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Feb 11th – The Day We Fought Back

The Day we Fight Back

Today was the Day we Fight Back, in Honor of Aaron Schwartz, in commemoration of the SOPA blackout, and in a firm stance against massive NSA surveillance. In particular, today was about building legislative support for the USA Freedom Act.

I called my congressional representatives, and here’s what their offices had to say.

  • Katherine Clark (202-225-2836). Representative Clark’s office tells me that she supports the USA Freedom Act.
  • Ed Markey (202-224-2742). Senator Markey’s office points out that he was one of the first co-sponsors of S.1599, the senate version of the USA Freedom Act.
  • Elizabeth Warren (202-224-4543). When I called Senator Warren’s office, I got their voicemail system, and left a message voicing my concerns about NSA surveillance. Senator Warren is also a co-sponsor of S.1599.

In Massachusetts, we have unanimous support among our senators, and good (but not unanimous) support among our Congressional representatives. In particular, Representatives Richard Neal (202-225-5601), and Niki Tsongas (202-225-3411) have not come out in support of the USA Freedom Act.

It’s not too late to call your representatives (besides, they might actually enjoy hearing from someone who’s not a lobbyist!).

If you have called, let us know what you heard — particularly if you’re in Representative Neal or Representative Tsongas’s district.

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1 comment on “Feb 11th – The Day We Fought Back

  1. Thanks. I called Markey and Warren but Warren’s aide did not know her position on the FIA. So unlike Markey’s guy, she asked for my name address and phone number. So I mentioned I was the party secretary for the MAPP and that I would love to talk to her anytime! 😉

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