September 25th, 2014 IRC Meeting

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  1. Update on candidate status, campaign strategies
  2. Boston Software Freedom Day
  3. Citizens Rising

Decisions/Events Status

  1. Sep. 26th. DMC in-person meeting. 4pm?
  2. Fluff Fest/Freedom not Fear/Flyering
    1. Sep. 26-29, Freedom Not Fear wiki
    2. Need a blog post
  3. Sep. 27th. Jobs NOT Jails Coalition Meeting: Saturday, September 27, 2014 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Freedom House 5 Crawford Street, Dorchester, MA 02121
  4. Oct. 4, 9am-6pm, MIT Maker Faire Lucia and Jason doing set up.
    1. cryptoparty table idea posted. Who will present? And what?
  5. Wikileaks 8th Birthday Party, 10/4. Suggested: Celebrate during and after Maker faire


  • jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
  • Bluelustreak (Lucia Fiero, Medway))
  • noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville)
  • kendra


  • davidd
  • Pharyngeal

Events Summary

  1. Sep. 26th. DMC in-person meeting. 4pm?
  2. Sep. 26-29, Freedom Not Fear wiki
  3. Sep. 27th. Jobs NOT Jails Coalition Meeting: Saturday, September 27, 2014 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Freedom House 5 Crawford Street, Dorchester, MA 02121
  4. Oct. 4, 9am-6pm, MIT Maker Faire
  5. Oct. 4, Wikileaks birthday/BRICnic
  6. Nov. 5, Million Mask March
  7. May 6, 2015, International Day against DRM.


Campaign status updates. Noe campaigning at fluff fest on Saturday. Fluff fest runs from 3-7pm. Campain meeting Sunday morning at 10am. For Joe, have some pins designed, but no events planned.

Software Freedom Day Cryptoparty went reasonably well. Steve did packet sniffing; Noe did PGP and Mailvelope; Kendra did Jitsi. Around 35 people attending.

Citizens Rising. Kresge was about 50-75% full! Pretty good crowd and all of the civic-minded groups were there in force. Unfortunately, no new contacts from the event.

Oct 4th. We agree to focus our efforts on Maker Faire, and postpone bricnic. We'll have a wikileaks party after Maker Faire, perhaps at ASGARD in Cambridge. srevilak will set up civicrm event for Asgard wikileaks party.

Million mask march. Potential event for 11/5/2014.

