Here are the slides from last Saturday’s cryptoparty at the Somerville Public Library:
Also, the Free Software Foundation‘s Email Self-Defense is a helpful tutorial to using GnuPG with your Email client. It is available for Linux, MacOS & Windows. This OpenPGP Best Practices document is also helpful.
With Tor, be sure to never login to servers with an account that was created outside of Tor, it will reveal who you are if only for that session on Tor.
A big thanks to the Somerville Public Library for hosting this cryptoparty as well as Kevin O’Kelly, Steve Revilak, Noelani Kamelamela and James O’Keefe for making it possible.
If you missed this cryptoparty, we have three more coming up:
- On Saturday, Jan. 17th, 4-5:15pm, Captain James will show convention participants how to use GPG to secure your email at Arisia, New England’s largest science fiction and fantasy convention. It will be in the Independence room at the Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston. The only cost is admission to the convention.
- On Wednesday, Feb. 4th, Quartermaster Steve and Al Willis will demonstrate packet sniffing and PGP at the Boston Desktop Linux Users Group.
- Finally, on Saturday, Feb. 14th, 11am-3pm, we will hold our first Cryptoparty in Western Massachusetts. It will be at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center, 100 Bigelow Street, Holyoke, MA. The snow date is Feb 21st.
After the Western Massachusetts cryptoparty, we will go to a restaurant and talk about building the Pirate Party in Western Massachusetts. If you have any suggestions for places to eat, please add them in the comments.
Also, the Free Software Foundation‘s Email Self-Defense is a helpful tutorial to using GnuPG with your Email client. It is available for Linux, MacOS & Windows. This OpenPGP Best Practices document is also helpful.
With Tor, be sure to never login to servers with an account that was created outside of Tor, it will reveal who you are if only for that session on Tor.
A big thanks to the Somerville Public Library for hosting this cryptoparty as well as Kevin O’Kelly, Steve Revilak, Noelani Kamelamela and James O’Keefe for making it possible.
If you missed this cryptoparty, we have three more coming up:
After the Western Massachusetts cryptoparty, we will go to a restaurant and talk about building the Pirate Party in Western Massachusetts. If you have any suggestions for places to eat, please add them in the comments.