June 18th, 2015 IRC Meeting
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- Boston Pride Parade
- Fast Track legislation
- Other reports
Olympics in Mass
We posted asking for feedback on what our position should be on the olympics coming to Mass. Time to come to a decision.
Event Planning
- Jun. 21, 4-6pm, Pirate Council Meeting, Regina Pizzeria, 353 Cambridge St, Allston
- Jun. 25, 6-9pm, Cryptoparty, Parts & Crafts, Somerville
- July 11, morning, IT Meeting, where?
- Summer, INEAS org cryptoparty?
- Aug 2, Pirate Picnic, Georges Island?, need poll & sign up form (asking for what people will bring)
- Sep. 19 & 20, Freedom Rally - Sign up form - have asked for volunteers in email as well, need blog post by July/Aug
Upcoming Events
- Jun. 21, 4-6pm, Pirate Council Meeting
- Jun. 25, 6-9pm, Cryptoparty, Parts & Crafts, Somerville
- July 11, morning, IT Meeting
- Jul. event?
- Aug. 2, Pirate Picnic
- Sep. 19 & 20, Freedom Rally
- Oct. event?
- Nov. event?
- Dec. event?
Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge
- igel (William Fleurant, Arlington MA)
- jokeefe (James O’Keefe, Somerville)
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
- noe (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville)
- Kendra
- zby
- kwartiertje
- Pharyngeal
Reviewed Pride Parade.
Mailchip -> Civicrm migration this weekend. Steve's house, Sat 10am. Having our supporter list in Civi will make it easier to do phone banking.
Olympics. We decide to poll our supporters, to see how they feel about Boston 2024. Steve will put poll questions together tomorrow night.
20:58 < igel> sup srevilak, 20:58 < igel> https://www.reddit.com/r/bostonmeshnet/ 20:58 < srevilak> hi igel 20:59 < srevilak> re https://www.reddit.com/r/bostonmeshnet/ -- nice! 21:00 < igel> boston looks like it will support a backhaul link to a meshnet a mile away from the city/seaport 21:01 < igel> routing technology is all about crypto 21:01 < jokeefe> nice, igel 21:01 < jokeefe> ahoy all! 21:01 < jokeefe> agenda - https://masspirates.org/wiki/June_18th,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:02 < jokeefe> ids - James O’Keefe, Somerville 21:02 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA 21:03 < igel> William Fleurant, Arlington MA 21:04 < igel> how goes it 21:04 < jokeefe> well, you? 21:05 < jokeefe> Reports - Pride 21:06 < jokeefe> We had 12 people march with us, and marching down Beacon Hill to Government Center 12 more people tagged along 21:06 < jokeefe> Handed out a lot of buttons 21:06 < jokeefe> Kate brought fliers. 21:06 < srevilak> Button seemed to be a big hit. Sad to say, bicycles weren't as cool as I'd hoped 21:06 < jokeefe> What was the problem with them? 21:07 < jokeefe> Microsoft posted a good picture of you and your bike on Facebook 21:07 < jokeefe> Thank you blog post and pictures are posted 21:08 < igel> ah, yea i saw thru posted media 21:09 < srevilak> jokeefe: if you get a chance, send me url of microsoft posting 21:09 < igel> the op. poll on blog seems relevant.. https://masspirates.org/blog/2015/03/11/your-voice-boston-olympics/ 21:10 < igel> but i cant find it 21:10 < noe> Ahoy 21:10 < jokeefe> ahoy noe 21:10 < igel> may be i misread, ? 21:11 < igel> hi noe 21:11 < noe> (Noelani Kamelamela, Somerville 21:11 < jokeefe> sorry, what can’t you find igel? 21:11 < jokeefe> noe, Just reviewing pride 21:11 < igel> the wiki leading to the blog, We posted asking for feedback on what our position should be on the olympics coming to Mass. Time to come to a decision. 21:12 < jokeefe> Here is the link srevilak - https://www.facebook.com/MicrosoftNewEngland/photos/a.895286710541113.1073741865.316614501741673/895287213874396/?type=1&theater 21:13 < jokeefe> Agreed 21:13 < jokeefe> igel 21:13 < jokeefe> got more comments on Facebook 21:13 < srevilak> jokeefe: thx 21:13 < jokeefe> none positive 21:13 < igel> why? 21:13 < igel> people don't want missile launchers in the boston common? 21:14 < noe> LOL 21:14 < igel> ..being sarcastic is hard over irc 21:15 < jokeefe> Lockdown in Boston was more than enough for me 21:15 < jokeefe> noe, anything you want to add about Pride? 21:15 < noe> As much as I love sports, I don't think the Olympics is a great idea. 21:15 < jokeefe> ahoy Kendra 21:15 < srevilak> agreed, we don't need weeks of quasi martial law 21:15 < Kendra> Hi 21:15 < igel> yea imagine? minus all that tho, then cool. 21:16 < noe> Pride was fun, somewhat warm. It felt more fun this year with festive bies. 21:16 < igel> it seems great, but cmon. 21:16 < noe> Bikes . . . Also bis, too. 21:17 < srevilak> :) 21:17 < noe> Well, martial law would be extended to cities as far as Springfield. 21:17 < noe> Newer plan involves more of the state. 21:18 < jokeefe> Moving on - Fast Track legislation 21:18 < srevilak> before we move on 21:19 < srevilak> re: Olymics opinion, do we want to try one more (short) poll 21:19 < srevilak> since we should have a position and all 21:19 < jokeefe> lets talk about that during the olympics discussion 21:19 < srevilak> ok 21:20 < jokeefe> House passed only Fast Track/TPA no TAA (assistance for workers). needs to reconcile with Senate or have Senate pass same bill. 21:20 < jokeefe> Not sure how it will go. 21:20 < jokeefe> Seems all MA Dems voted against it. 21:20 < igel> noe, thats insane 21:20 < igel> yeah they 21:20 < jokeefe> Don’t know the New England vote break down 21:21 < jokeefe> I did find this article helpful on ISDS - http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2015/06/gaius-publius-isds-provisions-in-tpp-violate-article-iii-of-the-u-s-constitution.html 21:22 < jokeefe> Any how, fight continues. National needs to make this a bigger issue. 21:23 < jokeefe> Anything else others have to report? 21:23 < igel> i was reading its part of a larger, one world economy 21:23 < noe> Agreed. MA is already against it, how do we spread the word? 21:24 < noe> Looking forward to seeing people on Sunday. :-) 21:24 < jokeefe> Focus on New England, noe, as best we can 21:24 < jokeefe> aye 21:24 < Kendra> What about the phone bank, is it worth calling people? 21:25 < jokeefe> igel - funny that GOP wants an unaccountable one world economy, or maybe not 21:25 < jokeefe> sure, could get people out of MA and contact them directly. 21:25 < jokeefe> Haven’t heard when the Senate takes up the bill 21:25 < Kendra> Or are we talking about nation wide? In which case email. 21:26 < noe> Good idea, Kendra. Could be worth doing. 21:26 < jokeefe> Or call on weekends or both 21:26 < srevilak> jokeefe: how would you feel about making this the weekend for mailchimp -> civi switch? 21:26 < srevilak> (so we can use civi to facilitate phone banking) 21:26 < jokeefe> Anyone up to compiling a list of the Senators who voted for Fast Track and their phone #s? 21:27 < jokeefe> sure, srevilak, lets go for it 21:27 < Kendra> I ahve Saturday off for the most part 21:27 < srevilak> ditto: Saturday off 21:27 < igel> locally? 21:27 < jokeefe> Earlier is probably easier for me 21:27 < igel> errr in MA? 21:28 < jokeefe> 10am? 21:28 < jokeefe> data migration party this Saturday, igel 21:28 < srevilak> sat 10am ok 21:28 < jokeefe> Send out Email for Monday morning 21:28 < Kendra> I can make it early 21:29 < noe> I will have to check my schedule but hope to make it saturday 21:30 < igel> sat ? lookn 21:30 < Kendra> 10 works for me 21:30 < jokeefe> no worries if you can’t noe, think we have enough folks 21:30 < jokeefe> Who can host? 21:31 < Kendra> Our apartment it teeny, no living or dining room 21:33 < srevilak> I can host 21:34 < jokeefe> Thank you, srevilak 21:34 < Kendra> Thanks Steve 21:34 < srevilak> Re: senators voting for fast track, I think this is the list: 21:34 < srevilak> http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?&congress=114&session=1&vote=00193 21:34 < srevilak> ( H.R.1314 ) 21:34 < jokeefe> “Request unable to be completed” 21:35 < srevilak> well, it's HR.1314, Senate vote #193 21:36 < jokeefe> Maybe this http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2015/roll362.xml 21:36 < jokeefe> wrong vote 21:37 < srevilak> The bill title is "Ensuring Tax Exempt Organizations the Right to Appeal Act" 21:37 < srevilak> try https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/1314/text 21:37 < jokeefe> igel, would you be able to scrape for the DC phone numbers of all Senators? 21:37 < srevilak> (look for text "All recorded votes") 21:38 < igel> sorr! back. 21:38 < srevilak> (look for text "Major recorded votes") 21:38 < igel> yea shoot ok 21:39 < jokeefe> 05/22/2015 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Passed Senate with an amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 62 - 37. Record Vote Number: 193. - but link is bad 21:39 < jokeefe> thanks igel 21:39 < jokeefe> So Steves, Saturday, 10am, migrate the DB 21:39 < jokeefe> I’ll get the vote 21:39 < jokeefe> igel gets the phone numbers 21:40 < jokeefe> We get an email out Sunday/Monday morning 21:40 < jokeefe> Sounds like a plan 21:40 < noe> Whoo! 21:40 < igel> just D.C. code? 21:40 < jokeefe> noe, you got time to write the brief text of the email? you can crib from the emails/blog posts on the topic of course ;-) 21:42 < Kendra> In preparation for that email on Sunday , we should be thinking about who we are emailing and if we want to each bring our own contacts or do something else 21:42 < noe> Ok! Send to Jamie by Sunday? 21:43 < Kendra> That sounds good 21:43 < noe> Saturday, sorry 21:43 < jokeefe> Sunday is fine, noe. Kendra, sounds good. lets talk about that tomorrow and Sunday 21:44 < jokeefe> ok, plan set 21:45 < jokeefe> Moving on to Olympics in Mass 21:45 < jokeefe> Steve suggests a poll 21:46 < srevilak> (Steve also volunteers to do first draft of poll questions) 21:46 < jokeefe> thank you! 21:46 < jokeefe> any 2nd? 21:47 < Kendra> 2nd 21:47 < jokeefe> discussion? 21:47 < Kendra> are we voting on taking a poll? 21:48 < jokeefe> just want to see if anyone wants to discuss one approach or another 21:48 < jokeefe> poll or decide now 21:49 < jokeefe> ? 21:49 < Kendra> I think they should not spend that much on a one time event and if they can find that much money for the Olympics they can put it into affordable housing in the city. 21:50 < Kendra> If this is the discussion you are suggesting. 21:52 < jokeefe> ok, lets vote then - all in favor of doing a poll asking supporters what position we should take on the olympics in mass, please say aye 21:52 < Kendra> aye 21:52 < srevilak> aye 21:53 < igel> aye 21:54 < noe> Aye 21:54 < jokeefe> aye 21:54 < jokeefe> any opposed? 21:55 < jokeefe> ok, motion passes then 21:56 < srevilak> will put poll together Fri night 21:56 < jokeefe> thanks. should email it out Sun/Mon 21:57 < jokeefe> will email it out by Sun/Mon 21:58 < jokeefe> Just want to remind people about filling out the meeting time poll and encourage everyone to attend the Pirate Council meeting on Sunday, 4-6pm, Regina Pizzeria Allston 21:59 < noe> Motion to adjourn. 21:59 < noe> ? 21:59 < jokeefe> 2nd 21:59 < jokeefe> all in favor? 21:59 < igel> aye 21:59 < srevilak> aye 21:59 < Kendra> aye 22:00 < jokeefe> aye 22:00 < jokeefe> any opposed? 22:00 < jokeefe> srevilak, you have the meeting notes? 22:00 < srevilak> jokeefe: will post notes 22:00 < jokeefe> thank you