July 17th, 2018 IRC Meeting
- Boston-area Pirate Brunch
- Day Against DRM event around September 18?
- Freedom Rally, September 14-16, Boston Common
Party Conference
Review survey (12 submissions) & decide month for conference:
Should we hold one state-wide conference or multiple regional conferences?
One State-wide conference | 9 |
Multiple regional conferences | 3 |
How long should a party conference last?
The usual one day is fine | 11 |
Saturday & Sunday | 3 |
What should the party conference focus on?
Deciding on a party platform | 10 |
Group discussions | 7 |
Presentations | 8 |
When should we hold our party conference(s)?
July | 9 |
August | 8 |
September | 8 |
June | 3 |
November | 3 |
October | 2 |
Where should we hold our state-wide party conference?
Boston, Cambridge, Somerville Area | 11 |
Between 128 and 495 | 6 |
Route 128 belt | 3 |
West of 495 | 2 |
How would you prefer to get to the conference?
Public transit | 7 |
Car | 7 |
Bicycle | 4 |
Car to public transit | 3 |
Bus (PeterPan, etc) | 2 |
Where do you live?
Greater Boston | 6 |
Worcester county | 2 |
Along 495 | 2 |
South Shore | 1 |
Somewhere else | 1 |
Should we arrange for childcare at the conference site?
Yes | 8 |
No | 3 |
Conference Topics
Open government | 10 |
Net neutrality | 9 |
Organizing | 9 |
Running campaigns | 9 |
Pirate strategy | 8 |
Surveillance and countersurveillance | 7 |
Building third-party coalitions | 7 |
Income inequality | 7 |
Filing FOIA and public records requests | 6 |
Minimum wage | 6 |
Corporate power | 6 |
Proposing local legislation | 6 |
Environment | 5 |
Patents | 4 |
Copyright | 4 |
The war on drugs | 3 |
Video Newsletter
- Donate Your Vote campaign (jokeefe)
- S.2823 - A bill to modernize copyright law, and for other purposes - posted. jokeefe will create petition
- Free Reality Winner - Approved. jokeefe will write a statement
- US S.1241 - Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017 - Approved our opposition to S.1241. Need statement (Joe)
- MA Bill H.3641: An Act relative to electronic tolling - Approved our opposition to it. Past position is to remove the tolls on the Pike since it has long been paid for. Bill did not get out of committee (jokeefe)
Computer Donations
Other To Dos
FOSS Tutorials
Worcester farm group is interested in having some FOSS tutorials. Perhaps:
- how to do basic labels in GIMP,
- work through a few sample spreadsheets related to seed cost and
- similarly applicable real-world situations, depending on the needs of the group
Basically how to do graph design & product management with open source tools. Malt will put together a one paragraph description of what we need and we can mail it out to ask pirates to help.
- email Loomio invite to supporters (jokeefe)
- set up torrents for PirateCon videos (creynolds)
- post remaining audio for PirateCon talks (srevilak)
- finish setup of myBB (jokeefe)
- install slack alternative (jokeefe)
Upcoming Events
- 7/17, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Industry Lab, 288 Norfolk St, Cambridge
- 7/24, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Industry Lab, 288 Norfolk St, Cambridge
- 7/25, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, The Sprouts, 339R Summer Street, Somerville
- 7/31, 7-9pm, Mass MeshNet Tech Meeting, Industry Lab, 288 Norfolk St, Cambridge
- Jul/Aug, Boston-area Chapter Meeting
- Aug, Democracy/IT meeting. Email info@masspirates.org for the location
- ChanServ