May 13th, 2020 IRC Meeting
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Goals for Q3 2020:
- Organize meetups
- Organize Fundraiser
- Organize candidate trainings
- Revise platform
Computer donations
- Rules
- Sign up form
- Emailed supporters again. Will put up another post this week.
Regional Meetings/Events
All meetings on hold due to Covid-19.
Leader: jokeefe
- Boston (jokeefe)
- Worcester (Malt)
- Lowell (Joe)
- Boston Pride Festival (emailed them that we transferred our table to 2021)
- table booked
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Next pirate news recording scheduled for Sunday, 7pm unless changed
No clue where things are now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Right to Repair
- out of committee
- next email will urge supporters to call their state senator/rep. and urge them to support it
- see if people willing to setup meeting with reps.
Facial Recognition and other bills still in committee.
Platform Discussion
Moved to 2020 Platform Discussion
Democracy and Dogfood (Tech)
Tabled Projects
National Party
Boston Sex Worker Petition
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
Upcoming Events
- Summer 2020, ?, Boston Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Worcester Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Springfield Meetup
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Culture House, Harvard Square
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNe Tech Meeting, Encuentro 5, Boston
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Democracy Center, Cambridge
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting
- 5/?, 2pm-4pm, Democracy and Dogfood (Tech) Meeting, on-line
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- Joe (Joseph Onoroski, Lowell)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
- Malt (Sam capradae, Worcester)
- davidd
- ChanServ
- hvxgr
- Deffy
- mikey
- MikaelaSuomalainen
Patriot act. Jokeefe sent email earlier. Sounds like the positive amendments lost by a vote.
21:02 <@jokeefe> Agenda:,_2020_IRC_Meeting 21:02 <@jokeefe> ids 21:02 <@jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:02 < Joe> Joseph Onoroski, Lowell 21:03 <@jokeefe> Anything to add? 21:03 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:03 < Malt> Sam capradae, Worcester 21:04 < Joe> Nothing to add 21:06 < Malt> Nope 21:07 <@jokeefe> I sent out an email about the PATRIOT Act renewal and posted about it this morning. 21:07 <@jokeefe> Looks like the good amendment lost by 1 vote 21:07 < Malt> Yeah :-/ 21:09 < Joe> jokeefe, would you be interesting in drafting a tweet with whom voted for it and whom voted to have our security revoked? 21:09 < Joe> or anyone else for that matter, not just jokeefe 21:09 <@jokeefe> Was going to write a post on it for tomorrow. 21:10 < Joe> We should also discuss during this week's podcast 21:10 < Malt> Name and shame 21:10 < Joe> aye 21:11 <@jokeefe> I expect Warren and Markey voted for it 21:11 <@jokeefe> against it 21:11 <@jokeefe> I mean 21:11 <@jokeefe> but for the amendment 21:11 <@jokeefe> will check to be sure 21:12 <@jokeefe> Might find it as a way to plug opposition to the EARN IT act. 21:12 <@jokeefe> Speaking of it, what about having a day to ask people to call their rep/senator and tell them to oppose it? 21:13 < Malt> That's a smart ramp, seize on the anger 21:13 < Joe> It's been awhile since we did a harass your officials campaign 21:14 <@jokeefe> when would be a good day? Is next wednesday too soon, assuming we send the email out on Monday? 21:15 <@jokeefe> or a week later giving us more time to build support? 21:15 < Joe> let's make it for Thursday next week so we have time to ramp. 21:15 < Joe> Also less likely that they would be elsewhere since it's midweek. 21:17 <@jokeefe> Other thoughts? 21:20 <@jokeefe> next Thursday works for me 21:21 < Malt> Ok 21:22 <@jokeefe> Thursday it is 21:23 <@jokeefe> Computer donations 21:24 < srevilak> We've got one :) 21:24 <@jokeefe> We got another 21:24 < srevilak> nice 21:24 <@jokeefe> I emailed srevilak and the person who signed up. 21:26 * srevilak checks email 21:26 < srevilak> I can coordinate a pickup 21:26 <@jokeefe> Thanks 21:26 <@jokeefe> Will put up another post asking for donations on Friday 21:28 <@jokeefe> srevilak, do you need a new hard disk for the first computer? 21:28 < srevilak> Yes, I believe it will. Haven't tried to power it on yet, though 21:29 <@jokeefe> Once you know, tell me and I can get one. 21:29 < srevilak> will do 21:29 <@jokeefe> thanks you 21:29 <@jokeefe> Malt/Joe: do we have destinations for these two computers? 21:30 < Joe> We do, The wish project is in need. They are slated to go to help struggling families with education. 21:31 <@jokeefe> how do we want to setup the training? 21:32 < Joe> I will reach out to them tomorrow to see how they want them set up. I believe that windows would probably be best but linx is better. <3 21:33 < Joe> I have clear bags we can use and a sharpie to date them so they can feel safe taking the donations from us. 21:33 <@jokeefe> thanks 21:34 < Joe> May I suggest we put on the safety measures, such as peerblock, duckduckgo and avast on them so that they have some basic protections? 21:35 <@jokeefe> I think we have that: 21:35 < Joe> I forgot about it, thanks 21:37 <@jokeefe> Malt, have you talked with Worcester Mutual Aid? 21:38 < Malt> About the computer drive? 21:38 < Malt> Worc public schools are distributing Chromebooks 21:38 < Malt> I'm sure there are other places which would benefit though 21:39 <@jokeefe> ok 21:40 <@jokeefe> We still good for recording Sunday at 7pm? 21:40 < Malt> I'll be available 21:40 < Malt> Gabe's first mother's day was nice 21:40 < Joe> We are still on. I have not reached the honorable Pirate from Holyoke yet though. 21:40 < srevilak> 7pm is fine for me 21:41 <@jokeefe> nice 21:41 < Joe> I would like to discuss both the last vote, upcoming act and current state of the commonwealth 21:41 <@jokeefe> The computer donation effort as well, would be good. 21:41 < Joe> Plus any other current topic that arise from now until then. 21:42 < Malt> Earn it for certain 21:42 < Malt> There was one other thing but I am exhausted 21:43 < Joe> If you remember, please email it to info so we all can have it. 21:44 <@jokeefe> will do 21:44 < Joe> I would also like to see if we can have a member from another state join us or even one from the international council 21:44 < Malt> That would be nice 21:44 < Joe> Maybe not for this video but one in the near future. 21:45 <@jokeefe> International would be great 21:45 < Joe> Also, I wanted to touch upon the environmental impact of everyone staying home. 21:45 < Malt> It's not enough 21:46 < Joe> jokeefe, could you see if K`tetch will join us? 21:46 < Joe> I agree Malt but if we can show a better tread then perhaps we can push for a more technological solution to our worlds problems. 21:47 < Joe> Cause we "wicked smaaaat" 21:47 < Malt> Autogillotines 21:47 <@jokeefe> Will see. 21:47 < Joe> that would be hard to get ahead of...... 21:48 * Joe hears a distant drum solo of lameness....... 21:49 < Malt> My sleep schedule has been disrupted, I can do anything 21:50 < Joe> jokeefe, have you heard from Desmond recently? 21:50 <@jokeefe> I don’t think so 21:51 <@jokeefe> That is all I have. 21:51 <@jokeefe> Shall we adjourn? 21:51 < Joe> I will reach out to him, I hope he is ok. I would like to see his project revitalized since summer is coming. 21:51 < srevilak> motion to adjourn 21:51 <@jokeefe> 2nd 21:51 <@jokeefe> all in favor? 21:51 < Joe> aye 21:51 < srevilak> aye 21:51 <@jokeefe> aye 21:51 < srevilak> will post transcript 21:52 < Joe> #uspp 21:52 < Malt> Night all 21:52 <@jokeefe> thanks srevilak 21:52 <@jokeefe> night all. talk Sunday 21:52 <@jokeefe> heading there now Joe