October 12th, 2015 IRC Meeting
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- Withdraw support for H.3127 the We the People Act?
Upcoming Events
- 10/13, Kill all DRM in the world forever, within a decade, conversation with Cory Doctorow, Berkman Center at Harvard University, Harvard Law School campus, Wasserstein Hall, Milstein West A
- 10/13, 6:30-8pm, The Remote-Controlled Society, Roundtable with Cory Doctorow and others, C. Walsh Theater, Suffolk University, Boston
- Flyering/signature gathering outside
Task Status
- PirateCon 2015 Videos
- Evan Greer talk (Bluestreak)
- MAAPL form (srevilak)
- Newsletter (Kendra, paper_waves, ?)
- Design & Feedback
- Distribution Planning (besides emailing a pdf)
- Gather list of people to mail it to (?)
- Gather a list of places to distribute it (?)
- Decide on the print run (?)
- Distribute
- Media
- Updated media list (noe)
- Nov. - 2016 Elections
- Dec. - ?
- Blog posts
- Local/regional contacts (jokeefe) - Regional page up. Working on local pages.
- TPP update (jokeefe)
- CISA update (jokeefe)
- Tech - see for priorities
- Bitcoin + Credit card gateway in CiviCRM (srevilak, js0000, Kendra)
- Improve UI navigation of wiki & expose more wiki bits on blog (Noe, jokeefe)
- Allow distributed organizing on CiviCRM (and pointers to get started) (Kendra, srevilak, Chris, jokeefe)
- js0000 and jokeefe will work on building a tool to manage twitter:
design(jokeefe) - posted at Twitter API design- coding (js0000 & jokeefe)
- Forum (or needed now that lists are publicized?)
- Materials
- Stickers (igel)
- Flyers
- Need update to general flyer
- ideas: UK Pirate Party materials / design ideas
- Need update to general flyer
- Policies update (jokeefe)
- Check on the state of them
- Write up doc on using git & commenting on & voting on changes.
Tasks: Wiki list, PiratePad version.
Upcoming Events
- 10/13, Kill all DRM in the world forever, within a decade, conversation with Cory Doctorow, Berkman Center at Harvard University, Harvard Law School campus, Wasserstein Hall, Milstein West A
- 10/13, 6:30-8pm, The Remote-Controlled Society, Roundtable with Cory Doctorow and others, C. Walsh Theater, Suffolk University, Boston
- 10/28, 6-9pm, Cryptoparty, Parts & Crafts?, 577 Somerville Ave, Somerville
- Nov. event?
- 11/25, 6-9pm, Cryptoparty, Somerville
- Dec. event?
- 12/30, 6-9pm, Cryptoparty, Somerville ?
Every Thu., Digital Fourth meeting, 11:20am-1:30pm, Voltage Cafe, Third Street, Cambridge
- srevilak (Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA)
- Bluestreak (Lucia Fiero)
- bestpiggy (olivia píñeyro, Boston, Ma)
- Kendra
- davidd
- Pharyngeal
Discusson of whether to Withdraw support for H.3127 the We the People Act. We vote to withdraw support (4-0, no abstentions).
Doctorow events. Lucia and Jason attending the evening event. Kendra planning to attend both.
20:57 < srevilak> hi all 20:58 < srevilak> https://masspirates.org/wiki/October_12th,_2015_IRC_Meeting, when the time comes 21:02 < srevilak> ids 21:02 < srevilak> Steve Revilak, Arlington, MA 21:02 < srevilak> (jokeefe is not feeling well, and asked me to cover for him) 21:02 < Bluestreak> Lucia Fiero 21:02 < bestpiggy> olivia píñeyro, Boston, Ma 21:03 < bestpiggy> oh thats too bad 21:03 < srevilak> I'm hoping he can rest and feel better 21:04 < Kendra> Hi All 21:04 < srevilak> shall we wait a few minutes, to see if anyone else joins? 21:04 < srevilak> Hi Kendra 21:05 < Bluestreak> Just his luck he will miss Cory D! 21:05 < Kendra> Is jamie sick? 21:05 < Bluestreak> He shoulda skipped Honk! 21:05 < srevilak> Kendra: yes, he's not feeling well. Taking a hiatus to rest this evening 21:05 < Bluestreak> Silly man 21:06 < Bluestreak> I think it’ safe tos start! 21:06 < srevilak> Agenda is https://masspirates.org/wiki/October_12th,_2015_IRC_Meeting 21:07 < srevilak> First order is discussing whether we want to withdraw support for H.3127 (We the people act, sponsored by Move to Amend) 21:08 < srevilak> We decided to sponsor this back in the Spring 21:08 < srevilak> Recently, a few people from Pass Mass Amendment asked us "why the heck do you want to support an Article V convention" 21:08 < Kendra> You may want to recap, but I read your objections and the response and I agree to withdraw support on that basis. 21:09 < srevilak> The concerns: article V conventions are open ended. What comes out of a convention is not necessarily related to the motivation for calling it 21:09 < srevilak> For example, the convention could turn around a propose that corporations ARE people, and money is speech 21:10 < srevilak> Or that warrants are not needed for issues involving matters of national security 21:10 < srevilak> or whatever 21:11 < srevilak> It boils down to what gets proposed, and what states choose to ratify 21:11 < Bluestreak> Since I have not been well enough to give matters such thought, I will defer. 21:11 < srevilak> (Congress gets some say in how ratification process is conducted) 21:11 < srevilak> Bluestreak: ok 21:11 < Bluestreak> I wasn’t too concerned, but if you are Steve 21:11 < Kendra> are there some more famous examples where this convention was used for the opposite effect then originally intended? 21:11 < Bluestreak> Good question 21:12 < srevilak> Article V has never been used to propose amendments 21:12 < srevilak> In that sense, it's uncharted territory 21:12 < Kendra> So it's a loophole 21:12 < srevilak> Kendra: yup 21:13 < srevilak> bestpiggy: any thoughts? 21:13 < Kendra> It seems like with a creative lawyer and a loophole any law or legal process can be circumvented 21:14 < srevilak> Kendra: it would be ironic if (say) there were challenges regarding the convention's scope, and we needed a court case to settle it 21:14 < srevilak> which would be a big mess 21:15 < Kendra> Lawyers and court fees add up though 21:15 < bestpiggy> they add up quickly 21:15 < Kendra> It's another racket 21:16 < srevilak> are folks okay with putting it to a vote, or more discussion required 21:16 < srevilak> ? 21:16 < Kendra> I agree with not supporitng it 21:17 < srevilak> All in favor of withdrawing support? 21:17 < Kendra> aye 21:18 < bestpiggy> aye 21:18 < srevilak> Bluestreak: you're abstaining, correct? 21:18 < Bluestreak> no I will support 21:18 < Bluestreak> aye 21:18 < srevilak> aye 21:19 < srevilak> okay, Ayes, have it. I think that was consistent with the discussion we had on the mailing list as well 21:20 < srevilak> Moving on to Upcoming events 21:20 < srevilak> Doctorow events tomorrow. One at noon, one tomorrow evening 21:20 < Bluestreak> Jason and I will be at the one in the evening. 21:20 < srevilak> Who's going, and any last-minute preparations to be made? 21:20 < Kendra> I am planning to attend those. 21:20 < Bluestreak> Where are you? 21:21 < Bluestreak> I thought you were in Detroit? 21:21 < srevilak> Sadly, I won't be able to make either :( 21:21 < Kendra> I am here for a few days to get some things and attend these two things. I have some things I am wrapping up. 21:21 < Bluestreak> bestpiggy will you be able to come? 21:22 < Bluestreak> I hope? 21:22 < Bluestreak> I’m glad to hear you can get to the luncheon, Kendra 21:23 < Bluestreak> We have no one else going to that! 21:23 < bestpiggy> im not sure i can make it, i have weird class times this semester. 21:23 < Kendra> I will represent the MPP well for you all tomorrow, I promise 21:24 < srevilak> thank you, Kendra! 21:24 < Bluestreak> As wonderful a job as I am sure you will do, more than one Pirate would be nice! 21:25 < bestpiggy> no presure haha 21:25 < Bluestreak> lol 21:25 < Bluestreak> Do try to get one or the other Olivia 21:25 < Bluestreak> It would be so nice to see you! 21:26 < srevilak> I am rather fond of the luncheon's title, "Kill all DRM in the world forever, within a decade" 21:26 < bestpiggy> do you about how long it will run, i have class from 3-8pm 21:27 < srevilak> bestpiggy: I believe it ends at 8pm 21:27 < Bluestreak> Luncheon? 21:27 < Bluestreak> No pressure 21:27 < Bluestreak> :-) 21:28 < srevilak> Anything else on Doctorow events? 21:31 < Bluestreak> Im good 21:32 < srevilak> Moving on to Task status 21:32 < srevilak> PirateCon 2015 videos? 21:33 < Bluestreak> Maybe I will get to editing one when I am off chemo... 21:33 < srevilak> Bluestreak: no worries -- whenever you feel up to it 21:33 < Bluestreak> ty 21:34 * srevilak still has a few more audio segments to edit. Perhaps this weekend 21:34 < srevilak> On the MAAPL side: Peter, one of the other people working on the project 21:35 < srevilak> has done a little UI work, and has been busy putting up content. 21:35 < srevilak> Looks better http://my.maapl.info/ 21:35 < srevilak> This week, we did our first digital intake form 21:35 < Kendra> Thanks for staying on top of that. 21:35 < srevilak> But still much more to do. Ongoing project 21:36 < Kendra> Let me know if I can help at all. I have to leave a little early, I will see you all in a bit. 21:36 < Kendra> Nite 21:36 < srevilak> nite, kendra 21:36 < srevilak> I'm not sure we have anyone here to discuss the newsletter 21:37 < srevilak> Moving on to Media: after Tuesday, perhaps time to start looking for candidates to run in 2016 21:37 < srevilak> ask early, ask often :) 21:39 < srevilak> Blog posts: I'll do one re: We the people act 21:39 < srevilak> speaking of which, what have y'all heard about the leaked TPP chapter on intellectual property? 21:40 < Bluestreak> is it posted? 21:40 < srevilak> yes! 21:41 < srevilak> https://wikileaks.org/tpp-ip3/ 21:41 < srevilak> ````````` 21:42 < srevilak> (^^^ says cat) 21:42 < srevilak> I've read some of the analyses, but not the chapter itself. Seems like the "benefit to large pharmaceutical companies" chapter 21:43 < Bluestreak> My observation 21:43 < Bluestreak> Companies want to sue to prevent governments from interfering with their businesses right? 21:44 < Bluestreak> But aren’t courts the government? 21:44 < srevilak> Bluestreak: those are the investor state dispute settlements 21:44 < srevilak> Cases would be heard by a legal tribunal, not by courts 21:44 < Bluestreak> better example of wht aI am talking about would be 21:45 < Bluestreak> cable companies suing towns trying to create muni nets 21:46 < srevilak> In ISDS world, I believe the cable companies would assemble their tribunals, and towns would go before the tribunals 21:46 < Bluestreak> And what is a legal tribunal than a contruct of government 21:46 < Bluestreak> What free market 21:46 < srevilak> It's actually a construct of the treaty 21:47 < Bluestreak> who constructed the treaty? 21:47 < Bluestreak> governments 21:47 < Bluestreak> You are missing my point 21:47 < Bluestreak> their moral imperitive argument 21:48 < Bluestreak> of the sanctity of a free market 21:48 < srevilak> Bluestreak: sorry, I'm not following 21:48 < Bluestreak> if they use the courts to enforce monopoly they are defying the free market 21:48 < Bluestreak> I guess I am speaking specifically to the libertarian supporters of the corportate tactics 21:49 < srevilak> I think their version of free market is "we get to do whatever the fuck we want to" 21:49 < Bluestreak> Well all we have is words to fight them with 21:49 < Bluestreak> so we have to point out hoew they contradict themselves 21:50 < srevilak> Bluestreak: libertarians are supporting TPP? 21:50 < Bluestreak> less informed ones are: Anything labelled “free trade" 21:50 < srevilak> I prefer the term anarcho-capitalism 21:52 < Bluestreak> I’m sure you do! 21:52 < srevilak> free is all relative 21:52 < Bluestreak> Platonic debate is all I have. I have no money 21:52 < Bluestreak> I have little energy. 21:53 < srevilak> On the encouraging side, a few days ago 250K people gathered in Berlin, to demostrate against TTIP 21:53 < Bluestreak> No coverage in the US! 21:53 < Bluestreak> saw it on FB though 21:54 < srevilak> we're nearly at time. Any other pressing issues for the evening? 21:56 < srevilak> motion to adjourn? 21:56 < Bluestreak> 2nd 21:57 < bestpiggy> I think we can wrap it up for the night 21:57 < srevilak> very well. Thanks for joining in!