January 30th, 2014 IRC Meeting

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Revision as of 21:46, 30 January 2014 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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  1. Events To Plan
    1. 1/31 (Fri), 1pm, Inter-Continental Rally and March against the TPP, State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston
    2. 2/9, Cryptoparty, Northeastern Law School, Dockser Hall, Room 230 and the Moot Court Room
    3. 2/10, 6:30-8pm, Trans Pacific Partnership - Secrets Revealed (Sierra Club), Somerville Public Library
    4. 2/11, The Day we Fight Back, Call in to Congress about NSA surveillance
    5. 2/17 (Monday), Snowden, Manning & other whistleblowers Airport Protest
    6. March Cryptoparty
  2. Airport Protest
    1. When - 2/17, 1-3pm, Logan Airport, Terminal E
    2. Logistics
      1. PR - srevilak
      2. Media List - jokeefe
      3. Flier design https://piratenpad.de/bpXgvjgG1N
      4. Signs - js0000
  3. Support Outreach & Fundraising
    1. Bitpay
    2. Nation Builder
    3. Phone banking - Sun. 2/23 2-4pm, Arlington
    4. Pirate Party Fundraiser - Sat. 3/21, Democracy Center, Harvard Sq., Cambridge
      1. Artists
      2. Logistics
  4. Blog Posts
    1. Cryptoparty
    2. Airport Protest
    3. Phone bank
    4. Fundraiser
  5. 2014 Campaign
    1. Candidate Page - version up at http://masspirates.org/blog/candidates-wanted/
    2. Media List
    3. Mapping
    4. Voter registration app
    5. Training Video Status
    6. Set dates/locations for trainings - Feb, Mar
  6. 2014 Conference
    1. Location?
    2. Date - poll not sent. Perhaps September?
    3. Need info on it at Fundraiser so we can sell tickets
  7. Upcoming Event List
    1. 1/31 (Fri), 1pm, Inter-Continental Rally and March against the TPP, State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston
    2. 2/8, Boston Security Conference, Cambridge
    3. 2/9, Cryptoparty, Northeastern University
    4. 2/9, Somerville Pirate Party meeting. https://twitter.com/villepirates
    5. 2/11, The Day we Fight Back, Call in to Congress about NSA surveillance
    6. 2/17 (Monday), Snowden, Manning & other whistleblowers Airport Protest
    7. 2/23 2-4pm. Phone banking/fundraising.
    8. March Cryptoparty
    9. 3/16 (Sunday) Veterans for Peace Parade [1]
    10. 3/21 (Saturday), Pirate Party Fundraiser, Democracy Center, Harvard Sq., Cambridge
    11. 4/26, noon, Jobs Not Jails: Rally to End Mass Incarceration and Fund Job Creation, Boston Common


  • Igel
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
  • jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
  • js0000
  • cjd


  • ageis
  • davidd
  • zby


Planning for 2/17 protest. We'd like to issue a press release 1--2 weeks before, and approach media. Terminal E (International Arrivals) at Logan Airport. For now, planning on 1-3pm. Plan on wearing suits/nice attire. Low-key protest. Draft flyer copy: https://piratenpad.de/bpXgvjgG1N. js0000 to work on flyer. srevilak to work on press release.

Bitpay. Account set up, but they only take email address of donors. We'll need to do something in order to collect additional political donation information that we need. Perhaps wordpress's Visual Form Builder plugin.

Nationbuilder. Jokeefe has done some trial work. srevilak liked the way it was easy to create campaign-specific sites. js0000 will give it a try.

Meeting Minutes