July 25th, 2013 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
- Events
- 8/3 Pirate Picnic, noon+ - Boston Harbor
- 8/4 BRICnic, 3-8pm - Boston - Need a speaker
- NH Pirates March For LGBT Equality!!!!, noon - Seabrook, NH
- 8/24 CryptoParty, 1pm - e5, Boston - 9 Hmailton place at park st next to the orpheum
- Post-convention tasks
- Brainstorm the task list for the 2014 elections & prep for Sunday General Meeting: http://piratenpad.de/SKwdoMqk26
- jokeefe, James O'Keefe, Somerville
- srevilak, Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA
- Bluestreak, Lucia Fiero, Medway
- Kendra, Kendra Moyer, Arlington
- gregg, Gregg Housh, Malden, MA
- Kendra, Kendra Moyer, Arlington
- js0000, john saylor south waltham massachusetts
- Igel, William Fleurant, Arlington
- MasterGunner
- GarretK
- brendan_kidwell