May 29th, 2014 IRC Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
- Schedule either a full state or local (Somerville) meeting before the end of June?
- Can we do something for June 5th Reset the Net
- Discuss DMC planning. Conference call was 5/29 @ noon. (Also: Please sign up to the DMC planning email list, especially: Mars needs women!)
- Lucia and Jason editing Joe's local press release. Send out Friday or wait until Monday?
- Candidate bank accounts, update from Noe, advice for Joe
- Recap epic weekend?
- June 5th, Reset the Net, we will announce that we now support https. In person participation?
- June 14th, 11am+, Boston LBGT Pride Parade
- Bluelustreak (Lucia Fiero, Medway, MA)
- JCFiero (Jason Fiero WNY, NJ MA)
- noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville, MA)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
- jokeefe (James O'Keefe, Somerville)
- davidd (David van Deijk, Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- zby