July 29th, 2020 IRC Meeting
Goals for Q3 2020:
- Organize meetups
- Organize Fundraiser
- Organize candidate trainings
- Revise platform
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Next pirate news recording scheduled for Sunday, 7pm unless changed
Regional Meetings/Events
Leader: jokeefe
- Surveillance Mapping Event
- Boston (jokeefe)
- Worcester (Malt)
- Sex Worker event?
- 2021 Boston Pride Festival
- table booked
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
Computer donations
- Push to get Right to Repair bill to a vote.
- Some of facial recognition moratorium is in the police reform bill
- Don't have an update on EARN IT Act or PATRIOT Act renewal
Platform Discussion
Moved to 2020 Platform Discussion
Democracy and Dogfood (Tech)
Sent out email asking for date suggestions.
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
- Conference survey
- Statement on Archive.org Suit
Statement on Extending the Eviction MoratoriumStatement on Right to Repair billStatement on RCV ballot initiative being on the ballotCondemnation of Use of Federal LEOs in Portland and elsewhere
Tabled Projects
National Party
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
Upcoming Events
- Summer 2020, ?, Boston Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Worcester Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Springfield Meetup
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Culture House, Harvard Square
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNe Tech Meeting, Encuentro 5, Boston
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Democracy Center, Cambridge
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting
- 5/?, 2pm-4pm, Democracy and Dogfood (Tech) Meeting, on-line
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- Malt (Sam capradae, Worcester)
- davidd
- ChanServ
- hvxgr
- Deffy
- mikey
Next Pirate News recording - Sunday 7pm.
Regional Meetings. Desmond suggests focusing on the EARN IT act. See
- https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution for background.
- https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/3398/text for text.
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200701/11302244826/senate-waters-down-earn-it-last-minute-gives-civil-liberties-groups-no-time-to-point-out-many-remaining-problems.shtml for more background
Perhaps a call-a-thon (contact your senator, urge them not to support)
jokeefe and srevilak will try to contact offices of Warren and Markey, to get a sense of their positions.
Surveillance Camera Mapping Event. Tentative date - Sept 12th. Maybe another on Oct 17th or 24th.
jokeefe working on survey for conference.
srevilak to pick up some computer donations this weekend.
21:07 <@jokeefe> Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_29th,_2020_IRC_Meeting 21:07 <@jokeefe> ids 21:07 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:07 <@jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:08 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:08 <@jokeefe> Anything to add? 21:09 < Joe> Unfortunately not at this time. 21:10 <@jokeefe> Projects 21:10 <@jokeefe> Video Newsletter/Podcast 21:10 <@jokeefe> Sunday 7pm still good? 21:11 < Joe> This week is good but the 26th is not. 21:11 <@jokeefe> 26th? 21:12 < Joe> Sorry, the 9th is not 21:12 < Joe> looking at the wrong month but I'm still correct in this week good: next week bad 21:12 <@jokeefe> thanks 21:13 <@jokeefe> Time to buckle down with OBS then 21:13 < srevilak> This Sunday 7pm is okay for me 21:13 < Joe> I also have a few extra cameras we can use for the project and just upload. 21:13 < srevilak> OBS? 21:13 < Joe> Screen capture for MAC 21:13 < srevilak> ah 21:14 < Joe> *and audio 21:14 <@jokeefe> https://obsproject.com/ 21:15 <@jokeefe> Regional Meetings/Events 21:16 <@jokeefe> Talked with Desmond. He thought focusing on the EARN IT Act would be the better choice. 21:17 < Joe> Sounds good. 21:18 < srevilak> Hi Malt 21:18 < Malt> Sam capradae, Worcester 21:18 < Joe> Hey Malt 21:18 <@jokeefe> ahoy Malt 21:18 < Malt> Sorry I'm late 21:18 < srevilak> no worries 21:19 < Joe> ^ 21:19 <@jokeefe> ++ 21:20 <@jokeefe> EARN IT Act protest seems a better than the sex worker protest 21:20 < Malt> I'll be here this weekend for video newsletter 21:20 < srevilak> excellent 21:20 <@jokeefe> wonderful. still 7pm Sunday 21:22 <@jokeefe> When should we hold it? 21:22 < Malt> That's fine with me 21:23 <@jokeefe> the EARN IT Act protest, that is 21:24 < Malt> What were we planning? 21:24 < srevilak> How far has the senate gotten with EARN IT act? 21:24 < Malt> I don't see it in the notes 21:24 <@jokeefe> It got out of committee 21:24 < srevilak> Malt: jokeefe is thinking of a EARN IT act protest 21:25 < srevilak> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution 21:25 < srevilak> (though a few months old) 21:25 < srevilak> https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/3398/text 21:25 < srevilak> has been marked up a bit 21:26 <@jokeefe> 07/20/2020 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 491. 21:26 <@jokeefe> Action By: Senate 21:26 <@jokeefe> 07/20/2020 Committee on the Judiciary. Reported by Senator Graham with an amendment in the nature of a substitute. Without written report. 21:26 <@jokeefe> https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/3398/all-actions 21:27 <@jokeefe> https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200701/11302244826/senate-waters-down-earn-it-last-minute-gives-civil-liberties-groups-no-time-to-point-out-many-remaining-problems.shtml 21:28 < Malt> How can we reach folk to speak out about it? A digital blackout? 21:29 <@jokeefe> That could be one step. 21:29 <@jokeefe> Getting Markey and Warren to vote against it is a goal, but getitng them to put a hold on it is better 21:30 < Malt> A regional call-athon 21:30 < Malt> Which county can call and email the most 21:30 <@jokeefe> First step is finding out where they stand 21:31 <@jokeefe> Regional call-athon would be good 21:31 <@jokeefe> very social distanced 21:33 < Malt> We could do a live stream during the event 21:33 <@jokeefe> That would be a good idea 21:35 <@jokeefe> Other thoughts? 21:36 < Malt> We could lay out what kind of changes the act would bring about and document our experience trying to live up to that 21:36 < Joe> I was going to abstain since I don't have time currently to assist in the calling. I do support it though 21:37 <@jokeefe> Malt, that would be good 21:37 <@jokeefe> Understandable, Joe considering your schedule 21:37 <@jokeefe> I can call one of the Senators and ask their position on the EARN IT Act. Would any one be able to call the other? 21:37 < srevilak> sure - do you want Markey or Warren? 21:38 <@jokeefe> either 21:38 < srevilak> Okay, I'll take Markey 21:38 <@jokeefe> Warren it is. 21:38 <@jokeefe> Thanks, srevilak 21:40 <@jokeefe> 1) Find out their position 21:40 <@jokeefe> 2) Set a date for the call in 21:40 <@jokeefe> 3) Have the call in 21:40 <@jokeefe> Go from there 21:40 < Malt> Perfect 21:40 < srevilak> sounds good 21:42 <@jokeefe> What about the Surveillance Mapping Event. What dates work? 21:42 < srevilak> Weekends in Aug are generally open right now (for me) 21:43 <@jokeefe> What about September? 21:43 < srevilak> They're pretty open too 21:44 <@jokeefe> Ok. Not seeing a date for MassCANN Freedom Rally 21:44 < srevilak> They seem to be in a bit of turmoil right now 21:44 <@jokeefe> yes 21:44 < srevilak> (Super Happy Fun America and all that) 21:45 < Malt> Lmao 21:45 <@jokeefe> plus the pandemic 21:46 < Malt> Not a good vibe for exhaling clouds 21:47 <@jokeefe> Guess if it happened, then Sept 19th would be the date 21:47 <@jokeefe> Sept 12th? 21:47 < srevilak> sure 21:48 <@jokeefe> Malt, do you have any idea when would work in October? 21:49 < Malt> Not the 8th, that weekend is my wife's birthday 21:49 <@jokeefe> ok, if not. we can set the date later 21:50 <@jokeefe> 17th or 24th? 21:51 < Malt> 17th sounds good 21:51 <@jokeefe> great. thanks 21:52 <@jokeefe> I’ll get the party conference survey done by this weekend, then we start planning it 21:53 <@jokeefe> Computer donations - any update? 21:53 < Malt> Put a note in my calendar 21:53 < srevilak> computer donations: planning to pick up some on Sat morning 21:54 <@jokeefe> thanks 21:55 < Malt> Niiiiice 21:56 <@jokeefe> Sent email asking for date suggestions for the Democracy and Dogfood (Tech) meeting 21:58 <@jokeefe> Hope to have it setup this week 21:58 <@jokeefe> or next 21:58 < Malt> Cool! 21:59 <@jokeefe> That is all I have. 21:59 <@jokeefe> And we are at time 21:59 <@jokeefe> Shall we adjourn? 22:00 < Malt> Ok 22:00 < srevilak> second motion to adjourn 22:00 < Joe> aye 22:00 <@jokeefe> aye 22:00 < srevilak> will post transcript 22:00 < Malt> Aye 22:00 <@jokeefe> thanks