Cryptoparty Main Topic

Cryptoparty, Wednesday, 6-9pm

The next Somerville cryptoparty will be this Wednesday, November 25th. It will be from 6-9pm at Parts and Crafts, 577 Somerville Ave, Somerville, MA 02143.

Since it is the day before Thanksgiving, we will likely keep it low key.  It will have key signing and there will be people who are happy to answer your computer and networking security questions. We will also figure out when the next few Somerville cryptoparties will be there.  It is BYOB and there will be snacks.  Hope you can make it!

If you want to help out with this or other cryptoparties in New England, join our email list. You can sign up at  Anyone who wants to organize cryptoparties and share ideas for making them better, even non-Pirates, is welcome to join.

Please note that photography and video recording of participants is not allowed at cryptoparties without their permission.

Help promote it locally with one of these flyers:

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