeting, on item 1 21:12 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: panel discussion for 3rd party candidate. Come and meet the 3rd parties 21:12 < Bluelustreak> Meet and greet panel Sure 21:13 < jokeefe> srevilak - how about emailing the candidates and see what they say since they aren't here 21:13 < jokeefe> ? 21:13 < Bluelustreak> I'll support that Steve 21:13 < srevilak> Idea: invite several. If someone is interested in one party, they come, get a little exposure to all 21:13 < igel> ah im here now jokeefe 21:13 < Kendra> I think it is a good idea. There are a few groups, Green Rainbow, Socialist, and libertarian that would all probably show up 21:13 < srevilak> jokeefe: yes, have to talk with folks. Candidates first 21:13 < Kendra> Just invite everybody for maximum drama 21:13 < jokeefe> lol 21:14 < srevilak> Kendra: :) 21:14 < srevilak> sorry for being tangental. End of tangent 21:14 < srevilak> back to picnic, freedom rally ... 21:14 < igel> mass pirates and freedom meshnet ssids :D 21:14 < jokeefe> Planning for Pirate Picnic and Freedom Rally 21:15 < jokeefe> Pirate Picnic is Sat. 9th August 21:15 < jokeefe> ~2 weeks 21:15 < srevilak> Is Aug 9th firm? I thought we hadn't decided on Sat vs Sun 21:15 < Bluelustreak> I prefer Sat 21:15 < Bluelustreak> If you care 21:16 < jokeefe> no one else preferred sunday. 21:16 < srevilak> MF/PL support team is having a server upgrade party on 9th 21:16 < Bluelustreak> Um who? 21:16 < jokeefe> ah 21:16 < srevilak> May have to skip picnic 21:17 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: MF/PL = Mayfirst/People Link 21:17 < jokeefe> Bluelustreak, can you do Sun? 21:17 < Bluelustreak> Fine. Accomodate the doctor 21:17 < Bluelustreak> For Steve? Yes. 21:17 < Bluelustreak> Jason? 21:17 < JCFiero> aye 21:17 < Bluelustreak> JCFiero? 21:18 < srevilak> If Sun is bad for others, the please don't change date on my account 21:18 < jokeefe> igel, pirate picnic august 9th or 10th 21:18 < jokeefe> ? 21:18 < Bluelustreak> Sun is not BOAD 21:18 < Bluelustreak> BAD 21:18 < igel> pardon me, was in a /msg 21:18 < Bluelustreak> Sat is better Sun is fine 21:19 < JCFiero> did anyone else vote who is not here . but who often attend like Bleu? 21:19 < igel> aah, i cant commit there 21:19 < Bluelustreak> Yeah can Blue make Sun? 21:21 < JCFiero> whatever.. sun is better for me anyhow, so I hope it works for everyone.. 21:21 < Bluelustreak> So we've decided? 21:22 < jokeefe> sorry, my connection died 21:22 < srevilak> jokeefe: vpn.ipredator.se? Wow, ipredator sounds impressive :) 21:23 < jokeefe> yeah, not sure that was it, but it stopped liking the HOPE X net 21:23 < jokeefe> what did I miss? 21:24 < srevilak> jokeefe: you haven't missed anything 21:24 < jokeefe> k, so august 10th it seems to be then 21:24 < srevilak> time and place? 21:24 < jokeefe> noon, Georges Island 21:25 < jokeefe> are we registered for Freedom Rally? 21:25 < igel> i couldnet vote on date sorr.. 21:26 < Kendra> lulu says everything is paid and registered 21:26 < jokeefe> most excellent! 21:26 < Kendra> check, email, photo, form all sent 21:27 < jokeefe> So need to put up blog/FB/etc posts then 21:28 < jokeefe> anyone able to help with those? I can get the blog posts done, likely tonight 21:28 < Kendra> Lulu says she will do facebook 21:29 < Kendra> I'm transcribing 21:29 < srevilak> igel: hope you can make it on the 10th 21:29 < jokeefe> thanks, Bluelustreak 21:30 < jokeefe> Digital Media Conference 21:30 < jokeefe> Youth meeting tomorrow - is there a date? 21:31 < Bluelustreak> For the October event? 21:31 < jokeefe> yes 21:31 < Bluelustreak> Um... Sorry I don't know 21:32 < Bluelustreak> Been a rough week oops 21:32 < jokeefe> not a problem, just wanted to see what we knew. 21:32 < jokeefe> Hope next week is much better 21:32 < jokeefe> 4. Film Nights? 21:32 < Bluelustreak> Kendra and I are are gonna try to get out to Tent City tomorrow 21:33 < Bluelustreak> They will bring us Up to speed 21:33 < jokeefe> very cool, thank you! 21:33 < srevilak> thx! 21:33 < jokeefe> Thinking of starting a periodic fillm night showing HOPE X videos 21:34 < jokeefe> who is interested in helping? 21:34 < srevilak> I'm interested 21:34 < Bluelustreak> YAY! 21:34 < srevilak> jokeefe and I talked about this @ hope. One idea was to rent basement of somerville theatre, 21:35 < srevilak> and ask ACLU and FSF to co-sponsor 21:35 < Bluelustreak> SURE OK! 21:35 < Bluelustreak> One sec 21:36 < Kendra> Oh I talked to Will theaker who is the Communications and Outereach coordinator at FSF and he wants to help out with the campains. 21:36 < Bluelustreak> This^ 21:36 < srevilak> Kendra: can you send me wtheaker's email address? 21:36 < igel> did anyone see the nyc meshnet at hope? 21:36 < Kendra> OK 21:36 < jokeefe> very cool, Kendra! 21:37 < srevilak> igel: yes. Jamie has DVD of the talk 21:37 < jokeefe> I have it on DVD 21:37 < Bluelustreak> Yes thanks Kendra! 21:37 < igel> whoa, can i please get a copy? 21:37 < igel> if its better/diff than the yt 21:37 < jokeefe> think it is youtube 21:37 < jokeefe> one sec 21:37 < jokeefe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEo4uLAJ32U 21:37 < igel> http://civic.mit.edu/blog/elplatt/hope-x-wireless-meshnets-building-the-next-version-of-the-web 21:38 < jokeefe> can still get you my dvd if you want 21:38 < igel> wicked, ah? 21:38 < jokeefe> aye! 21:38 < igel> awwwww swagger? hmmmm ill trade you a meshbox :P 21:38 < srevilak> mmm. Meshbox :) 21:38 < jokeefe> :-) 21:39 < igel> the talk was solid 21:40 < srevilak> and they're using cjdns too 21:40 < igel> community, the fork of the internet, good stuff. 21:40 < jokeefe> so lets chat over email and plan it out. I will contact ACLU, Kendra would you contact FSF? 21:41 < Kendra> I am looking for Will's email right now. i can probablay have Chrissie forward and email. 21:42 < jokeefe> thanks 21:43 < igel> how did dmc go? 21:43 < jokeefe> What issue campaigns we need to be on top of? Besides CISA, Net Neutrality and trade treaties: TPP/TTIP/TAFTA? 21:44 < jokeefe> dmc went well last year 21:44 < igel> ooh ah, the meet 21:44 < jokeefe> tomorrow 21:44 < igel> downtown... Ah! 21:45 < igel> i saw the flyer 21:46 < srevilak> jokeefe: that seems like a good list 21:46 < igel> regarding the dmc planning 21:47 < jokeefe> don't want us to get overextended considering our resources 21:47 < igel> i've yet to ping suren my self 21:48 < jokeefe> other opinions? 21:48 < Bluelustreak> You can get on the dmc planning email list if you like igel 21:48 < igel> Oh its on the wiki 21:48 < igel> duh 21:49 < igel> yeah i saw the email just now 21:49 < Bluelustreak> Um.. (Raises hand) 21:49 < jokeefe> yes? 21:49 < Bluelustreak> I already feel overwhelmed, sir 21:49 < jokeefe> ++ to that 21:50 < jokeefe> more thinking of which ones to keep an eye on and put up blog posts, exhorations to contact congress folk. 21:52 < srevilak> jokeefe: that sounds doable 21:52 * srevilak just ordered audio recordings of all HOPE 9 talks. Bargain @ $5 21:52 < jokeefe> :-) 21:53 < srevilak> http://2600hacker.stores.yahoo.net/audioonly1.html 21:53 < Bluelustreak> I am going to the dmc thingy with Kendra... Jason and I will be at picnic, and running FR... My dance card is full 21:53 < srevilak> Full set of HOPE X DVDs, half price: http://2600hacker.stores.yahoo.net/hopex2014.html 21:53 < Bluelustreak> I can be a warm body at things other ppl organize 21:53 < JCFiero> maybe. 21:54 < JCFiero> heh 21:54 * srevilak will contact somerville theatre, to see what kinds of rates they charge 21:54 < jokeefe> Bluelustreak, aye tis! thanks! 21:54 < igel> :O 21:54 < Bluelustreak> LOL 21:54 < igel> thats an incredible idea 21:54 < jokeefe> thanks srevilak! 21:55 < jokeefe> only have 5 more minutes till end - Budget & Fundraising for the rest of the year 21:56 < jokeefe> Srevilak, what are we at for money in bank? 21:56 < srevilak> jokeefe: $982, I believe 21:56 < igel> soooooo many 21:56 < srevilak> yes, $982 in the bank 21:57 < jokeefe> where is the budget you worked on posted? 21:57 < igel> yaa dude, ill trade you for a dvd 21:57 < srevilak> not posted. Sorry :( 21:57 < igel> trade you an enigmabox if u want to switch from ipredator 21:57 < jokeefe> no worries, would you post it? need to have that ironed out before we start asking for more money 21:58 < srevilak> We have https://masspirates.org/wiki/May_17th,_2014_Budget_Planning_Meeting 21:58 < srevilak> $175 for flyers, $22 for domain registration, and $50 for food 21:58 < srevilak> If we do movie night, that will probably have cost 21:59 < srevilak> We're in good shape as far as those items are concerned. 21:59 < jokeefe> will need to put up posters, so there is that cost too 21:59 < jokeefe> plus we need $ for the DMC and our 2015 conference 21:59 < srevilak> jokeefe: okay. 22:00 < srevilak> Travelling this weekend, but will try to put up budget on wiki 22:00 < srevilak> $100 for posters sufficient? 22:00 < jokeefe> thank you 22:00 < jokeefe> probably 22:01 < srevilak> what's our financal commitment for DMC? 22:01 < jokeefe> flexible. At least $100 if we want a table 22:01 < Bluelustreak> How much do we need to run a cryptoparty? 22:01 < srevilak> Okay $150 for DMC. $450 for conference 22:01 < Bluelustreak> Do we want t shirts? buttons? flyers? 22:01 < Bluelustreak> (Asks Kendra) 22:02 < srevilak> Bluelustreak: cryptoparty varies. Can be $0. Can be more than $0 22:02 < jokeefe> location usually $40 for e5, yes? 22:02 < Bluelustreak> Oh speaking of conference... 22:02 < jokeefe> really need flags 22:02 < Bluelustreak> Cory Docotrow 22:02 < srevilak> usually $45. Though, we've been passing hat at cryptoparties, and using those proceeds for space 22:03 < srevilak> best results were SETC cryptoparty. I think we gave $75 to SETC 22:03 < jokeefe> should budget for speaker, Bluelustreak? 22:03 < Bluelustreak> Give me laundry list of questions to ask Jason/Sarah/Suren tomorrow 22:03 < srevilak> jokeefe: flags -- 2014 or 2015? 22:04 < Bluelustreak> One event at a time 22:04 < Bluelustreak> DMC first 22:04 < Bluelustreak> Email me anthing you want me to chat the organizers up about 22:04 < jokeefe> lets see how much flags cost, can be used in a fundraising appeal 22:05 < Bluelustreak> Zazzle? 22:05 < srevilak> jokeefe: will try to get some pricing 22:05 < Bluelustreak> We are past time 22:05 < jokeefe> don't know if they do that 22:05 < jokeefe> aye we are - motion to adjourn? 22:05 < igel> aye yeah 22:05 < Bluelustreak> 2nd 22:06 < Bluelustreak> aye 22:06 < JCFiero> k 22:06 < Kendra> aye 22:06 < jokeefe> all in favor 22:06 < jokeefe> ? 22:06 < Bluelustreak> I 22:06 < JCFiero> aye 22:06 < igel> yar 22:06 < Bluelustreak> I 22:06 < Bluelustreak> I 22:06 < jokeefe> aye 22:06 < Kendra> nite 22:06 < srevilak> aye (will post transcript) 22:06 < jokeefe> motion passes