June 17th, 2020 IRC Meeting
- Motion to untable Sex workers act
Goals for Q3 2020:
- Organize meetups
- Organize Fundraiser
- Organize candidate trainings
- Revise platform
Computer donations
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Next pirate news recording scheduled for Sunday, 7pm unless changed
Regional Meetings/Events
All meetings on hold due to Covid-19.
Leader: jokeefe
- Boston (jokeefe)
- Worcester (Malt)
- Lowell (Joe)
- Boston Pride Festival (emailed them that we transferred our table to 2021)
- table booked
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
No clue where things are now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Right to Repair
- out of committee
- next email will urge supporters to call their state senator/rep. and urge them to support it
- see if people willing to setup meeting with reps.
Facial Recognition and other bills still in committee.
Platform Discussion
Moved to 2020 Platform Discussion
Democracy and Dogfood (Tech)
Boston Sex Worker Petition
Tabled Projects
National Party
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
Upcoming Events
- Summer 2020, ?, Boston Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Worcester Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Springfield Meetup
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Culture House, Harvard Square
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNe Tech Meeting, Encuentro 5, Boston
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Democracy Center, Cambridge
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting
- 5/?, 2pm-4pm, Democracy and Dogfood (Tech) Meeting, on-line
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- Creynolds87
- davidd
- ChanServ
- hvxgr
- hvxgr_
- Deffy
- mikey
- MikaelaSuomalainen
Discussion of untabling plans for a Red Umbrella event. Will untable and speak with Desmond. Unanimous support.
Computer donations. Joe reports that the wish foundation has been happy with what we've dropped off. Joe plans to deliver more used computers on Friday.
Pirate News. Next recording Monday at 8pm (day/time change to accommodate Fathers day)
Joe would like to record a few short solo videos. Effort supported.
Discussion of attempts to sue the Internet Archive for lending books like a library. See https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200604/01241444641/major-publishers-sue-internet-archives-digital-library-program-midst-pandemic.shtml. Unanimous vote in condemnation.
21:04 <@jokeefe> Agenda: https://masspirates.org/wiki/June_17th,_2020_IRC_Meeting 21:04 <@jokeefe> ids 21:04 <@jokeefe> and anything to add? 21:04 <@jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:05 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:05 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:05 < Joe> I would like to move Boston Sex Worker Petition back to an active status 21:06 <@jokeefe> why? 21:06 < Joe> We mentioned that it would be wise to do a red umbrella event in the summer time. It would be good to start on the organizing if we want to stick to that goal. 21:06 < srevilak> hi Creynolds87 21:06 <@jokeefe> ahoy Creynolds87! 21:06 < Creynolds87> Ahoy there 21:06 < Joe> Ahoy CReynolds87 21:07 < Creynolds87> Sorry I'm late 21:07 <@jokeefe> just starting 21:08 <@jokeefe> are there any dates coming up? 21:08 <@jokeefe> for a red umbrella event? 21:08 < srevilak> No dates I'm aware of, aside from Sunday pirate news 21:10 < Joe> I wanted to untable in order to make this an active item. If I recall Desmond was leading this and thus we should reach out to him. If he can't do it then draw straws? 21:10 < Joe> Should not be too hard to reach out to other orgs and see if we can't make another small push. 21:10 <@jokeefe> It makes sense to untable it and talk with Desmond 21:10 < srevilak> aye 21:11 < Joe> Motion to untable Sex workers act then! 21:11 < srevilak> second 21:11 <@jokeefe> aye 21:11 < Joe> aye 21:11 < Creynolds87> Aye 21:12 <@jokeefe> any opposed 21:12 <@jokeefe> ? 21:12 < srevilak> Looks unanimous 21:12 <@jokeefe> aye 21:12 <@jokeefe> motion passes 21:13 <@jokeefe> Computer donations - we haven’t gotten donations in a few weeks. keep asking? 21:14 < Joe> I still have a few that need to go over. I have not had as much time to drop them off these last few days. I plan to head over there on Friday though. 21:14 < Joe> I'll check with them to see if the still want more of them but from what I can tell they have been very happy with what they have gotten, 21:15 <@jokeefe> glad to hear it 21:15 <@jokeefe> I can use that in the next email. 21:16 < Joe> I also donated diapers, which have been in much need these days. 21:16 <@jokeefe> I am sure 21:16 <@jokeefe> Sunday 7pm a good time to record the next Pirate News? 21:17 < Creynolds87> Sounds good to me 21:17 < srevilak> works for me 21:17 < Joe> Good for me too 21:17 < Joe> Except wait 21:17 < Joe> This sunday is father's day? 21:18 < Creynolds87> Oh that's right 21:18 <@jokeefe> yes 21:18 < Joe> Could we push the recording to Monday at 8? 21:18 <@jokeefe> I am available 21:18 < srevilak> I could do Monday 8pm 21:18 < Creynolds87> So am I 21:19 < Joe> I also wanted to see if this council was ok with me making short blasts 21:19 < srevilak> solo video? 21:20 < Joe> The thought would be 1 - 2 minute videos that are very click-baity in order to raise the subs. 21:20 < Joe> We now have 105 Subs, lost a few but then gained a few more. 21:21 < Joe> Our average watch time is 5 hours 21:21 <@jokeefe> I have no objections 21:21 < srevilak> I have no objections 21:21 < Creynolds87> That's good 21:21 < Creynolds87> No objections 21:23 < Joe> The facial recog got us a lot of area time, so some focus on the fundamentals of internet safety could not hurt. 21:23 <@jokeefe> Have fun storming the castle! 21:24 < Joe> lol 21:24 < Joe> Maybe a message to Anon, telling them we support them 21:24 < Joe> Ect. 21:26 <@jokeefe> Should we issue a statement on https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20200604/01241444641/major-publishers-sue-internet-archives-digital-library-program-midst-pandemic.shtml 21:26 < Creynolds87> I think we should. Definitely a pirate issue 21:27 < Joe> Also as an update, I have spent some time getting more organized for the videos so that which we discuss here can be remembered and talked about during our main videos. 21:28 <@jokeefe> that makes sense 21:29 <@jokeefe> motion to oppose this attempt at censorship 21:29 < srevilak> second 21:30 < Creynolds87> Aye 21:30 <@jokeefe> aye 21:30 < Joe> aye 21:31 <@jokeefe> any opposed? 21:32 <@jokeefe> motion passes. I’ll put a pad up to work on the text and send to the email list 21:32 < Creynolds87> Sounds good 21:33 < Joe> I updated the wiki with both decisions but not the results 21:33 <@jokeefe> thanks 21:36 <@jokeefe> sorry that’s all it have. been a busy week 21:36 < srevilak> Motion to adjourn? 21:36 < Joe> 2nd 21:37 < Creynolds87> Aye 21:37 <@jokeefe> aye 21:37 < srevilak> will post transcript 21:37 < Joe> ty