July 6th, 2015 IRC Meeting
Putting names to tasks. PiratePad version.
Event Planning
- July 11, 10am-1pm, IT Meeting, E5
- July 18, Worcester Unemployment Action Group (WUAG)/MAPPL hackathon, Stone Soup, Worcester
- Aug 2, Pirate Picnic, Georges Island?, need poll & sign up form (asking for what people will bring)
- August Cryptoparty, Worcester
- Aug/Sep. Surveillance mapping Hackathon
- Sep. 19 & 20, Freedom Rally - Sign up form - have asked for volunteers in email as well, need blog post by July/Aug
- Oct. event?
- Nov. event?
- Dec. event?
Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, West of the Alewife)
- noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville)
- Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero)
- js0000 (johnny saylor waltham)
- kate_m
- davidd
- Pharyngeal
- zby
- itspara
Considering putting together an outing for http://navegallery.org/wp/survey-without-surveillance-cfe/
We discussed Saturday Hackathon. Will likely be some time to prioritize things, and find volunteers to work on the various tasks.
We discussed ways of posting raw conference video for editing. For large raw video files, sneakernet has some attractive qualities. At the very least, we're talking 10 of GB to download and upload.
We reviewed olympics survey submission. Vast majority of responses were in the negative. Steve volunteers to write blog post about survey results.
Pirate Picnic. Last year we started at noon, and nearly didn't get a grill. Might need an advance team this year.
20:56 < Bluestreak> Ahoy! 20:57 < js0000> ahoy! 20:59 < jokeefe> ahoy! 21:00 < srevilak> hi all 21:00 < noe> ahoy! 21:01 < jokeefe> We should organize an outing to this http://navegallery.org/wp/survey-without-surveillance-cfe/ 21:03 < noe> I would go. Not that far from myself. Could make a doodle? 21:04 < Bluestreak> Good idea 21:04 < jokeefe> noe, would you find out when it is open to the public? 21:05 < jokeefe> Agenda - https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_6th,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:05 < jokeefe> ids, James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:06 < Bluestreak> Lucia Fiero 21:06 < jokeefe> Watching kids play minecraft. The game has a simplicity without being simplistic. 21:06 < noe> (Nave Gallery Annex Thursday-Friday 6-8pm, Saturday 2-8pm) 21:06 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, West of the Alewife 21:06 < noe> Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville 21:07 < noe> (survey Nave Gallery Annex exhibition last day is July 25) 21:07 < jokeefe> thanks 21:08 < jokeefe> I put a task list up at: https://piratenpad.de/p/2015_MAPP_Tasks 21:08 < js0000> johnny saylor waltham (weirdly) 21:09 < js0000> saw task list, looks like hackathon will be busy ... 21:10 < jokeefe> doubt we will get through it all 21:11 < jokeefe> just collaboratively editing 21:11 < jokeefe> (to minecraft tunes) 21:12 < srevilak> noe: would you be willing to post MAPP videos to archive.org? 21:12 < Bluestreak> ++minecraft music 21:13 < jokeefe> srevilak, you mean the raw videos? 21:13 < srevilak> edited would probably be better 21:14 < srevilak> they'd be placed in a collection with audio. archive.org also creates torrents for media files 21:14 < jokeefe> agreed. I need a place to put them for people to get them so they can edit them. 21:14 < noe> a-ha! 21:14 < noe> I have not seen this archive.org, but think its an idea worth pursuing. 21:15 < js0000> you might be able to create a special "raw" collection 21:15 < js0000> if it's just getting them on line that's the issue ... 21:15 < srevilak> noe: https://archive.org/details/masspirates 21:15 < noe> keepin' it real with raw files! 21:15 < js0000> video is not real :-P 21:15 < js0000> sorry- it got out before i could stop it ... 21:15 < srevilak> for editing/posting raw video, archive.org probably isn't the place 21:16 < jokeefe> got 100MB download and a not insignificant fraction upload, js0000, so I can get them up if we have a place 21:16 < srevilak> You really need service that allows you to upload 10's of GB, 21:17 < noe> yeah, even with the most compression, files were still large. 21:17 < jokeefe> https://share.mayfirst.org/ ? 21:17 < noe> js0000: LOL, keepin it virtual 21:18 < srevilak> share.mayfirst.org is ~ 500mb limit. For sharing raw video files, probably need 10x that 21:18 < js0000> if moving files around is a problem, maybe buying a big usb disk is a good idea ... 21:18 < js0000> not using network, but moving files 21:19 < jokeefe> could setup an owncloud server locally 21:19 < jokeefe> hi lsd 21:20 < isd> jokeefe: hey 21:20 < jokeefe> https://piratenpad.de/p/2015_MAPP_Tasks & https://masspirates.org/wiki/July_6th,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:20 < srevilak> back of the envelope: my gopro generates 6GB hour, which would be 48 GB for eight hours. Higher resolution would be some multiple thereof 21:20 < js0000> i think you can get 1TB usb for around $100+ 21:21 < js0000> which might come in handy for some of this stuff ... 21:21 < jokeefe> I have copies of the video. I can see how much it takes. Got it all on a 64GB usb stick and had space to spare 21:21 < js0000> we can talk on sat about this 21:21 < jokeefe> I’ll bring copies 21:23 < noe> i miss megaupload a lot these days 21:23 < js0000> agenda is pretty much talking about task list ... ? 21:23 < srevilak> http://www.rackspace.com/cloud/block-storage might be a cost effective way to go 21:24 < js0000> srevilak: jokeefe 64gb flash drive might be way to go too ... 21:24 < js0000> but we can talk on sat 21:25 < noe> yeah, i think passing off sticks to people who are willing to edit is probably cheapest, weirdly enough. 21:25 < noe> in terms of time and energy. 21:26 < js0000> i have to agree 21:26 < jokeefe> aye, js0000. and having people take on tasks 21:26 < js0000> yes, that's the hard part ... 21:26 < Bluestreak> AJ has agreed to edit 21:26 < noe> the initial move to the usb stick took a while. any cloud service will probably take longer. 21:26 < Bluestreak> stick is good 21:27 < js0000> it's the masspirate sneaker net! 21:28 < js0000> yes, i know, how 90s ... 21:29 < noe> we r so retro 21:30 < js0000> anything on agenda to discuss ? 21:30 < jokeefe> just saturday meeting 21:30 < kate_m> Sorry I'm late 21:31 < jokeefe> also good to pick a start time for pirate picnic 21:31 < js0000> is sat working and talking? 21:31 < noe> ahoy! 21:31 < jokeefe> aye 21:31 < js0000> ok, will bring laptop 21:31 < jokeefe> last time we started the picnic at noon, and nearly didn’t have a grill. probably need an advance team. 21:32 < Bluestreak> lol 21:32 < srevilak> re: forum. Part of me would want to keep that as a separate application, whether it be drupal or wordpress. Makes cleanup easier when it gets spam bombed :) 21:32 < jokeefe> hi kate_m, good to read you 21:32 < Bluestreak> ahoy 21:32 < jokeefe> agreed 21:32 < jokeefe> srevilak 21:32 < jokeefe> I think we need one or more people to maintain it 21:33 < srevilak> jokeefe: agreed 21:34 < srevilak> For saturday hackathon, should we assume some time at the beginning to discuss & delegate project tasks, then go into training? 21:34 < jokeefe> sounds sensible 21:35 < noe> sounds good. 21:35 < js0000> also priorities, such as they exist 21:36 < jokeefe> also - Olympics: survey results 21:36 < js0000> boston committee hands themselves the gold 21:36 < js0000> humor! 21:36 < js0000> ok, i'll keep my day job ... 21:37 < noe> LOL 21:37 < srevilak> Looks like 13 submissions 21:38 < noe> I hope responses to the survey were thoughtful 21:38 < srevilak> 4 no, 5 hell no, 1 yes, 1 undecided 21:38 < noe> we have a yes! at least there's some representation. 21:38 < jokeefe> any comments? 21:38 < noe> we have diversity. 21:39 < srevilak> looking at comments, there's a good blog post in that 21:39 < js0000> tiny sample though ... 21:40 < kate_m> How many of those emails went out? 21:40 < js0000> but could definitely be a good blog post 21:40 < srevilak> kate_m: 387, I believe 21:40 < jokeefe> looks like none came from the mailing. all came from blog post, I believe 21:41 < js0000> some could be dual, but the link would show blog instead of mail 21:41 < js0000> or does show blog 21:41 < jokeefe> we are working out the kinks in the new email system 21:41 < js0000> i think they look great 21:41 < jokeefe> srevilak, you offereing to write the blog post? 21:42 < srevilak> jokeefe: yes, I'll volunteer. Should be able to do it later this week 21:42 < js0000> maybe i will this sat 21:42 < srevilak> Will tweet link to survey, maybe pick up a few more responses 21:43 < jokeefe> We said the due date was Sunday the 5th, IIRC. 21:44 < srevilak> jokeefe: I see -- we did set a deadline in the blog post 21:44 < jokeefe> Latest mailing had 77 opens of 386 deliveries 21:44 < js0000> +1 opened 21:44 < js0000> i turn off notification in my client 21:44 < srevilak> Yes, we did much better on the delivery side 21:44 < jokeefe> srevilak, thinks for fixing that 21:45 * srevilak breathes a sign of relief :) 21:45 < js0000> nice work srevilak!!! 21:45 < Bluestreak> Thank you, Steve 21:48 < jokeefe> So motion to accept the survey results as our vote? 21:48 < Bluestreak> 2nd 21:48 < srevilak> aye 21:49 < jokeefe> all in favor 21:49 < noe> aye 21:49 < srevilak> aye 21:49 < js0000> aye 21:50 < jokeefe> aye 21:50 * srevilak closes form submission 21:50 < jokeefe> any opposed? 21:51 < Bluestreak> aye 21:51 < jokeefe> abstentions? 21:51 < kate_m> The low response rate has me a little antsy, but I don't see any reasonable alternatives. 21:52 < kate_m> aye 21:53 < jokeefe> a higher response rate would be better, kate_m 21:53 < jokeefe> motion passes. 21:55 < Bluestreak> 21:56 < jokeefe> We are at time. If there anything you want to add to the task list - please do https://piratenpad.de/p/2015_MAPP_Tasks 21:56 < noe> see people on saturday, hopefully. 21:56 < noe> motion to adjourn. 21:56 < jokeefe> aye, looking for it. 21:56 < jokeefe> 2nd 21:56 < jokeefe> all in favor? 21:56 < Bluestreak> aye 21:56 < Bluestreak> 2nd 21:56 < jokeefe> I will hang out for any folks appearing at 10pm 21:57 < noe> aye 21:57 < Bluestreak> Feeling poorly taking off 21:57 < jokeefe> srevilak, would you add the transcript? 21:57 < noe> all right. night all! 21:57 < jokeefe> night Bluestreak 21:57 < srevilak> jokeefe: will post transcript 21:57 < jokeefe> thank you