May 27th, 2020 IRC Meeting
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Goals for Q3 2020:
- Organize meetups
- Organize Fundraiser
- Organize candidate trainings
- Revise platform
Computer donations
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Next pirate news recording scheduled for Sunday, 7pm unless changed
Regional Meetings/Events
All meetings on hold due to Covid-19.
Leader: jokeefe
- Boston (jokeefe)
- Worcester (Malt)
- Lowell (Joe)
- Boston Pride Festival (emailed them that we transferred our table to 2021)
- table booked
- setup signup sheet
- Announce
- Need to purchase insurance
- Need volunteer sign up form
- Tie to an activity, mapping the CCTV cameras in Boston or along the Pride parade route?
No clue where things are now due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Right to Repair
- out of committee
- next email will urge supporters to call their state senator/rep. and urge them to support it
- see if people willing to setup meeting with reps.
Facial Recognition and other bills still in committee.
Platform Discussion
Moved to 2020 Platform Discussion
Democracy and Dogfood (Tech)
Tabled Projects
National Party
Boston Sex Worker Petition
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
Upcoming Events
- Summer 2020, ?, Boston Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Worcester Meetup
- Summer 2020, ?, Springfield Meetup
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Culture House, Harvard Square
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNe Tech Meeting, Encuentro 5, Boston
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Democracy Center, Cambridge
- ?/?, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting
- 5/?, 2pm-4pm, Democracy and Dogfood (Tech) Meeting, on-line
- jokeefe
- srevilak
- malt
- davidd
- ChanServ
- hvxgr
- Deffy
- mikey
- MikaelaSuomalainen
Computer donations. Have at least four so far.
Next pirate news recording: Sunday 7pm.
jokeefe participated in a cryptoparty over jitsi. Went well; good conversation.
21:04 <@jokeefe> Agenda:,_2020_IRC_Meeting 21:04 <@jokeefe> ids 21:04 < malt> sam capradae, worcester 21:04 <@jokeefe> James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:04 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington 21:05 <@jokeefe> anything to add? 21:05 < malt> nyet 21:07 <@jokeefe> Put posts up on the Pirate News recording, RCV ballot measure and the PATRIOT Act renewal 21:07 < srevilak> thx! 21:07 <@jokeefe> EARN IT Act post gotes up tomorrow. 21:08 <@jokeefe> Computer donations 21:08 <@jokeefe> How old will we take? 21:09 < srevilak> I suspect single-core CPUs are tool 21:09 < srevilak> I suspect single-core CPUs are too old 21:09 < srevilak> how old ya' got? 21:09 <@jokeefe> not me. someone on twitter had an i286 21:10 < malt> lmao, museums are getting desperate huh? 21:10 < srevilak> that's for a computer history buff 21:10 <@jokeefe> Computer museum closed decades ago 21:10 < srevilak> run viscalc 1.0 on that 21:10 <@jokeefe> I still have my 8088 21:10 < malt> use it instead of the graphing calculators they just hamstrung 21:10 < srevilak> At any rate, Joe picked up two from me, and two more on the way over to my place 21:10 <@jokeefe> I expect it will still boot up 21:11 <@jokeefe> oh great! so four in all? 21:11 < srevilak> yes, at least four 21:11 <@jokeefe> Dual-core CPUs is the minimum, then 21:12 < srevilak> Dual core would be ~ 12 years old 21:12 < malt> hey what no 21:12 < malt> they're 21:12 < malt> recent 21:12 < malt> oh god 21:12 < srevilak> Sorry 11 21:12 < malt> don't scare me like that 21:12 < srevilak> My 2009 thinkpad has a dual core celeron 21:13 <@jokeefe> I had said 10 years old. so close enough. 21:13 < srevilak> (or is it a 2008 thinkpad) 21:15 <@jokeefe> Video Newsletter/Podcast 21:15 <@jokeefe> Sunday 7pm still good? 21:15 < srevilak> Works for me 21:16 < malt> i think so, but my ability to predict the future is suffering somewhat 21:16 <@jokeefe> No worries. Hope you can make it 21:17 < malt> me too! 21:19 <@jokeefe> had a short cryptoparty today about 21:20 < srevilak> how'd that go? 21:20 <@jokeefe> ok. good conversations. 21:22 < srevilak> what kind of IRC client has a 276 second timeout? 21:22 < malt> seriously 21:23 < malt> the webchat interface 21:23 < srevilak> Three minutes, 36 seconds 21:23 < malt> i;ve been having a lot of fun using jitsi for ttrpg meetups 21:23 <@jokeefe> going well then? 21:25 < malt> yeah, we had one weekend where the lags were too significant, but aside from that no complaints 21:26 <@jokeefe> great 21:27 <@jokeefe> Suggestions for what to post about next week? 21:28 < srevilak> On blog? I still have a "tried to join facebook" saga that I've been meaning to post 21:28 <@jokeefe> that would be great 21:30 <@jokeefe> Working on a UBI post 21:31 < malt> how to setup google alerts for our names or email addresses 21:31 < malt> to check for potential doxxings 21:31 < malt> i did that today, my something awful articles have been attracting attention 21:32 <@jokeefe> Is there a lot of false positives? 21:32 < malt> none yet, it just went up 21:32 <@jokeefe> don’t forget to sign up for 21:32 < malt> oh i'm already there 21:33 <@jokeefe> perfect 21:33 < malt> just last week, someone tried hijacking a non-existant outlook account with something from one of those leaks 21:33 <@jokeefe> have you heard of any local doxxings? 21:34 < srevilak> no, you? 21:34 <@jokeefe> none yet 21:35 <@jokeefe> any how, that is all I have 21:36 < malt> there's been some folks from super happy fun america losing jobs 21:36 < malt> eyes on the right i think is boston based 21:36 < malt> turtleboy used to dox local lefties in the rave scene 21:37 < srevilak> Ah, Super Happy Fun America. Sigh 21:38 < srevilak> If you're a nazi and you're fired it's your fault 21:38 < srevilak> If you're a nazi and you're fired it's your fault 21:38 < srevilak> You were spotted in the mob 21:38 < srevilak> Now you lost your fucking job 21:38 < srevilak> If you're a nazi and you're fired it's your fault 21:38 < malt> lmao 21:38 < malt> perfect 21:38 < srevilak> I love that one 21:38 < malt> i was trying to think of a fired/tired rhyme 21:38 <@jokeefe> lol 21:39 < srevilak> Sorry that your ass was fired 21:39 < malt> im not 21:39 < srevilak> have fun now that you're retired 21:39 < srevilak> If you're a nazi and you're fired it's your fault 21:41 < malt> a WN posted a flyer in worcester but i don't think there's been anything since then 21:42 < srevilak> I'm gonna fight the nazis every single day 21:42 < malt> hey, i don't have the resources to organize this rn, but i thought of an event we could work towards 21:42 <@jokeefe> aye 21:42 < srevilak> bust them in the gonads make them go away 21:42 < malt> a virtual lobby day, where we have musicians performing in a private stream 21:42 < malt> to encourage folks to call and write legislators about _________________ 21:42 <@jokeefe> sounds great 21:42 < malt> political comedians too maybe 21:43 < malt> well okay, that's all from me, this week has been a nightmare and i'm behind deadline 21:43 < malt> baby is excellent, family is well, hope y'all are having a similar go of it 21:44 <@jokeefe> let’s plan it next week 21:44 <@jokeefe> glad to hear that. 21:44 <@jokeefe> we are ok 21:44 <@jokeefe> shall we adjourn then? 21:44 < malt> i'm set if y'all are 21:45 < srevilak> One question for malt 21:45 < malt> yeeeee 21:45 < srevilak> Once the health emergency is over 21:45 < srevilak> was thinking about taking the train to Worcester 21:45 < srevilak> taking the bike 21:45 < srevilak> and riding around for the day 21:45 < malt> i live right by a gorgeous lake 21:45 < srevilak> How's bike riding in Worcester? 21:46 < malt> bostonish 21:46 < srevilak> cool, that's totally do-abe 21:46 < malt> there's trails and the like scattered through the city, those are fun 21:46 < srevilak> cool, that's totally do-able 21:46 < malt> but the drivers aren't the most respectful 21:46 < malt> and the dedicated infrastructure is eeehhhhhhh 21:46 < malt> lacking 21:46 < srevilak> Massholes, sigh 21:46 < malt> yeah :-/ 21:47 < malt> i know plenty of bikers and the Earn A Bike organization is run by a dear friend 21:47 < malt> basically i'd say find some green areas you'd like to visit and plot a path between them 21:47 <@jokeefe> We need more raised bike lanes and bike paths 21:47 < malt> the east-west trail is fun though 21:48 < malt> i'd love to see some of those hill assist climb setups they've got in nordic countries 21:48 < malt> worcester is built on HILLS 21:48 < malt> and i am LAZY 21:48 < srevilak> Okay, bring bike with gears. Check 21:49 <@jokeefe> looks like uber is destroying all of the electric bikes it owns 21:49 < malt> fuck them 21:49 < malt> not even going to resell them? JFC 21:49 < srevilak> Yeah, that's a waste 21:49 < malt> the electric bike/scooter scam is disgusting 21:50 < srevilak> Wonder if limebike did the same thing 21:50 <@jokeefe> 21:50 < malt> the best part are the worcester kids who figured out how to break the system and are now using those bright yellow bikes to do Hella Wheelies 21:50 < srevilak> :) 21:50 < malt> always give those kids a wave when i see em 21:50 < srevilak> motion to adjourn? 21:50 < malt> but yeah getting caught in the middle is, freaky 21:50 < malt> 2nd 21:50 <@jokeefe> aye 21:50 < srevilak> will post transcript