June 27th, 2017 IRC Meeting
- South Boston BPL cryptoparty
Discussion of future events:
"In selecting actions I sought out ones with funding or established groups in order to minimize our workload. Incidentally these also will get us interacting with and assisting community groups.
I'm getting a positive, enthusiastic response from the DIY agriculture groups in Worcester, especially regarding talks or classroom presentations. I would like to get a feel for the groups' enthusiasm and expertise, if each of us had to lead a presentation, what would you focus on? Even if it isn't directly agricultural, open source software can be off-putting to new users.
Going off of agriculture, I learned that the New England Grassroots Activism Fund is funding the creation of permaculture installations. These are collections of mostly native plants engineered to be drought resistant and pollinator friendly. We could potentially spearhead an installation at a local library or school, or a retirement home or public housing block. Do we want to get our hands dirty?
Lastly, there's a few models of "repair salon" actions where experts bring tools and locals bring damaged or malfunctioning equipment (computers or light hardware) to get repaired instead of thrown out. I know someone running a program in Northampton who might appreciate our logistical support, in exchange for a chance to talk to folk outside Boston. "
Day against DRM
July 8th, 11am-1pm. Todo:
Announce on email- Setup location of after event
- Announce on blog with FSF
- Call people to attend
- Write flier text - https://piratenpad.de/p/2017DayAgainstDRM
- Print flier
- Event
Our Elections
To Do:
Send email reminder about nominations this week and nextSetup ballot (srevilak). For this election, we are implementing Voting TokensSend out ballot this week (jokeefe)Send out reminder ballots before polls close (jokeefe)Close polls (srevilak)Count results (srevilak/jokeefe)Publish results - 6/14 (jokeefe)- Emailed/posted on 6/20Setup meeting with new office holders (jokeefe)- Review regular IRC meeting day - send new poll with earlier times (jokeefe)
Other To Dos
- email Loomio invite to supporters (jokeefe)
- email/post about support of Internet-wid Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality
- set up torrents for PirateCon videos (creynolds)
- post remaining audio for PirateCon talks (srevilak)
- finish setup of myBB (jokeefe)
- install mattermost as slack alternative (jokeefe)
Upcoming Events
- 6/28, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville
- 7/9, Day against DRM
See: 2017 calendar
- davidd
- igel
- papegaai
- Techrev