February 9th, 2023 Meeting
From Mass Pirate Wiki
Meeting to be held via video conference: https://ca.meet.coop/mas-ub4-8ox-vtj.
Budget and Fundraising
United States Pirate Party Issues?
2/18/2023 Party Conference
- Conference page up: https://masspirates.org/blog/conference/
- Blog post reminders up
Local Outreach
Planning for 2023 Local Elections
Video Newsletter/Podcast
Leader: Joseph
- Pirate news recording scheduled for Sundays, 7pm with go-live at 7:30pm. Unless changed
Other To Do
- Application to PPI
Upcoming Events
- Party Conference, noon, February 18th, 2023.
- jokeefe
- srevilak
- Joe
- email went out encouraging people to run for office
Budget and raising
- We should have a budget
- National party set up a way to take donations online
- Joe would like to sell T-shirts and bumper stickers. Have zazzle for tee shirt. Would need to design buttons.
- Joe would also like to get a set of door hangers to distribute. What the pirate party is about, etc.
- Possibly develop a pamphlet of core values, etc. Liz from USPP has a sample of such a pamphlet from a few years ago.