March 29th, 2022 IRC Meeting
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PPI Application
What we are working on now:
Leader: Malt
What topics should we discuss Saturday?
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming Events
- Pirate Moot, Sat., April 23rd, noon-2pm
- Democracy Meeting, Sat., April 9th, 11am-1pm
- Free the Vaccine Protest, April
- EARN IT Act Protest, April
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- yari (Rose Klein, state of California)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- davidd_
- hvxgr
- slerman
PPI Application
- Joe will work on the application
- Use as the platform.
- Crypto/NFT
- Competition plank needs more work.
Pirate Moot
- Next one on April 23rd, noon.
Pirate News
- Possible topic:
21:05 <~jokeefe> Agenda:,_2022_IRC_Meeting 21:05 <~jokeefe> Please id 21:05 <~jokeefe> If you have any changes, please suggest them 21:05 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:05 < Joe> PPI 21:05 < Joe> Application 21:06 < yari> Rose Klein, state of California 21:06 <~jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:06 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:07 <~jokeefe> Review 21:07 <~jokeefe> PPI Application 21:07 <~jokeefe> I have not submitted it. Been a long time coming. 21:07 <~jokeefe> Is there anyone who could take it on and get it done? 21:08 < Joe> I will be happy to do it for us 21:08 < Joe> Yari had some questions about it if we may 21:08 <~jokeefe> Thanks, Joe. I would appreciate it. 21:08 <~jokeefe> What are your questions yari? 21:08 < Joe> We both had one question that we were hoping you could answer 21:09 <~jokeefe> ok 21:09 < yari> so there is a question about the political program of the organization, and I'm curious if we can use the MAPP wiki positions for part of the USPP program, and also I'm curious what the MAPP folks would answer for that 21:10 < srevilak> I have no objection to USPP basing position statements on things MAPP has published. 21:10 < srevilak> Pirates like sharing :) 21:10 <~jokeefe> Sharing is caring 21:11 < yari> :) 21:11 <~jokeefe> We don’t claim copyright on them, so USPP is welcome to use them 21:11 < srevilak> Public Domain, No Rights Reserved! 21:11 < Joe> Would linking the wiki count as the program for the application or do we need to add platform items as well? 21:12 < yari> Joe I'm not sure, the PPI requirements were unclear on that 21:12 < yari> 21:12 <~jokeefe> I would think that USPP would need to adopt them and add them to its own sites. 21:13 < yari> Specifically, I'm suggesting that the PPI requirements were unclear as to what form they would like the program to be submitted in 21:14 < yari> i.e., a link to a website? only those positions that have been adopted? a white paper? 21:14 < Joe2go> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell, walking dogs 21:15 <~jokeefe> uspp has a platform - 21:15 <~jokeefe> use that for the program 21:16 < yari> sure. I don't want to make this about USPP stuff. You all have your own meeting! 21:16 < Joe2go> This will help us copy paste our own application so it helps me too. ^.^ 21:16 < yari> fair. 21:17 <~jokeefe> all questions answered then? 21:17 < yari> on my part, yes. of course. Just want to make sure MAPP is supported in also submitting the application 21:17 < Joe2go> For me, very much so. 21:17 <~jokeefe> thanks 21:18 <~jokeefe> Decisions/Endorsements 21:18 <~jokeefe> Platform 21:18 <~jokeefe> I worked on before the meeting. What do you think? 21:19 <~jokeefe> I don’t know what to use for the title, though 21:22 < yari> I like it, for what it's worth 21:22 < srevilak> As constructive feedback, I like the focus on decentralized tech. May be worthwhile to devote more words to what we support than what we oppose 21:23 <~jokeefe> good point, srevilak 21:23 < Joe2go> Ending destructive copyright trolls 21:24 < srevilak> Blockchain isn't necessarily a bad thing -- it's a distributed secure ledger. It's the brute force hashing (i.e., mining) that uses up all of the electricity 21:24 < yari> ^ 21:25 <~jokeefe> Agreed, or lots of disk drives. 21:25 < srevilak> But for distributed tech, the focus can be on autonomy, resilience, protocols over products, have the ability to tinker with an API build things innovate 21:26 < srevilak> Data autonomy. That's what I forgot 21:27 < srevilak> Data sovereignty. That's what I forgot 21:27 < srevilak> (Last nights redevelopment board meeting ran really late. Thinking slightly crooked tonight) 21:29 < Joe2go> I was in the hospital for my 4 year old so I am also a bit burnt as well. 21:29 < srevilak> Speaking of digital currencies, this might be a topic for Sun: 21:29 <~jokeefe> no worries. I pasted your suggestions in. We can work on it further. I like the change to what we are for. 21:29 < srevilak> From a tech perspective, I'm not exactly sure how that's going to work 21:30 < yari> huh 21:30 < yari> thank you for the link 21:31 < Joe2go> Yari, I think Steve means for pirate news 21:31 <~jokeefe> The Fed already has e-cash, but it is only available to banks and the rich 21:32 < yari> sure, but a good read anyway 21:33 <~jokeefe> Curious to see how they would make it private. 21:34 <~jokeefe> still needs more work 21:34 <~jokeefe> Shall we move on to Projects? 21:34 < srevilak> Maybe something like a charlie card. Tap on reader to transfer funds to someone else's smartcard? 21:35 < Joe2go> Ach is the way to go 21:36 <~jokeefe> Isn’t the charlie card an id. I don’t think it keeps the info on the card, but relies on back end servers to keep the records. 21:37 < yari> going to drop out. Thank you all for the thoughts. 21:37 <~jokeefe> good night! 21:37 < Joe2go> Gn 21:39 <~jokeefe> Outreach 21:40 <~jokeefe> pirate moot will be 4/23. 21:40 <~jokeefe> Video Newsletter/Podcast - digital dollar discussion? 21:40 < Joe2go> Pirate moot at noon again? 21:41 <~jokeefe> noon still good? 21:41 < srevilak> Aye to both 21:42 <~jokeefe> Joe2go? 21:43 < Joe2go> Aye 21:44 <~jokeefe> No word on when the Free the Vaccine Protest will be 21:46 <~jokeefe> Not sure we have time to organize an EARN IT Act Protest 21:48 <~jokeefe> If there is nothing else, shall we adjourn? 21:49 < srevilak> motion to adjourn 21:49 < srevilak> will post transcript