April 30th, 2015 IRC Meeting

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Revision as of 08:51, 30 April 2015 by Jokeefe (talk | contribs)
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CISA Petition

JOKeefe dropped the petition off to the local offices of Senators Warren & Markey. Neither has a position on CISA. Both are against FastTrack.

PirateCon 2015

  1. Participants: https://piratenpad.de/p/2015PirateConSchedule
  2. Materials/Logistics: https://piratenpad.de/p/2015PirateConSiteDetails

Pirate Council Responsibilities

See Swarmwise. Summary:

PR/media leader is responsible for interactions with oldmedia (newspapers, television, radio, etc.) at his or her particular geography. That includes sending press releases, making sure press kits with information are available, and other things related to serving oldmedia with information about the swarm and its activities. (See Chapter 9)

Activism leader does not lead activism as such, but rather support it (as is the case with all of these roles). Whenever activists decide swarmwise that they want to stage a rally, hand out flyers, put up posters, or do some other form of visible activism, this is the person responsible for the practical details, such as PA equipment, permits, and other details on the ground to make things happen.

Swarmcare leader welcomes new activists into the swarm and continually measure the overall health of it. A typical task would be to call new activists just to make them feel welcome, and tell them when the next events — social as well as operational — take place. This is more than enough for one person to chew.

Information-and-web leader is the person who maintains the infrastructure of a blog or other web page that summarizes the relevant information of the swarm in this particular geography. (This person also communicates internally when events, such as rallies, happen. The swarm decides when and if they happen; it is the job of this person to communicate the consensus.)


PirateCon 2015

Event Planning

  1. May 2, Point to Point Camp Cryptoparty, Cambridge
  2. May 6, International Day against DRM Standout at Back Bay Apple Store
  3. May 17, noon-4pm, Together Boston Cryptoparty, Danger!Awesome, Cambridge
  4. May 29-31, Panel for Left Forum, NYC
  5. Jun. 13, Boston Pride Parade - Sign up form
  6. Summer, INEAS org cryptoparty?
  7. July/Aug, Pirate Picnic, Georges Island?
  8. Sep. 19 & 20, Freedom Rally - Sign up form

New Materials

Defer to next meeting

  1. Restore the 4th Bills - Jamie hasn't posted blog post about them. Will this weekend.
    1. SD1546 Mandates Police Bodycams, protects data - Summary, Bill text
    2. HD430, Reining in Militarization in Massachusetts - Summary & Bill text

Upcoming Events

  1. May 2, Point to Point Camp cryptoparty
  2. May 6, International Day against DRM
  3. May 10-17, Together Boston Cryptoparty?
  4. Jun. 13, Boston Pride Parade
  5. Jun. event?
  6. Jul. event?
  7. Aug. event?
  8. Sep., Freedom Rally
  9. Oct. event?
  10. Nov. event?
  11. Dec. event?

Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge


  • jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
  • Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero, Medway)
  • igel (Will Fleurant, Arlington)
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
  • js0000
  • noe
  • Techrev
  • Kendra


  • davidd
  • Pharyngeal
  • zby


We work out remaining Piratecon logistics. Mostly setup.

Day against DRM

We'll flyer with the FSF. Meet at Boston apple store, 6:15 pm.

