June 16th, 2021 IRC Meeting
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Statehouse testimony
What should we do next: https://github.com/masspirates/planks
Leader: Malt
- Next Pirate Moot: June 26th, 4-6pm
- Setup local video meetups by region with people who said they were interested in organizing a local chapter
- Organize candidate trainings
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Trans Advocacy Telethon
Boston Pride Festival
Leader: jokeefe
While in-person events, including outdoor events, are on hold until COVID-19 numbers go down, we should plan for our table at the Boston Pride Festival. Festival is on hold, likely for the year.
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming On-line Events
- Every Thursday, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, on-line
- Sat., 6/26, ?pm, Pirate Moot, on-line
- jokeefe
- malt
- srevilak
- davidd
- Deffy
- hvxgr
- Mikaela
- mikey
- slerman
Statement in support of decriminalizing sex work. https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPStatementOnSexWorkBills. Adopted.
Planks. Will probably work on addiction policy next. https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPDrugPolicy
21:04 <@jokeefe> ahoy 21:04 < srevilak> hi jokeefe 21:04 <@jokeefe> Joe is unable to attend 21:05 < srevilak> malt: found this and thought of you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWMzog3ekS0 21:05 < malt> aw :( 21:05 < malt> he's been busy lately 21:05 < malt> HAH! 21:05 < malt> that's perfect 21:05 <@jokeefe> he has 21:06 < malt> i never heard back from any trans folk on places doing specifically transit-related funding 21:06 < malt> we could probably work something out with the mass trans poltiical alliance 21:06 <@jokeefe> Decisions/Endorsements - Statehouse testimony 21:06 <@jokeefe> Proposed https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPStatementOnSexWorkBills 21:07 < malt> brb bio 21:07 <@jokeefe> Thanks to Desmond and Rikki 21:08 < srevilak> I like the statement 21:11 <@jokeefe> malt, others? 21:13 <@jokeefe> Any objections? 21:13 < srevilak> motion of support 21:14 <@jokeefe> all in favor? 21:14 <@jokeefe> aye 21:14 < srevilak> aye 21:14 < malt> aye 21:14 < malt> im back 21:15 <@jokeefe> motion passes. I will email it out tonight 21:16 <@jokeefe> Platform - what to tackle next? 21:16 < malt> huzzah 21:16 < malt> we covered environment, education, privacy, 21:16 < malt> health? 21:17 <@jokeefe> fine with me 21:19 <@jokeefe> we got a suggestion in the comments that we need to include more details of the policies we want to implement in https://masspirates.org/blog/2021/05/28/environment-energy-plank-adopted/ 21:19 < malt> pulling up the link now 21:19 < malt> okay, do you want to focus on that for now? 21:20 <@jokeefe> not at the moment, just something to act on going forward 21:20 < malt> gotcha 21:20 < srevilak> sounds reasonable 21:20 < malt> ahhh frig what's my GIT account 21:20 < malt> fwiw i don't usually think to include technical details in policy suggestions because it gets bogged down 21:24 < malt> GIT's password reset service is... unique 21:25 <@jokeefe> nothing there on health 21:26 < malt> there's the addiction policy 21:28 <@jokeefe> yes, but that doesn’t cover health care specifically 21:29 < malt> shall we cover drugs and addiction under the same policy, then? 21:29 < srevilak> I think that makes sense 21:30 <@jokeefe> https://masspirates.org/blog/ourissues/addiction-policy/ 21:32 <@jokeefe> https://etherpad.pp-international.net/p/MAPPDrugPolicy 21:39 < malt> back 21:44 < malt> btw racialized is more inclusive than "black and brown" as it explicitly puts the impetus on the state for designating people targets of violence in the first place 21:45 < srevilak> Okay, I've put that back 21:47 < malt> thanks! 21:59 < srevilak> I'm going to have to hop off, but will post transcript 21:59 <@jokeefe> Thanks. Let’s pick this up next week.