Main Topic Transparency

Support Police Body Camera Bills

West Midlands CT Police Department Creative Commons

It is no surprise that we believe in government transparency and accountability.  With the large number of police shootings of unarmed citizens as well as the resulting huge wrongful death payouts, police body cameras are an additional tool to ensure that police are accountable for their actions.  Thus we are proud to have endorsed two Massachusetts police body camera bills at our November 9th IRC meeting.

We voted 6-0 to support H.2170 – An Act promoting the use of body-worn cameras by law enforcement.  The bill is before the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security.

We urge you to call both (617) 722-1222 (Senate) and (617) 722-2230 (House) and tell them to support for this bill.

We also voted (by 4-0) to endorse the Boston Police Camera Action Team (BPCAT)’s Boston Police Body Camera Use & Procedure ordinance.

If you live in Boston, contact your City Councilor and urge them to sponsor this ordinance.

A big thanks to Alex Marthews of Digital Fourth/Restore the Fourth, Jaimie McFarlin and others of the Harvard Black Law Students and everyone else who worked on H.2170 and to BPCAT for all of the hard work they have done in bringing the police body camera ordinance to Boston.

Also, at Monday’s IRC meeting we will discuss and vote on whether to endorse H.2169 – An Act assuring municipal control of military equipment procurement by local law enforcement.  It shouldn’t be controversial when it comes to Pirate principals.

We also have two campaign meetings upcoming on Nov. 15th and Dec. 6th.  We would appreciate it if you registered so we know how large to make the reservations.  Both meetings will be at the Pizzeria Regina, 353 Cambridge St, Allston (Boston), just off the Pike.

Finally, we will be tabling at the Boston Anarchist Bookfair, Nov. 21 & 22, and want your help.  If you can help us table, even just for an hour, please sign up.  Thanks!

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