The Massachusetts House approved its repeal and rewrite of Question 4 legalizing Cannabis. You can find how your legislator voted at the end of this post.
Differences between the House bill and Question 4 include:
- sharply raise total pot taxes to a mandatory 28 percent, from a maximum of 12 percent in the ballot question;
- give municipal officials, instead of local voters, the power to ban cannabis shops and farms from their communities.
The Senate approved its bill on Thursday, which used the Question 4 language and did not change the tax on Cannabis or remove citizen control over banning sale or production of Cannabis. MassCANN/NORML is urging voters to support the Senate Bill.
The House and Senate will need to reconcile their bills by their self-imposed deadline of June 30th.
Today, please find your House legislator’s contact info and urge them to pressure the conference committee to adopt the Senate’s Bill. If you can, please attend tonight’s 7:30pm Milford Freedom Rally for Sensible Marijuana Regulation, Draper Park, Milford, MA 01757.

The Massachusetts House approved its repeal and rewrite of Question 4 legalizing Cannabis. You can find how your legislator voted at the end of this post.
Differences between the House bill and Question 4 include:
The Senate approved its bill on Thursday, which used the Question 4 language and did not change the tax on Cannabis or remove citizen control over banning sale or production of Cannabis. MassCANN/NORML is urging voters to support the Senate Bill.
The House and Senate will need to reconcile their bills by their self-imposed deadline of June 30th.
Today, please find your House legislator’s contact info and urge them to pressure the conference committee to adopt the Senate’s Bill. If you can, please attend tonight’s 7:30pm Milford Freedom Rally for Sensible Marijuana Regulation, Draper Park, Milford, MA 01757.