May 23rd, 2016 IRC Meeting: Difference between revisions

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* igel (William Fleurant, Arlington)
* igel (William Fleurant, Arlington)
* BenC (Ben Cook, Quincy)
* BenC (Ben Cook, Quincy)
* Noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville)

=== Observers ===
=== Observers ===
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== Summary ==
== Summary ==

Together Boston Cryptoparty.  Good discussion, but a smaller turnout than last year.  Covered Jitsi, OTR, key signing.
Together Boston Cryptoparty.  Good discussion, but a smaller turnout than last year.  Covered Jitsi, OTR, key signing.  Next year, plan to set up a mesh network for together boston.  Next year, we should also put more effort into promotion.
Left Forum.  Pirate party got a mention during a panel on internet and surveillance.  Occupy Oakland's privacy working group gave a good talk on FOIA, public records, and Oakland's Domain Awareness Center.
Aaron's campaign.  Have a fundraiser coming up on June 14, 7--9pm at Somerville Armory.  Aaron appeared on SCATV recently.  Last week's Young Jurks radio interview went well.  Noe will try to post a link on the blog.  Steve offers to bring equipment to make an audio recording of the fundraiser.
PirateCon 2016.  Several more people expressed interest in speaking.  We're planning to review speaker applications on Thursday, so we can give yes/no decisions to those who have applied.  Steve will send applicant summaries, and email announcement of meeting.
Tech meeting.  Still on for Sun June 5th.  Goal is to get a streaming setup working amongst participants in the tech meeting.  Jamie as a few rainbow flags.  Need to silkscreen/paint pirate logo on them.
Pride Parade.  Marshall Training went well.  A few changes to lineup logistics this year, so people can spend less time waiting for parade to start.  We have signup form and Facebook event.

== Minutes ==
== Minutes ==

[9:12pm] jokeefe: agenda -,_2016_IRC_Meeting
[9:12pm] jokeefe: ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville
[9:12pm] srevilak: Steve Revilak, Arlington
[9:12pm] igel: William Fleurant, Arlington
[9:13pm] BenC: Ben Cook, Quincy
[9:13pm] jokeefe: Reviews - Together Boston Cryptoparty
[9:14pm] jokeefe: Good discussion, though turnout seemed less than last year
[9:14pm] jokeefe: Got a Jitsi video chat to work well
[9:14pm] BenC: I agree.  The workshops at Danger!Awesome were not very well promoted this year
[9:15pm] jokeefe: Got multiple people to use OTR & sign keys
[9:15pm] BenC: I tried to attend on on Saturday, and it was canceled right before it started
[9:15pm] jokeefe: dang
[9:15pm] igel: good to hear about the gitsi video chat.. did you use the app or web one?
[9:16pm] BenC: but the discussions at our event went well
[9:16pm] jokeefe: Will have to do more to promote next year
[9:16pm] jokeefe: I am excited about setting up a mesh net at next years
[9:16pm] igel: yeah+
[9:16pm] BenC: I agree.  Maybe it would be possible to do some promotion at the music events earlier in the week
[9:16pm] igel: we'll make it happen.
[9:17pm] jokeefe: yes, having flyers at least would be good.
[9:17pm] igel: that wouldnt hurt yea
[9:17pm] jokeefe: How did Left Forum, go srevilak?
[9:18pm] Noe joined the chat room.
[9:18pm] Noe: Ahoy
[9:18pm] BenC: good evening Noe
[9:18pm] srevilak: Left forum was good, though perhaps w/ slightly smaller attendance than last year
[9:18pm] jokeefe: ahoy Noe - just reviewing past events
[9:18pm] jokeefe: agenda -,_2016_IRC_Meeting
[9:18pm] Noe: Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville
[9:18pm] srevilak: During one panel, Nick Merrill gave a positive mention of the (EU) pirate party
[9:19pm] srevilak: (Nick Merrill was the first person to challenge an FBI NSL)
[9:19pm] jokeefe: Noe, put earlier discussion up at meeting notes
[9:19pm] srevilak: The Occupy Oakland privacy working group gave a nice talk on public records, FOIA, and oakland's domain awareness center
[9:19pm] srevilak: And I got to do tech for a few MF/PL remote participation panels
[9:19pm] jokeefe: what is the domain awareness center?
[9:20pm] srevilak: Domain awareness center = baby fusion center.  Run by city, but feeds NCRIC
[9:20pm] srevilak: (NCRIC = North california regional intelligence center)
[9:20pm] igel: sorta like the boston fusion center thing?
[9:20pm] srevilak: igel: exactly
[9:20pm] jokeefe: It seems -
[9:21pm] igel: where they were stalking people.. inciting violence, etc..
[9:21pm] igel: heh. oh that one..
[9:21pm] srevilak: Yes, was sold as a way to prevent violent crime.  2500 pages of email indicate the folks behind it were more interested in cracking down on protests
[9:22pm] igel: i think i read a lot of it on
[9:23pm] igel: in a nutshell, yeah it was to shutdown democracy heh
[9:23pm] srevilak: igel: yep.  No petition for redress of grievances here
[9:23pm] srevilak: missed the left forum plenaries this year, though
[9:23pm] srevilak: end of report of left forum
[9:25pm] jokeefe: Aaron’s campaign will be dropping off their signatures on Wednesday
[9:25pm] jokeefe: during lunch time
[9:25pm] BenC: I will probably be able to join that
[9:25pm] jokeefe: They are going door to door.
[9:25pm] jokeefe: Thanks, BenC
[9:26pm] Noe: Hooray! Hooray!
[9:26pm] jokeefe: Any other updates, Noe?
[9:27pm] Noe: If we have a fundraiser coming up on June 14 7-9pm at the Somerville Armory
[9:27pm] Noe: I don't have the link, but Aaron appeared on SCATV recently
[9:28pm] srevilak: Noe: how did the radio interview go (last week)
[9:28pm] jokeefe: looking forward to the fundraiser.  will promote it
[9:28pm] Noe: I think it went well, he didn't get a lot of time, but he was focused
[9:29pm] jokeefe:
[9:30pm] Noe: I don't have a link, but it might b be up on Young Jurks. I will try to post a transcript on the blog some time this week.
[9:30pm] srevilak: noe: thanks
[9:30pm] jokeefe: looking forward to Wed
[9:30pm] Noe: Or rather, two transcripts
[9:30pm] jokeefe: will bring banners and camera
[9:31pm] Noe: Hope tonsee people there!
[9:31pm] jokeefe: and tripod
[9:31pm] srevilak: jokeefe: as an experiment, I can bring gear and try to get an audio recording
[9:31pm] jokeefe: email about it went out this morning
[9:31pm] jokeefe: that would be great
[9:32pm] jokeefe: I can record with my camera as long as the video is in 20 minute segments
[9:32pm] jokeefe: PirateCon 2016 - speakers
[9:33pm] jokeefe: Maya and Terra are interested in speaking
[9:33pm] srevilak: that's good
[9:34pm] jokeefe: Lulu reached out to MikeCann about speaking about the Cannabis ballot question(s) or have a debate. I followed up, but haven’t heard back. Will continue to contact him.
[9:35pm] igel: whoa, hmm.
[9:35pm] srevilak: looks like we have five speaker responses from the webform (including me)
[9:36pm] BenC: have we invited someone from Restore the Fourth?  They appear to be local
[9:36pm] jokeefe: I asked Alex, but he is not available.
[9:36pm] BenC: that's too bad, at least we reached out
[9:37pm] jokeefe: other ideas?
[9:37pm] srevilak: should we have a meeting later this week to select speakers?  (Or, at least to review the current list of applications?)
[9:37pm] Noe: That sounds good
[9:38pm] srevilak: (If application deadline is 5/25, we should give yes/do decisions shortly afterwards)
[9:38pm] Noe: What day/time works?
[9:38pm] jokeefe: sure.  Thursday?
[9:38pm] srevilak: Ok with thursday
[9:38pm] BenC: I'm free on Thursday
[9:39pm] srevilak: shall we do in-person, IRC, or jitsi?
[9:39pm] srevilak: (For jitsi, I'm thinking )
[9:39pm] Noe: I can't do Thursday, but I can participate based on what I think of applicants so far by then.
[9:40pm] BenC: I think it would be neat to try a jitsi meeting
[9:41pm] jokeefe: willing to try it.  we should email the list before so people can comment who cannot make it
[9:41pm] igel: ok
[9:41pm] srevilak: Perhaps 8pm on Thursday?, with #masspirates IRC as backup?
[9:43pm] jokeefe: that can work
[9:44pm] srevilak: On Tuesday, I can send email with summary of submissions and meeting details
[9:45pm] jokeefe: Will add what I know about (Maya, Terra, MikeCann)
[9:45pm] srevilak: jokeefe: thx
[9:45pm] jokeefe: so 8pm, Thursday, with review by email before
[9:45pm] jokeefe: agreed?
[9:45pm] srevilak: agreed
[9:46pm] BenC: agreed
[9:46pm] igel: sure
[9:47pm] • srevilak sticks reminder sticky to monitor
[9:47pm] jokeefe: great
[9:48pm] jokeefe: Tech meeting will 6/5, 1-3pm, Arlington?
[9:48pm] jokeefe: s/will/still/g
[9:48pm] srevilak: jokeefe: that sounds right to me
[9:48pm] igel: sunday
[9:48pm] igel: neat
[9:48pm] srevilak: would like to see if we can stream ourselves to ourselves
[9:49pm] srevilak: I think that would be a nice test run
[9:50pm] srevilak: Noe: will you be able to bring scatv camera to record piratecon?
[9:50pm] srevilak: And if yes, can you let me know what kind of audio connectors you need?
[9:54pm] jokeefe: I asked Kate if she can make a flyer
[9:55pm] jokeefe: will email act-ma about speakers
[9:55pm] jokeefe: Boston Pride Parade
[9:55pm] jokeefe: marshall training went well
[9:56pm] jokeefe: looks like we will have a later time for people to gather, so folks won’t wait around as much, not that that isn’t fun
[9:56pm] jokeefe: sign up form & FB event are up
[9:57pm] jokeefe: I have Rainbow flags (nylon I believe).  Will put a call out to see if anyone knows how to silkscreen them.  Could try spray paint and a template
[9:59pm] srevilak: we're about at time
[9:59pm] jokeefe: yes
[9:59pm] jokeefe: any other suggestions about Pride?
[10:00pm] srevilak: I like the idea of a flag theme for this year
[10:00pm] srevilak: we should figure out a strategy for flagpoles (1/2 PVC?)
[10:01pm] jokeefe: maybe.  worth a try
[10:01pm] jokeefe: so all in favor of adjourning?
[10:01pm] srevilak: aye
[10:02pm] igel: sure
[10:02pm] jokeefe: I’ll get the notes
[10:02pm] igel: hope to make it sunday
[10:02pm] jokeefe: cool
[10:03pm] BenC left the chat room. (Quit: Web client closed)
[10:04pm] jokeefe: thanks all

Latest revision as of 22:05, 23 May 2016


  • Together Boston Cryptoparty
  • Left Forum

Campaigns Status

2016 Campaign

  • Update on Aaron James running for 27th Middlesex State Rep. district
  • Signature drop off is Wednesday, the 25th

PirateCon 2016

  • Date set at 6/25. Have multiple speakers. Deadline is 5/25.
  • Speaker sign up & registration (pay/nonpay) forms and conference page are up.
  • Todo:
    • Get word out
      • Email act-ma and other lists
      • Call supporters
    • Lockdown audio and streaming setup (Meeting 6/5)
    • Flyers
    • Get speakers
    • Finalize schedule
    • Food
    • Plan post-conference activity

Boston Pride Parade

We are marching again this year on 6/11. Got marshals, need:

  • srevilak & jokeefe went to marshal training. Looks like they are staggering the times that groups need to have all their marchers.
  • Sign up form / Facebook event are done
  • jokeefe picked up some rainbow flags. Working on putting the party logo on them.
  • Pirate ship is functional

Upcoming Events

  1. 5/25, 12:30pm, Hand in signatures for Aaron James, Elections Division, 1 Ashburton Place, Boston
  2. 5/25, Digital Fourth meeting, noon-1pm, Tatte Cafe, 101 Main Street, Cambridge
  3. 5/25, Last date for speakers to sign up for PirateCon 2016
  4. 5/25, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, 577 Somerville Ave., Somerville
  5. 6/5, 1-3pm, IT/Democracy Meeting, noon-2pm, 111 Sunnyside Ave, Arlington
  6. 6/10, 6pm, Boston Dyke March, Parkman Bandstand, Boston Common, Boston
  7. 6/11, 10am-4pm, Boston Pride Parade, Boston
  8. 6/25, 10am-6pm, PirateCon 2016
  9. 6/29, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, 577 Somerville Ave., Somerville
  10. July, WMass Cryptoparty?
  11. 7/27, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, 577 Somerville Ave., Somerville
  12. July-Aug Pirate Picnic
  13. 8/31, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, 577 Somerville Ave., Somerville
  14. Sep., Freedom Rally
  15. 9/28, 6-9pm, Somerville Cryptoparty, 577 Somerville Ave., Somerville

Every Wed., Digital Fourth meeting, noon-1pm, 101 Main Street, Cambridge


  • jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
  • srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington)
  • igel (William Fleurant, Arlington)
  • BenC (Ben Cook, Quincy)
  • Noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville)


  • davidd


Together Boston Cryptoparty. Good discussion, but a smaller turnout than last year. Covered Jitsi, OTR, key signing. Next year, plan to set up a mesh network for together boston. Next year, we should also put more effort into promotion.

Left Forum. Pirate party got a mention during a panel on internet and surveillance. Occupy Oakland's privacy working group gave a good talk on FOIA, public records, and Oakland's Domain Awareness Center.

Aaron's campaign. Have a fundraiser coming up on June 14, 7--9pm at Somerville Armory. Aaron appeared on SCATV recently. Last week's Young Jurks radio interview went well. Noe will try to post a link on the blog. Steve offers to bring equipment to make an audio recording of the fundraiser.

PirateCon 2016. Several more people expressed interest in speaking. We're planning to review speaker applications on Thursday, so we can give yes/no decisions to those who have applied. Steve will send applicant summaries, and email announcement of meeting.

Tech meeting. Still on for Sun June 5th. Goal is to get a streaming setup working amongst participants in the tech meeting. Jamie as a few rainbow flags. Need to silkscreen/paint pirate logo on them.

Pride Parade. Marshall Training went well. A few changes to lineup logistics this year, so people can spend less time waiting for parade to start. We have signup form and Facebook event.



[9:12pm] jokeefe: agenda -,_2016_IRC_Meeting [9:12pm] jokeefe: ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville [9:12pm] srevilak: Steve Revilak, Arlington [9:12pm] igel: William Fleurant, Arlington [9:13pm] BenC: Ben Cook, Quincy [9:13pm] jokeefe: Reviews - Together Boston Cryptoparty [9:14pm] jokeefe: Good discussion, though turnout seemed less than last year [9:14pm] jokeefe: Got a Jitsi video chat to work well [9:14pm] BenC: I agree. The workshops at Danger!Awesome were not very well promoted this year [9:15pm] jokeefe: Got multiple people to use OTR & sign keys [9:15pm] BenC: I tried to attend on on Saturday, and it was canceled right before it started [9:15pm] jokeefe: dang [9:15pm] igel: good to hear about the gitsi video chat.. did you use the app or web one? [9:16pm] BenC: but the discussions at our event went well [9:16pm] jokeefe: Will have to do more to promote next year [9:16pm] jokeefe: I am excited about setting up a mesh net at next years [9:16pm] igel: yeah+ [9:16pm] BenC: I agree. Maybe it would be possible to do some promotion at the music events earlier in the week [9:16pm] igel: we'll make it happen. [9:17pm] jokeefe: yes, having flyers at least would be good. [9:17pm] igel: that wouldnt hurt yea [9:17pm] jokeefe: How did Left Forum, go srevilak? [9:18pm] Noe joined the chat room. [9:18pm] Noe: Ahoy [9:18pm] BenC: good evening Noe [9:18pm] srevilak: Left forum was good, though perhaps w/ slightly smaller attendance than last year [9:18pm] jokeefe: ahoy Noe - just reviewing past events [9:18pm] jokeefe: agenda -,_2016_IRC_Meeting [9:18pm] Noe: Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville [9:18pm] srevilak: During one panel, Nick Merrill gave a positive mention of the (EU) pirate party [9:19pm] srevilak: (Nick Merrill was the first person to challenge an FBI NSL) [9:19pm] jokeefe: Noe, put earlier discussion up at meeting notes [9:19pm] srevilak: The Occupy Oakland privacy working group gave a nice talk on public records, FOIA, and oakland's domain awareness center [9:19pm] srevilak: And I got to do tech for a few MF/PL remote participation panels [9:19pm] jokeefe: what is the domain awareness center? [9:20pm] srevilak: Domain awareness center = baby fusion center. Run by city, but feeds NCRIC [9:20pm] srevilak: (NCRIC = North california regional intelligence center) [9:20pm] igel: sorta like the boston fusion center thing? [9:20pm] srevilak: igel: exactly [9:20pm] jokeefe: It seems - [9:21pm] igel: where they were stalking people.. inciting violence, etc.. [9:21pm] igel: heh. oh that one.. [9:21pm] srevilak: Yes, was sold as a way to prevent violent crime. 2500 pages of email indicate the folks behind it were more interested in cracking down on protests [9:22pm] igel: i think i read a lot of it on [9:23pm] igel: in a nutshell, yeah it was to shutdown democracy heh [9:23pm] srevilak: igel: yep. No petition for redress of grievances here [9:23pm] srevilak: missed the left forum plenaries this year, though [9:23pm] srevilak: end of report of left forum [9:25pm] jokeefe: Aaron’s campaign will be dropping off their signatures on Wednesday [9:25pm] jokeefe: during lunch time [9:25pm] BenC: I will probably be able to join that [9:25pm] jokeefe: They are going door to door. [9:25pm] jokeefe: Thanks, BenC [9:26pm] Noe: Hooray! Hooray! [9:26pm] jokeefe: Any other updates, Noe? [9:27pm] Noe: If we have a fundraiser coming up on June 14 7-9pm at the Somerville Armory [9:27pm] Noe: I don't have the link, but Aaron appeared on SCATV recently [9:28pm] srevilak: Noe: how did the radio interview go (last week) [9:28pm] jokeefe: looking forward to the fundraiser. will promote it [9:28pm] Noe: I think it went well, he didn't get a lot of time, but he was focused [9:29pm] jokeefe: [9:30pm] Noe: I don't have a link, but it might b be up on Young Jurks. I will try to post a transcript on the blog some time this week. [9:30pm] srevilak: noe: thanks [9:30pm] jokeefe: looking forward to Wed [9:30pm] Noe: Or rather, two transcripts [9:30pm] jokeefe: will bring banners and camera [9:31pm] Noe: Hope tonsee people there! [9:31pm] jokeefe: and tripod [9:31pm] srevilak: jokeefe: as an experiment, I can bring gear and try to get an audio recording [9:31pm] jokeefe: email about it went out this morning [9:31pm] jokeefe: that would be great [9:32pm] jokeefe: I can record with my camera as long as the video is in 20 minute segments [9:32pm] jokeefe: PirateCon 2016 - speakers [9:33pm] jokeefe: Maya and Terra are interested in speaking [9:33pm] srevilak: that's good [9:34pm] jokeefe: Lulu reached out to MikeCann about speaking about the Cannabis ballot question(s) or have a debate. I followed up, but haven’t heard back. Will continue to contact him. [9:35pm] igel: whoa, hmm. [9:35pm] srevilak: looks like we have five speaker responses from the webform (including me) [9:36pm] BenC: have we invited someone from Restore the Fourth? They appear to be local [9:36pm] jokeefe: I asked Alex, but he is not available. [9:36pm] BenC: that's too bad, at least we reached out [9:37pm] jokeefe: other ideas? [9:37pm] srevilak: should we have a meeting later this week to select speakers? (Or, at least to review the current list of applications?) [9:37pm] Noe: That sounds good [9:38pm] srevilak: (If application deadline is 5/25, we should give yes/do decisions shortly afterwards) [9:38pm] Noe: What day/time works? [9:38pm] jokeefe: sure. Thursday? [9:38pm] srevilak: Ok with thursday [9:38pm] BenC: I'm free on Thursday [9:39pm] srevilak: shall we do in-person, IRC, or jitsi? [9:39pm] srevilak: (For jitsi, I'm thinking ) [9:39pm] Noe: I can't do Thursday, but I can participate based on what I think of applicants so far by then. [9:40pm] BenC: I think it would be neat to try a jitsi meeting [9:41pm] jokeefe: willing to try it. we should email the list before so people can comment who cannot make it [9:41pm] igel: ok [9:41pm] srevilak: Perhaps 8pm on Thursday?, with #masspirates IRC as backup? [9:43pm] jokeefe: that can work [9:44pm] srevilak: On Tuesday, I can send email with summary of submissions and meeting details [9:45pm] jokeefe: Will add what I know about (Maya, Terra, MikeCann) [9:45pm] srevilak: jokeefe: thx [9:45pm] jokeefe: so 8pm, Thursday, with review by email before [9:45pm] jokeefe: agreed? [9:45pm] srevilak: agreed [9:46pm] BenC: agreed [9:46pm] igel: sure [9:47pm] • srevilak sticks reminder sticky to monitor [9:47pm] jokeefe: great [9:48pm] jokeefe: Tech meeting will 6/5, 1-3pm, Arlington? [9:48pm] jokeefe: s/will/still/g [9:48pm] srevilak: jokeefe: that sounds right to me [9:48pm] igel: sunday [9:48pm] igel: neat [9:48pm] srevilak: would like to see if we can stream ourselves to ourselves [9:49pm] srevilak: I think that would be a nice test run [9:50pm] srevilak: Noe: will you be able to bring scatv camera to record piratecon? [9:50pm] srevilak: And if yes, can you let me know what kind of audio connectors you need? [9:54pm] jokeefe: I asked Kate if she can make a flyer [9:55pm] jokeefe: will email act-ma about speakers [9:55pm] jokeefe: Boston Pride Parade [9:55pm] jokeefe: marshall training went well [9:56pm] jokeefe: looks like we will have a later time for people to gather, so folks won’t wait around as much, not that that isn’t fun [9:56pm] jokeefe: sign up form & FB event are up [9:57pm] jokeefe: I have Rainbow flags (nylon I believe). Will put a call out to see if anyone knows how to silkscreen them. Could try spray paint and a template [9:59pm] srevilak: we're about at time [9:59pm] jokeefe: yes [9:59pm] jokeefe: any other suggestions about Pride? [10:00pm] srevilak: I like the idea of a flag theme for this year [10:00pm] srevilak: we should figure out a strategy for flagpoles (1/2 PVC?) [10:01pm] jokeefe: maybe. worth a try [10:01pm] jokeefe: so all in favor of adjourning? [10:01pm] srevilak: aye [10:02pm] igel: sure [10:02pm] jokeefe: I’ll get the notes [10:02pm] igel: hope to make it sunday [10:02pm] jokeefe: cool [10:03pm] BenC left the chat room. (Quit: Web client closed) [10:04pm] jokeefe: thanks all